
  • 网络socialist bank
  1. 而“本土化”银行则在90年代和本世纪早期抓住机遇,当时,拉美坏账危机导致银行廉价出售,而东欧社会主义的垮台导致银行私有化。

    The " gone native " banks seized unique opportunities in the1990s and2000s as Latin America sold off banks after bad-debt crises and Eastern Europe privatized after communism 's fall .

  2. 文章认为股份公司既可以被资本主义利用,也可以被社会主义利用,正如银行能被资本主义和社会主义利用一样。

    The writer points out that the stock company not only has taken advantage of Capitalism , but also of Socialism , as same as bank , can be used by both economic systems .