
tōnɡ zhī yín hánɡ
  • advising bank;notifying bank
  1. 利息按月支付。提款须提前3个月通知银行。

    Interest is paid monthly . Three months ' notice is required for withdrawals

  2. 你可以通知银行,允许第三方从你的账户取款。

    You can instruct your bank to allow a third party to remove money from your account .

  3. 我们将通知银行用电报修改信用证。

    We will instruct our banker to amend the credit telegraphically .

  4. 提款须提前3个月通知银行。

    Three months ' notice is required for withdrawals .

  5. 客户从账户上取款,要提前通知银行。

    You can withdraw money from a deposit account by giving notice to the bank .

  6. 要通知银行你的税号以避免缴纳高利息税。

    The duty sign that should notice a bank you grows with avoiding pay usury duty .

  7. 他通知银行仅凭他签发的支票记入他存款的借方。

    He instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of checks drawn by himself .

  8. 书面通知银行或者其他金融机构从其存款中扣缴税款;

    Written notifications to banks or other financial organizations to withhold tax payments from deposits of the concerned parties ;

  9. 第二天,贝尔通知银行证券交易委员会如果不采取行动的话它将会破产。

    The next day , Bear informed the Securities and Exchange Commission that it would fail if nothing was done .

  10. 他可以通过电脑通知银行将要转帐的户头转入收款人的户头。

    And he notifies the bank electronically to transfer the appropriate sum from his account to the payee 's account .

  11. 到了周三周四的时候,公司的人开始说:赶快通知银行、修改你的密码、开一个新的支票账户。

    Around Wednesday or Thursday , people started saying : call your bank , change your passwords , set up a new checking account .

  12. 另外,转账可以直接在证券公司或网上通过实际操作转,不能直接通过电话通知银行转账吧!

    Additional , turn Zhang can pass real operation to turn on stockjobber or net directly , cannot inform through the phone the bank turns directly zhang !

  13. 8月,银监会通知银行,以这种方式从资产负债表移走的贷款必须在明你年底之前挪回资产负债表。

    In August , the CBRC told banks that loans moved off their balance sheets up to that point must be returned by the end of next year .

  14. (一)对应当归还的罚款或者应当给付的赔偿金,通知银行从该行政机关的帐户内划拨;

    Informing the bank to transfer from the administrative organ 's account the amount of the fine that should be returned or the damages that should be paid ;

  15. 倘本信用状之通知银行为贵行在美国之任何代理银行或通汇银行,本公司授权贵行决定接受该美国式保单。

    If this credit is to be advised through an agency or correspondent bank in USA , you are authorized to accept at your sole discretion American Institute clauses insurance policies .

  16. 各成员应迅速采取必要的行动,使本章各项规定在其境内生效,并将已采取的行动通知银行。

    Each member shall promptly take such action as is necessary to make effective in its own territory the provisions set forth in this Chapter and shall inform the Bank of the action which it has taken .

  17. 银行向开证申请人征询是否放弃不符点,然后通知B银行接受或是拒绝不符点。

    Bank A will then inform Bank B of acceptance or rejection of the discrepancies after seeking a waiver from the applicant .

  18. 我们将通知中国银行开出保证书。

    We will instruct the Bank of China to issue a Letter of Guarantee .

  19. 有些人这星期通知美国银行他们要关闭在该银行的帐户。

    And others notified Bank of America of their plans to divest this week .

  20. 履行合同,买方通知当地银行(开征行)为其账户开立以海外卖方为受益人的信用证。

    To fulfill the contract , the buyer arranges with his bank to open a letter of credit for his account in favor of the overseas seller .

  21. 通知包括UPS银行帐号和路线指示。

    The notification includes the UPS bank account and routing instructions .

  22. 我们的确认后,通知你进行银行转帐支付。

    We confirmed , notify you westernunion payments .

  23. 他们用航空邮件通知澳大利亚的银行支付一千英镑。

    By airmail they notify the bank in Australia that $ 1000 may be withdrawn .

  24. 监管机构可以在恰当时候发出追加保证金通知,促使银行筹集更多股本。

    The regulator could induce them to raise more equity by making a margin call at the appropriate time .

  25. 一经收到通知,花旗银行将注销准入卡和/或密码,并且可能注销该识别信息。

    Upon receipt of notification Citibank will cancel the Access Card and / or Code , and may cancel the Identifier .

  26. 未于下一个星期一发出拒付通知,A银行将无权宣称单据不符。

    Failure to send the refusal notice by the following Monday will preclude Bank A from claiming that the documents are discrepant .

  27. 通知修改的银行应当通知向其发出修改书的银行任何有关接受或拒绝接受修改的通知。

    D.A bank that advises an amendment should inform the bank from which it received the amendment of any notification of acceptance or rejection .

  28. 根据你方开立不可撤销信用证的要求,我方已经通知中国工商银行开立金额为10万人民币的信用证,你方为受益人,有效期至4月2日。

    Complying with your request for opening an irrevocable L / C , we have instructed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to open a credit for ¥ 100000 in your favor , valid until April 2 .

  29. B银行可以代表A银行发出拒付通知,或者B银行也有资格作为被指定银行拒付。

    Such notice of refusal can be given by Bank B on behalf of Bank A or as a refusal of Bank B in its capacity as a nominated bank .

  30. 无需通知即可取款的银行储蓄。

    A bank deposit from which withdrawals can be made without notice .