
  • 网络Foreign Aid
  1. 额外的1000万英镑外国援助款项已得到保证。

    An extra £ 10 million in foreign aid has been promised .

  2. 世界银行(worldbank)的一项最新研究发现,在帮助贫穷家庭实现经济富足方面,针对创业活动的微型企业投资比传统的外国援助更为有效。

    A recent World Bank study has found that micro-enterprise investment for entrepreneurial activities is much more successful in helping poor families achieve economic prosperity than traditional foreign aid .

  3. 为今年9月二十国集团匹兹堡峰会撰写的一篇文章保护发展:全球衰退背景下低收入国家面临的挑战(pdf格式)指出,很多脆弱国家倚重商品出口、汇款、外国援助以及紧急和安全援助。

    Many fragile states are heavily dependent on commodity exports , remittances , foreign aid and emergency and security assistance .

  4. 共和党众议员莱恩·保罗(RonPaul)反对美国参与任何国外行动,包括外国援助方面,他呼吁美国军队从阿富汗撤退。

    Congressman Ron Paul , who s all US involvement abroad , including foreign aid , called for a withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan .

  5. 据NPR新闻的肖恩·卡伯里从阿富汗首都带来的报道,犯罪率上涨的原因是人口增长及对未来外国援助不确定性的担忧。

    From Afghan capital , NPR 's Sean Carberry reports the rise is attributed to a growing population and to uncertainty about foreign aid in the future .

  6. 他还说,几乎没有外国援助具有在非洲大陆推广SciELO类型的网站这样的影响力。

    Few forms of foreign aid would make as much of an impact as facilitating a SciELO-type site across the continent , he adds .

  7. Hashimi表示,犯罪率上升的原因除了对明年之后国际部队是否会继续留在阿富汗的不确定性以及外国援助是否撤回的担忧,持续的高失业率、贫困和失学同样是首都犯罪率攀升的主要原因。

    In addition to the uncertainty over whether international troops will remain in the country after next year and whether foreign aid withdraw , Hashimi says the persistent high levels of unemployment poverty and illiteracy are also major drivers of crime in capital .

  8. 外国援助对我国经济发展模式的影响

    Impact of Aid to China towards Economic Development Model of China

  9. 可悲的是,外国援助往往具有同样的效果。

    Sadly , foreign aid often has a similar effect .

  10. 这是外国援助项目史上的最低开支

    the lowest in the history of any foreign assistance program

  11. 凯尔索说,外国援助应当更为审慎地针对目标。

    Kelso says foreign assistance should be more carefully targeted .

  12. 该政权是靠外国援助维持着的。

    The regime had been propped up by foreign aid .

  13. 地震发生后,外国援助队立即向中方提出援助请求。

    Foreign countries'rescue group offered aid request as soon as earthquake took place .

  14. 要是不增加外国援助,更多人就会死亡。

    Many more will die unless there is an increase in foreign aid .

  15. 这也颠覆了人们对外国援助的看法。

    And it has turned conventional thinking about foreign aid on its head .

  16. 急需外国援助来缓解旱灾的影响。

    Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects of the drought .

  17. 与外界隔绝的缅甸军政府一直受到国际压力,要求它接受更多的外国援助。

    Burma 's reclusive government is under international pressure to allow more outside assistance .

  18. 阿富汗政府正在重新考虑对外国援助工作者的保护。

    Afghanistan 's government is reviewing protection for foreign aid workers in the country .

  19. 外国援助计划经常受到仔细审查与分析。

    Foreign-aid programs face constant scrutiny and analysis .

  20. 这些援助机构说,外国援助款占阿富汗所有公共支出的90%。

    The aid groups say those foreign funds account for90 percent of all public spending .

  21. 但是由于商品价格正在下跌,他们现在对外国援助的依赖度更高。

    But falling commodity prices mean they now depend more than ever on foreign aid .

  22. 乌克兰需要它能够得到的一切外国援助,但这种援助应该是协调的。

    Ukraine needs all the foreign aid it can get , but it should be co-ordinated .

  23. 中国还可以立即变成一个捐赠国,而不再是一个外国援助接受国。

    It could also immediately cease being a recipient of foreign assistance and become a donor .

  24. 但海地65%的国家预算依然依赖外国援助。

    But Haiti still depends on foreign aid for over 65 % of the state budget .

  25. 和条件适当的外国援助。

    And suitably conditioned foreign aid .

  26. 以外国援助形式进行的大规模资金转移,实际上是一种历史反常现象。

    Large-scale transfers , in the form of foreign aid , are actually a historical anomaly .

  27. 不管怎么样,这本书提出了关于如何改革外国援助的一套有建设性的方案。

    Still , the book articulates a constructive set of ideas about how to reform foreign aid .

  28. 但是他们不想在2020年之后继续接受任何类型的外国援助

    But they don 't want to take any foreign assistance from anybody to do anything after 2020

  29. 美国政府给了埃塞俄比亚几百万美元的外国援助和一些不合法的武器装备。

    The United States gives Ethiopia millions of dollars of foreign aid and some nonlethal military equipment .

  30. 并不是公司投资,甚至也不是外国援助,而是汇款。

    is not corporate investment , and it 's not even foreign aid . It 's remittances .