
  • 网络Channel quality
  1. 渠道质量的评价方法

    The Estimate Method of Channel Quality

  2. 渠道关系质量、渠道关系行为与经销商绩效之间的关系研究联系总部、首相、厂商的渠道。

    Research on Relationship between Channel Relationship Quality , Channel Relationship Behavior and Dealer Performance ;

  3. 近几年来,渠道关系质量、渠道行为逐渐成为渠道关系营销研究中非常关键的领域,其相关的研究也正在日益蓬勃的发展。

    In recent years , relationship quality and relationship behavior have become the core field of channel relationship marketing researches .

  4. 最后,论文对IT企业如何提升渠道关系质量,提出了一些建议。

    Finally , the papers on how to improve relationship between the IT enterprise marketing channels made a number of recommendations .

  5. 为了解答上述问题,推动实践发展,本文从理论和实证两个方面对我国生鲜农产品营销中的渠道关系质量问题进行了研究。

    To answer these questions , and promote the development of practice , Chinese fresh agricultural products marketing channel relationship quality was studied from the theoretical and empirical two aspects .

  6. 然后,对渠道关系质量的维度、渠道关系质量的影响因素、渠道关系质量与渠道合作的关系进行了分析。

    Then , the dimensions of channel relationship quality , the influence factors of channel relationship quality , and the relationship between channel relationship quality and channel cooperation was analyzed .

  7. 通过对渠道关系质量与渠道冲突进行相关分析,结果显示渠道关系质量的信任和承诺因子与渠道冲突观念和冲突行为皆表现为显著负相关关系。

    Through the correlation analysis on the quality of channel relationships and channel conflicts , it showed that the trust and commitment factors of the quality of channel relationships are manifested as a significant negative correlation .

  8. 通过以上方法和相关理论的运用和研究,得出了以下研究结果:(1)在本研究中,渠道关系质量仅包括信任和承诺两个维度。

    Through the above methods and the using of relevant theory and research , reached the following results : ( 1 ) In this study , the quality of channel relationships only includes the trust and commitment two dimensions .

  9. 本文针对我国企业目前的状况,提出了企业如何建立信息数据分析渠道和质量指标的方法,阐明了信息流对企业全面质量管理的影响与作用机制。

    Based on the current situation of the enterprises in our country , this paper proposes a method on how to build up the information analysis channel and the quality guide line , and expounds the impact of information stream on enterprise total quality management ( TQM ) .

  10. 梯形弧底混凝土衬砌渠道的施工质量控制

    Construction Quality Control of the Trapezoidal Concrete Lining Channel with Curved Bottom

  11. 规范药品进货渠道保证药品质量至关重要。

    The normal purchasing and the quality of the drug are extremely important .

  12. 汾河灌区冬季渠道衬砌建设质量控制探讨

    Probe into Quality Control of Canal Lining Constructed in Winter in Fenhe Irrigation District

  13. 最后,论文提出了提高渠道的关系质量相关建议。

    Finally , the paper puts forward relative suggestions on improving the quality of the relationship of both channels .

  14. 结论1998年贵州省威宁县爆发流行中所分离的伤寒菌具有多重耐药性。规范药品进货渠道保证药品质量至关重要。

    Conclusion [ WT5BZ ] Multiple drug resistance in the strain seperated in a fulminant epidemic of typhoid in Weining county of Guizhou province in 1998.The normal purchasing and the quality of the drug are extremely important .

  15. 她说,NationLink通过创造就业机会、提供获取信息的渠道和改善生活质量,帮助带来和平与发展。

    She says NationLink helps bring peace and development by creating jobs , providing access to information and improving quality of life .

  16. 结果:药品进货渠道清晰,药品质量有了保证;

    Results The channel of purchasing drug was clear and quality of drug was ensured .

  17. 药物流通渠道与其价格及质量有密切关系。

    There was a close relationship between flow channels and prize , and quality of drugs .

  18. 影响力的有无与强弱,受到创意水平、渠道平台、内容质量等因素的制约。

    Its influence is restricted by the major factors such as creative level , channel platforms and content quality .

  19. 渠道权力与关系质量、团结的研究&关系质量的中介作用

    Study about Channel Power and Relationship Quality , Solidarity in Marketing Channels : the Mediation effect of Relationship Quality

  20. 由于服务水平协议通常把注意力放在,软件交货后的表现,外部渠道获得的软件质量,很难得到控制。

    The quality of externally supplied software is difficult to control , since service level agreements usually focus on post-delivery performance .

  21. 运用关系管理做好供应商的管理工作,稳定供货渠道,提高供货质量;

    To use relation management to do a good job of the supplier 's management , make the supply channel steady , Improve quality of supplying ;

  22. 在此基础上,形成了本文的基本内容:(一)对营销渠道理论、关系质量理论和国内生鲜农产品营销的相关研究进行了系统的回顾和归纳。

    On this basis , formed the basic content of this article : First , the theory of marketing channels , the theory of relationship quality and domestic fresh agricultural products marketing research has been systematically reviewed and summarized .

  23. 与传统清淤机械相比,具有可进沟作业,不受沟渠护坡林木的影响,机动性好的优点,作业质量完全满足黄灌区排灌渠道清淤作业的质量要求。

    In contrast with traditional cleaner , it can work in the ditches and without being influenced by forest defence , besides , its flexibility is excellent and the work quality reaches entirely the need of clearing ditches in the irrigation area along the Yellow River .

  24. 营销渠道权力对渠道关系质量影响的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Marketing Channel Power on Channel Relationship Quality

  25. 虽然营销学者一致认为渠道公平能够抑制冲突,提升渠道关系质量,但是对于造成渠道冲突并严重影响渠道关系稳定的罪魁祸首&投机主义行为是否同样产生抑制作用?目前没有学者给出明确的答案。

    Although marketing scholars have agreed that the fair can inhibit channel conflict , enhance channel relationships and quality , but for the culprit-opportunism , causing a serious impaction on channel conflict and channel stable relationship , whether fairness can produce the same on it ?

  26. 检验结果表明:制造商渠道冲突行为和强制性权力的使用对渠道的关系质量均有显著负向影响;而非强制性权力的使用对渠道的关系质量具有显著正向影响。

    The results show that : manufacturers ' channel conflict behavior and the use of the mandatory rights have a significant negative influence on the relationship quality ; not mandatory use of the power has significantly positive effect on channel relationship quality .

  27. 并提出渠道冲突、渠道强制性和非强制性权力使用三种渠道行为对关系质量,即满意度、关系承诺和关系信任三个维度影响的理论假设。

    At the same time , it puts forward channel behaviors which include the channel conflict , channel mandatory and not mandatory use of the power influence on the relationship quality satisfaction , relationship commitment and relationship trust three dimensions of the impact theory hypothesis .