
  1. 媒体的社会责任与广告营销

    Media 's Social Responsibilities and ADs ' Marketing

  2. 广告在实现其经济目的的同时,也承担着重要的社会伦理责任。强调广告的社会伦理责任是和谐社会思想道德建设的需要,是树立良好的企业形象的需要。

    It is necessary to stress the social and moral duty of advertisement in constructing a harmonious society and setting a good image for an enterprise .

  3. 由于广告的相关法律法规不完善,广告主体缺乏法律意识和社会责任感,虚假广告发布的媒体越来越广泛,且出现了高层化倾向;

    On account of the imperfect advertising laws , and the shortage of the lawful consciousness and the sense of social responsibility in the advertising subjects , the media releases deceptive advertising and more and more extensive , and their layer is higher and higher ;