
ɡuó jì fēn ɡōnɡ
  • international division of labor
  1. 目前,随着中国加入WTO,国际分工正在不断深化,世界经济逐步融合成为一体化的经济体。

    Nowadays , with China entering into WTO , international division of labor is deepening ; the world economy is becoming an integrated economy .

  2. 加入WTO后,农业国际化趋势日益增强,我国农业发展面临着国际分工与合作的巨大机遇与挑战。21世纪的到来,使人类进入了一个更加崭新的时代。

    Since entering into WTO , agricultural development has been faced with great opportunities and challenges between international division of labor and cooperation , for agricultural internationalization being enhanced day by day .

  3. 在加入WTO后,我国农业将更多的参与国际分工和贸易,逐步走向农业国际化。

    After joining WTO , our country has to more actively participate international agricultural trade and other different trade activities .

  4. 针对中国加入WTO的新形势,全面参与经济全球化的国际分工,阐述了对我国土地资源配置的影响和导向。

    Facing to the new situation of china entering WTO and participating international assignment of economy globalization , this paper illustrates the effect and guidance that these elements produce .

  5. 在经济全球化的背景下,OEM代工模式曾经是我国出口加工企业参与国际分工与国际贸易的一条有效途径。

    In the background of economic globalization , OEM has once played a very important role to involve Chinese export and processing enterprises in the international specialization and trade .

  6. 中国&东盟自由贸易区从市场的广度和深度上实现了市场创造,深化了国际分工,促进了自由贸易区成员国的贸易关系,扩大了投资规模,促进了CAFTA的经济持续发展。

    China-ASEAN free trade zone makes its targets come true , including realizing the market division , deepening the international division , promoting the trade relationship among member states , enlarging investment-scale and keeping the instant development of CAFTA .

  7. 分析了国际分工理论、相互依存理论、关税同盟理论和自由贸易区理论,其中,关税同盟理论是分析CAFTA经济效应的基础。

    It analyzes the International Division of Labor Theory , the Interdependence Theory , the Customs Union Theory and the Free Trade Area Theory , the theory of customs union is the basis of analyzing the economic effects of CAFTA .

  8. 经济全球化对国际分工与要素收入分配机制的影响

    Globalization of Intellectual Economy and Its Influence on Income Allotment Mechanism

  9. 我国参与国际分工的反梯度推移演进战略

    Anti-gradient Evolution Strategy for China Participating in International Division of Labor

  10. 全球经济一体化的推进伴随着国际分工的深化。

    The economic globalization propulsion is accompanying the International specialization deepening .

  11. 如何看待国际分工理论的回归现象

    The Regressive Phenomenon of the Theory of International Division of Labour

  12. 新国际分工理论述评

    A Review of the Theory of New International Division of Labor

  13. 国际分工不断深化和扩大;

    International division of labor continues to deepen and expand ;

  14. 国际分工是一种国际生产力。

    It is also one kind of international productive force .

  15. 在国际分工深化发展的趋势下,全球性产业已经初步形成。

    In the development of international division , global industry is emerging .

  16. 产业转移导致国际分工以及逆差的转移。

    Industry transfer leads to global work division and transfer of deficit .

  17. 当代国际分工体系的缺陷与发展中国家的自我修正

    On Defect of International Division and Countermeasures of Developing Countries

  18. 产品内国际分工视角下的中美产业内贸易研究

    Study of Sino-US Intra-industry Trade in a Perspective of Intra-product International Specialization

  19. 产品内国际分工与发展中国家的价值链提升

    International Intra-product Specialization and Developing Countries ' Upgrading Value Chain

  20. 历史证明,技术性贸易措施的合理实施大大促进了国际分工和生产力的发展。

    In history , technical trade measures encouraged international division and productivity .

  21. 印度优势与国际分工选择

    Indian Advantages and Its Choice in the International Division

  22. 新国际分工的动态:概念与机制

    The Dynamic of the New International Division of Labor : Conception and Mechanism

  23. 国际分工发展趋势的背后隐藏着动力学背景。

    The dynamic mechanism lies behind the developing trends of international production division .

  24. 国际分工新体系下中国制造业的竞争力

    China 'S Manufacturing Industries under New Worldwide Division Structure

  25. 我国贸易顺差的成因及变动趋势&基于东亚产品内国际分工的新视角

    Chinese Current Trade Surplus is Aroused by the Intra-product Specialization in East Asia

  26. 基于新型国际分工视角下的中国外贸增长方式选择

    Chinese Foreign Trade Increasing Method under the New Perspective of International Work Division

  27. 产品内国际分工对制造业国际竞争力的影响

    Study on Intra-product Specialization Affects Manufacturing Industry International Competitiveness

  28. 知识经济下的国际分工及其衡量指标分析

    International Division Under Knowledge Economy and Analysis of Indicator

  29. 二是参与国际分工,培育区域农业竞争优势;

    Participating in international division of labor , cultivating regional agricultural competition advantage ;

  30. 因此,我国机械行业在国际分工中的地位还有待进一步研究。

    Therefore , the specialization status of china in mechanism industry needs studying .