
  • 网络Foreign exchange bank;KEB
  1. 中国银行本周一宣布已于当日清晨首笔跨境贸易币结算,该行是中国最大的外汇银行。

    The Bank of China ( BOC ), China 's largest foreign exchange bank , announced Monday that it had transacted the first cross-border yuan trade settlement deal Monday morning .

  2. 经指定外汇银行认可

    Approval by an authorized foreign exchange bank

  3. 今年2月份,作为中国最大的外汇银行,中国银行(BoC)取消了一种规模7500万美元的海外投资产品,原因是投资者需求不足。当时该产品推出刚5个月。

    In February Bank of China , the country 's largest foreign exchange lender , pulled a $ 75m offshore investment product off the market after just five months because of tepid investor demand .

  4. 您妹妹有外汇银行账号吗?

    Has your sister got a foreign currency bank account ?

  5. 请你们自己在议付时从韩国外汇银行大连分行要求偿付。

    Pls reimburse yourselves from Korea Exchange Bank Dalian branch at the time of negotiation .

  6. 买入汇率:外汇银行和经纪人同意购买外汇的汇率。

    Buying rate of exchange : the rate at which foreign exchange Banks and Brokers agree to Buy foreign currency .

  7. 外汇指定银行可按议定汇率,对客户买卖外汇。

    Designated forex banks could deal with their clients at an agreed rate .

  8. 当前山东省外汇指定银行贸易融资状况分析及对策选择

    Analysis on the Development of Trade Finance of Designated Foreign Exchange Banks in Shandong Province

  9. 请各外汇指定银行按照相关要求进行备案申请。

    All the designated foreign exchange banks shall apply for lodgment in accordance with the relevant requirements .

  10. 卖给外汇指定银行的,须经外汇管理机关批准。

    These receipts can be sold to the designated foreign exchange banks upon the approval by the exchange control agencies .

  11. 人民币贷款行仅限于境内中资外汇指定银行总行,以及经其授权的分支行。

    RMB lending banks are only confined to headquarters of domestic designated China-funded foreign exchange banks and their authorized branches and sub-branches .

  12. 韩国周日采取了迄今最大规模的举措,应对试图获得外汇的银行及企业所面临的日渐严重的问题。

    South Korea on Sunday took its biggest steps yet to deal with growing problems facing banks and business trying to obtain foreign currency .

  13. 如果注册会计师直接到外汇指定银行询证,外汇指定银行应当在当日予以回复。

    If the certified accountant directly goes to the designated foreign exchange bank for inquiry , the bank shall make the reply on that exact day .

  14. 发展中国家应推行金融自由化的金融改革,取消对利率、外汇和银行的控制,促进金融市场的充分竞争。

    Therefore , the developing countries should reform financial system , call off controlling over interest rate , foreign exchange and bank to motivate full competition in financial market .

  15. 量子基金等有能力对从外汇到银行股或黄金等各类品种押注的“宏观”对冲基金,如今在整个对冲基金界占据的份额较以往小得多。

    " Macro " hedge funds such as quantum , able to bet on anything from currencies to bank stocks or gold , now make up a much smaller chunk of the overall hedge fund world .

  16. 外汇指定银行可以为毗邻国家与我国边贸企业之间进行边境贸易的企业或者其他贸易机构开立可兑换货币结算帐户或者人民币结算帐户办理边境贸易结算。

    The designated foreign banks may open convertible currency settlement accounts or RMB settlement accounts for the enterprises or other business institutions of neighboring countries engaged in border trade with the border trade enterprises of our country .

  17. 32.中国代表进一步指出,自1994年1月1日起,外汇指定银行成为外汇交易的主体。(六)具备外汇指定银行资格和经营人民币业务资格;

    32 . The representative of China further noted that since 1 January 1994 , designated forex banks had become major participants in forex transactions . ( 6 ) No material breach of foreign exchange regulations for the recent three years .

  18. 外汇指定银行自身涉外收入和对外款无需进行国际收支统计间接申报,但须进行金融机构境外资产、负债及损益申报。

    As for its own foreign-related revenues and foreign payment , the authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange need not make indirect reports of statistics of balance of payments , but shall make the reports of overseas assets , liabilities , profits and losses of financial institution .

  19. 这将确保外汇及银行间市场顺利运转,并惠及全球,因为非美国央行将能在自己管辖范围内向金融机构提供美元;同时,美国融资市场的压力也将得到缓解。

    This will ensure a smooth functioning of the foreign exchange and interbank markets and will be of global benefit as non-US central banks will be able to provide dollars to financial institutions in their jurisdictions ; at the same time , pressure will be relieved on US funding markets .

  20. 到1991年,随着印度用光外汇,世界银行(worldbank)便乘机迫使它放弃了指令经济模式。

    Then , in 1991 , with India running out of foreign exchange , the World Bank forced it to abandon its controlled economy .

  21. 在周三发布的一份声明中,俄罗斯央行(BankofRussia)表示,会向为俄大型出口商提供外汇贷款的银行出借美元和欧元,作为贷款的抵押。

    In a statement published on Wednesday , the Bank of Russia said it would lend dollars and euros to banks putting up foreign currency loans to big exporters as collateral .

  22. 乌克兰总理季莫申科(YuliaTymoshenko)对记者表示,乌克兰需要IMF的资金来充实其外汇储备和银行的资本金。

    Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko told reporters the country needed IMF funds to strengthen its foreign-currency reserves and its banks'capital .

  23. 论远期外汇合同中银行与其客户之间的法律关系

    On Legal Relationships between Banks and their Clients in Future Foreign Exchange Contracts

  24. 熟悉政府外汇管理、银行相关法律法规,拥有外汇核销员证。

    Comprehensive understanding of government foreign currency and banking regulations , holder of certified foreign currency verifier .

  25. “开户金融机构”是指经批准经营外汇业务的银行和非银行金融机构。

    Financial institutions of deposit refers to banks and non-bank financial institutions having a foreign exchange business license .

  26. 但这一次,对于四家被控违反外汇规定的银行,将由其母公司认罪。

    But with the four banks charged with currency violations , the guilty pleas will come from their parent companies .

  27. 这包括外汇基金的银行存款,以及持有由香港公营机构发行的债务证券。

    This comprises bank deposits and investments in debt securities issued by public sector entities in Hong Kong held by the exchange fund .

  28. 鼓励外国合营者将可汇出的外汇存入中国银行。

    A foreign party is encouraged to deposit in the Bank of China any part of foreign exchange which he is entitled to remit abroad .

  29. 大卫布卢姆,外汇首席汇丰银行表示,美元遭到越来越担心美国的信贷紧缩,以及可能产生的连锁影响,通过债券市场。

    David Bloom , currency chief at HSBC , said the dollar had fallen victim to growing fears of a US credit crunch , and likely knock-on effects through debt markets .

  30. 全球最大的外汇交易商德意志银行也在周三对几名美洲交易员做了停职处理,其中至少有一名交易员系从事阿根廷比索交易的人员。

    Also Wednesday , it emerged that Deutsche Bank , the world 's largest currencies dealer , has suspended several traders in the Americas , at least one of them a trader in the Argentine peso .