
  • 网络social psychology model
  1. 论品德心理结构的社会心理模式

    On the social psychological model of the psychological structure of morality

  2. 公共卫生管理、监控与疾病防治很大程度上依赖于信息传递,这已成为国内外专家的共识。随着生物社会心理医学模式的转变,医药卫生工作的任务更加明确。

    Public health management and the prevention and care of disease depend on transferring information .

  3. 在此背景下,传统的生物医学模式逐步转变为现代社会心理生物医学模式。

    On this background , traditional biomedical model has been being replaced by modern bio-social-psycho-medical model .

  4. 但随着生物医学模式向生物社会心理医学模式的转变,人们已经越来越意识到心理社会因素在疾病的发生、发展和转归中起着重要作用。

    But with the biomedical model changing to biopsychosocial medical model , it has been more and more aware of psychological and social factors in the occurrence of diseases and development plays an important role in .

  5. 结论社区卫生服务机构通过提供社会心理生物模式的全科医疗服务、健康教育、与三级医院建立双向转诊制度等方法,改变患者的就医模式是有效和可行的。

    Conclusion It is effective and viable for community health service institutions to change patients ' health service seeking patterns through providing social-psychological-biological community medical services , enhancing health education and setting up a two-way referral system with third-tier hospitals .

  6. 二十一世纪医学科学的方向将向整体化、综合化、多元化发展,医学模式从传统的生物医学模式已经转向生物-社会-心理医学模式。

    Medical sciences in the 21st century have developed from the initial biological stage to an integrated , comprehensive ones characterized by the model of biomedicine , social medicine , and psychological medicine .

  7. 心理干预现(调节情志)的观点与代医学所说的社会-心理-医学模式不谋而合。

    Psychological intervention now ( adjust gentle disposition ) point of view and the medical said social mental state-medical model completely .

  8. 通过强调城市空间作为社会关系和社会心理模式参与叙事的功能,乔伊斯表现了一个死气沉沉的城市的整体形象。

    By emphasizing the narrative function of city space as certain modes of social relations and social psychology , Joyce presented the integral image of a lifeless city .

  9. 二是作为社会认同与心理依恋模式,偶像崇拜是一种以人物为核心的社会学习和依恋,它具有直接性模仿、全盘性接受、沉湎式依恋等特征。

    On the other hand , as a social identity and attachment , idol worship is a person-focused social learning and attachment mode , which characterize by direct modeling , total acceptance , pre-occupied attachment .

  10. 浅谈中医专业学生的医学影像学实习教学这当中,医学进展也已由生物医学模式,转为社会-心理-生物医学模式。

    Experience of intern training program of medical imaging for traditional chinese medicine major The advancements of medical science have transformed traditional medicine practices from pure biological perspective models to more sociological , psychological , and biological models .

  11. 因发生上述症状即有生物学因素、也有社会心理因素,更年期情感障碍是典型的社会心理医学模式。

    Since the symptoms of perimenopausal depressive disorder not only involve with biological factors , but also social factors , therefore , it is a typical social-psychological-medical pattern .