
  • 网络International Consultants;international consulting
  1. 国际咨询机构美世(mercer)于7月24日发表的这份报告对200多个项目的可比成本进行了比较,包括住房、交通、食品、服装、日用品和娱乐。

    The study published on the 25th July by international consultants Mercer compares the comparative costs of more than 200 items including housing , transport , food , clothing , household goods and entertainment .

  2. 国际咨询公司美世(mercer)进行的此项调查,以人身安全、医疗及教育设施、交通、其它公共服务以及社会、经济、环境和政治等因素为基础,对一些城市进行了排名。

    The survey by Mercer , the international consultants , ranked the cities on the basis of personal safety , health and education facilities , transport , other public services , and social , economic , environmental and political factors .

  3. 国际咨询机构Frost&Sullivan在2001年发表的《欧盟生物柴油市场研究》(StudyoftheEuropeanBiodieselMarket)说,到2007年,欧盟的生物柴油市场规模可达24亿美元。

    The2001 Study of the European Biodiesel Market by international consultancy firm Frost & Sullivan says the EU market for biodiesel could be worth US $ 2.4 billion by2007 .

  4. 他的国际咨询经验包括:凯捷(CapGemini),安永(Ernst&Young)和埃森哲(Accenture)。

    His experience within global management consulting includes Cap Gemini , Ernst & Young , and Accenture .

  5. FIDIC条款,即国际咨询工程师联合会颁布的土木工程施工合同条款。

    FIDIC article is contract article of civil engineering construction enacted by International Consultation Engineer Associated Union .

  6. 国际咨询公司摩立特集团(monitorgroup)将于今日发布的报告指出,中东及北非地区的主权财富基金蒙受了损失,亏损20%-25%。

    Sovereign wealth funds from the Middle East and North Africa ( MENA ) have taken a battering , losing 20-25 per cent last year , the global consultancy monitor group says in its report that will be made public today .

  7. 获得哈佛MBA之后,我紧接着要实现的目标是继续在一个国际咨询公司工作,帮助海外公司进入日本市场并有突出的表现。

    My immediate goal after getting an MBA is to continue working for a global consulting firm and to help foreign companies enter and excel in the Japanese market .

  8. 私营品牌拓展公司达曼国际咨询(DaymonWorldwide)的消费者洞见和战略副总裁弗吉尼亚·莫里斯(VirginiaMorris)指出,消费者正在寻求独一无二的体验,包括个性化的咖啡制作工艺。

    Virginia Morris , vice president for consumer insights and strategy at Daymon Worldwide , a private-brand development company , noted that consumers were seeking singular experiences that would include individualistic brews .

  9. 1995年感恩节假期期间,威尔逊刚刚从安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young)加拿大分公司专业发展主管任上提前退休,正在考虑重返教师岗位,突然接到了光辉国际咨询顾问公司(Korn/Ferry)一位猎头打来的电话。

    He had left his job as national director of professional development and was thinking of returning to teaching when he got a call from a Korn / Ferry headhunter during the Thanksgiving Day holiday in 1995 .

  10. 目前,国际咨询机构AIA、JCT、FIDIC、ICE等出版了多种标准合同格式,业主们需要考虑从中选择一个合适的国际工程合同来解决这个问题。

    Now the international consultation institutions AIA , JCT , FIDIC , ICE , etc have published a variety of standard contract format . Owners need to consider choosing an appropriate contract to solve this problem .

  11. IMCC是一家总部位于香港,服务遍及全球,致力于促进世界和平与人类文明进步,推动世界城市经济、文化交流合作的国际咨询机构。

    Headquartered in Hong Kong , IMCC is an international organization operates globally , dedicates to the world peace , the progress of human civilization , promoting global economic and cultural exchanges .

  12. 多米尼克.巴顿是国际咨询公司麦肯锡亚洲部的负责人。

    Dominic Barton , chairman of the consulting firm McKinsey & Co.

  13. 西安“紫薇田园都市”国际咨询设计方案

    International Consultation for Xi ' an " Ziwei Ideal City "

  14. 国际咨询公司:本土化之路尚漫长

    International Consulting Companies : The localization , a long journey

  15. 纯科学和应用科学文献术语国际咨询委员会

    International Advisory Committee on Documentation and Terminology in Pure and Applied Sciences

  16. 阿尔法国际咨询培训有限公司于2001年在成都成立。

    Alpha 1 Consulting was founded in 2001 in Chengdu .

  17. 关于城市规划国际咨询的实践与思考&以深圳市为例

    INTERNATIONAL consultation On International Consultation of Urban Planning Consultation

  18. 百色水利枢纽项目准备阶段国际咨询服务采购方法及应用

    Practice and Method On Procurement of International Consulting Services for Baise Multipurpose Dam Project

  19. 首先,敬业度在我国刚刚兴起,许多国际咨询机构均刚刚开展对我国企业员工敬业度的研究。

    Many international advisory firms have just launched the research on Employee Engagement in China .

  20. 许多年前,我确实是伊利诺伊理工大学国际咨询委员会的成员,

    Back many years ago , I was indeed a member of the international advisory council of IIT ,

  21. 学校教育与宗教或信仰自由、容忍和不歧视的关系问题国际咨询会议;

    International Consultative Conference on school education in relation to freedom of religion or belief , tolerance and non-discrimination ;

  22. 中国银监会将抓紧进行各项准备工作,在适当的时候尽快召开国际咨询委员会第一次会议。

    The first meeting of the Council is expected to take place at a proper time in the near future .

  23. 我们着眼于服务客户,并致力于为客户提供与“四大”及其他知名国际咨询公司质量相媲美的专业服务。

    We are client service oriented and committed to the quality of Big Four and other well-known international consulting firms .

  24. 本文介绍好国际咨询工程师联合会及其组织税均和国际通用的土木工程施工合同条件。

    This paper presents FIDIC , its organization structure and the conditions of contract for works of civil engineering construction .

  25. 他说,清华大学和安诺析思国际咨询公司的合作反映了科学研究和人才培养的有力结合。

    Liu said the collaboration between Tsinghua University and Analysis Group presents a strong combination in scientific research and talent development .

  26. 真伪的最终评估由策展人、修复者和国际咨询委员会的成员进行。

    The final assessment of attribution was made through the judgments of curators , restorers and members of the international advisory board .

  27. 也曾在英国地方政府和欧洲、亚洲、非洲、中东从事国际咨询工作。

    He has also worked in British local government and in international consultancy practice in Europe , Asia , Africa and the Middle East .

  28. 本次国际咨询活动采取方案竞赛与学术研究、研讨会相结合的方式。

    The international consultation will be in the way of the combination of the design competition , the academic research studio and the seminar .

  29. 风景旅游地聚居比与建设强度规划研究&以鼓浪屿发展概念规划国际咨询为例

    Researches on the Ratio of Settlement and Habitation & Construction Intensity in Scenic and Tourism Area : Case Study on International Consultation on Conceptual Planning of Gu-lang Island

  30. 北京洪登国际咨询策划中心作为本集团的智囊团,先后策划了多个在国内外具有重大影响的项目。

    As the think tank of The Group , Beijing Hongdeng International Consulting & Planning Center has planned a number of projects with substantial impacts in China and abroad .