
jì shù yuán zhù
  • technical assistance
  1. 他们仅仅是在提供技术援助。

    They are offering merely technical assistance .

  2. WIPO为这些活动提供技术援助。

    WIPO is providing technical assistance for this purpose .

  3. 日本对华ODA的主要形式有日元贷款、无偿援助和技术援助。

    Japanese ODA to china include Japanese yen loan , grants and technical assistance .

  4. 陈修洪表示,他得到了法国鹅肝生产商lecanarddumidi公司的技术援助。

    Mr Chen says he received technical assistance from a French foie gras producer , Le canard du Midi .

  5. UNDP是世界上最大的多边技术援助机构。

    UNDP is the largest multilateral technical aid agency in the world .

  6. 前美国航天局空间科学探索项目负责人艾伦·斯特恩(AlanStern)目前任职于为航天产业提供技术援助的西南研究院。

    So says former NASA executive Alan Stern , now with the Southwest Research Institute , which offers technical assistance to the aerospace industry .

  7. 国际贷币基金组织(IMF)的一份工作报告估算,2004和2005年间,包括技术援助在内的(中国)年均官方开发援助总额可能高达约10亿至15亿美元。

    An International Monetary Fund working paper estimates official development assistance , including technical assistance , could be about $ 1bn - $ 1.5bn annually in 2004 and 2005 .

  8. 为帮助审议GATT项下和此类法律文件项下涉及的问题,委员会可提供适当的技术援助。

    For the purposes of aiding consideration of the issues involved , under the GATT and such instruments , the Committee may provide such technical assistance as may be appropriate .

  9. 专家们还建议,IMF向某些国家提供双边技术援助时,可以考虑收取部分费用,不过他们也表示,应谨慎制定收费计划,以确保穷国能够继续受益于IMF的帮助。

    The experts also advised that the IMF consider charging for the bilateral technical assistance it provides to countries , although they said any such charging scheme should be carefully designed to ensure poor countries continued to benefit from IMF help .

  10. 就技术援助以及wipo提供技术援助工作的组织而言,该代表团建议与其他联合国组织合作工作。

    In the context of technical assistance and on the organization of wipo 's work on providing technical assistance , the delegation suggested to work on cooperating with other UN organizations .

  11. 本项技术援助将由基金(Gemloc)管理机构提供的“发展费”资助。

    This technical assistance will be funded by a " development fee " from the fund manager .

  12. 这一技术援助工具称为MPOWER,由六项经证明的政策措施组成,分别体现该公约的一或多项条款。

    This technical assistance tool , called MPOWER , consists of six proven policy measures reflecting one or more provisions of the treaty .

  13. Collier和Chauvet在他们的研究中对那些只向脆弱国家提供脱离困境的技术援助的捐赠机构提出了警告。

    In their study , Collier and Chauvet warn against the donor community simply providing technical assistance to the fragile states to help get them out of their situation .

  14. 世卫组织还答应提供技术援助,并随时准备协助实验室之间的合作,以帮助那些没有能力检测不寻常的大肠杆菌血清群O104的国家。

    WHO has also offered technical assistance and stands ready to facilitate collaboration between laboratories to assist countries without the capacity to detect the unusual E.coli serogroup O104 .

  15. 该报告是由公共-私营基础设施咨询基金(PPIAF)资助的,该基金是一个多捐助方的技术援助基金,重点关注改善基础设施服务。

    This report was funded by the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility ( PPIAF ), a multi-donor technical assistance facility focused on improving infrastructure services .

  16. 首先它想谈谈技术援助。

    First of all , it wished to mention technical assistance .

  17. 世卫组织向国家控制规划提供支持和技术援助。

    WHO provides support and technical assistance to national control programmes .

  18. 加勒比集团经济发展合作技术援助指导委员会

    Steering Committee on Technical Assistance of the Caribbean Group for Cooperation

  19. 公开提供技术援助顾问花名册。

    To make publicly available roster of consultants for technical assistance .

  20. 技术援助和制造协定协助实施公司制度/规范

    Technical assistance and manufacturing agreement Support implementation of corporate policies / practices

  21. 它的技术援助能释放各个经济体中未得到充分挖掘的潜能。

    Its technical assistance can unleash the underutilized potential of domestic economies .

  22. 此外能力建设和技术援助也需要大量的赠款资金。

    Substantial grants are also needed to build local capacity .

  23. 您对这个项目的技术援助大受赞赏。

    Your technical assistance in the project is greatly appreciated .

  24. 这要求把技术援助与实质性问题相结合。

    That would require a mixture of technical assistance and substantive issues .

  25. 向国家机构提供技术援助行动纲领

    Programme of Action for Technical Assistance to National Institutions

  26. 关于教育方面投资的区域技术援助讨论会;

    Regional technical assistance Seminar on investment in education ;

  27. 世卫组织还收到了全球疫情警报和反应网络机构进一步提供技术援助的提议。

    WHO has also received offers of further technical assistance from GOARN institutions .

  28. 项目前期技术援助小组已经采用了全世界的经验和原理。

    The PPTA team has explored world ? wide eco-tourism experience and principles .

  29. 联合国技术援助人员征聘事宜国家委员会;

    National Committee for United Nations Technical Assistance recruitment ;

  30. 预防城市犯罪方面的合作和技术援助准则

    Guidelines for cooperation and technical assistance in the field of urban crime prevention