
  1. 使用CPM渠道做广告建立品牌知名度,但是在可以盈利的前提下。

    Advertise using CPM channels to build brand recognition , but put profitability before brand recognition .

  2. 第三章我从产品、品牌、渠道、广告等方面详细描述了上海通用汽车的营销策略,其中对品牌和促销策有所侧重。

    The third chapter describes particularly its tactics from product , brand , channel and advertisements , with emphasis on brand and sales promotion .

  3. 通常人们较为注重面向旅游者的直接渠道旅游广告,而往往忽视旅游中间商与旅游产品生产商之间的间接渠道旅游广告。

    People always pay much attention to advertising in the direct channel to the end user , but neglect advertising between tourism suppliers and intermediaries in the indirect marketing channel .

  4. 关键在于充分发挥其传统电购渠道的广告优势,带动传统渠道和网络渠道的销售,为该公司的进一步发展扫清渠道障碍,同时也给其他电购公司的渠道建设和发展带来借鉴。

    The key is to give full play to its traditional power purchase advertising channels advantage , promote the traditional channels and Internet channels of sales and to help TVS company make further development , which will also give reference to other TV shopping companies .

  5. 营销管理,渠道管理,广告学,现代推销学等。

    Marketing Management , Channel Management , Advertising , Modern Selling .

  6. 在对消费者和零售商调研的基础上,分别提出了产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和广告促销策略。

    The strategies of product , price , place and promotion are devised in this chapter .

  7. 营销管理,经销商行为与渠道管理,广告与品牌,销售管理与人员推销等。

    Marketing Management , Distributor Behavior and Channel Management , Advertising and Brand , Sales Management and Personal Selling .

  8. 同时,提供了一个完整的正式商用营销策略,涉及对终端策略、价格策略、渠道策略、广告宣传策略。

    At the same time , provides a complete formal commercial marketing strategy , involving to terminal strategy , price strategy , channel strategy , advertising strategy .

  9. 在与消费者的沟通过程中如何准确运用户外媒体传达产品定位的差异化信息,吸引消费者的注意并与其建立情感沟通渠道是户外广告成功的关键所在。

    Accurately use of outdoor media to convey differentiated product positioning in the process of communication , to attract the attention of consumers and to establish an emotional communication channels is the key to growing up .

  10. 本文首先构建了一个企业整体营销效果体系,这个效果体系分别由营销团队效果,渠道效果、广告效果、服务效果、公关效果、终端效果和销售效果这7个子效果所组成。

    First , this article constructs a system of marketing effectiveness which consists of 7 sub effectiveness such as marketing team effectiveness , marketing channel effectiveness , advertisement effectiveness , service effectiveness , public relation effectiveness , sales terminal effectiveness and sale effectiveness .

  11. 主要研究分析OTC药品的包装、品牌、渠道、终端、广告、促销等方面的问题。

    These chapters mainly research and analyze such questions as the brands , channels , packaging , advertising and sales promotion , etc , of the OTC drugs .

  12. 按营销的4P理论,地市级移动公司重点在渠道、促销、广告上所适用的营销策略。

    According to Marketing Theory of 4Ps ( Product , Price , Place , Promotion ), the Municipal Mobile Company should focus on the channel , promotion , advertising and apply appropriate marketing strategies .

  13. 间接渠道营销的旅游广告研究

    Research on Tourism Advertising in Indirect Channel

  14. 雷表示,对任何品牌来说,要在其他渠道达到这样的广告效果,需要花上5万到25万美元。

    Such campaigns cost anywhere from $ 50000 to $ 250000 for brands , Wray says .

  15. 手机与移动互联网的结合正成为人们获取信息的重要渠道,而移动广告也在这种背景下取得快速的发展。

    With the development of combination in mobile phone and wireless Internet access , which has become an increasingly important way for people to acquire information , mobile advertising has made great advances .