
kōng zhōng kè chē
  • airbus
空中客车[kōng zhōng kè chē]
  1. 初步调查显示是空中客车上的制动系统失灵。

    Preliminary investigations show the braking system on the Airbus had failed .

  2. 这次他们是坐空中客车去的美国。

    They took an Airbus to America this time .

  3. 美国飞机制造商继续指控空中客车公司不正当竞争。

    The American plane makers continue to accuse Airbus of unfair competition

  4. 空中客车有一个未来模型概念,它有一个乘客舱,可以从在路上行驶中的底盘上分离出来,并由直升机式的机器接走。

    Airbus has a futuristic modular concept involving a passenger capsule that can be detached from the road-going chassis and picked up by a helicopter-type machine .

  5. 特别是波音公司,在与空中客车(airbus)的竞争中,该公司一直指望面向中国的商用飞机销售。

    Boeing , in particular , has been counting on China sales of commercial aircraft in its battle with Airbus .

  6. 中国的飞机制造业也在不断发展空中客车(airbus)于10月份宣布,在华开设首家工厂。

    There is also growing construction of aircraft in China Airbus announced its first plant in the country in October .

  7. 空中客车A380飞机21世纪的远见卓识

    A380 , Airbus Far-sight Decision in the 21st Century

  8. 因此空中客车推迟了新款巨型A380客机的生产。

    Airbus has had delays with its huge , new A-Three-Eighty passenger plane .

  9. 空中客车9月3日还预计,中国的航空公司将向其订购113架a380客机,尽管中国南方航空(chinasouthernair)是迄今唯一已订购这款最大型客机的中国航空运营商。

    Airbus also forecast on the 3 SEP that Chinese airlines would order 113 of its A380 aircraft , even though China Southern air is the only carrier to have so far ordered its largest plane .

  10. 此前有些美国议员声称,世界贸易组织(WTO)上周五做出的一项秘密临时裁定,在一定程度上支持了华盛顿方面的申诉,即欧盟向空中客车提供的150亿美元贷款构成了非法补贴。

    Her comments came after some US lawmakers claimed that a confidential interim ruling issued on Friday by the WTO had partly upheld Washington 's complaint that $ 15bn in European loans to Airbus constituted illegal subsidies .

  11. 2009年,法国航空公司(AirFrance)一架空中客车(Airbus)A330客机坠入大西洋,调查人员花了近两年时间才找到黑匣子。

    Investigators for the Air France Airbus A330 that plunged into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009 took almost two years to retrieve the plane 's data recorder .

  12. 在股份售出几周后,市场获知该集团的飞机制造子公司&空中客车(Airbus)存在严重问题。

    The sales came just weeks before the market was informed of serious problems at Airbus , the group 's aircraft manufacturing subsidiary .

  13. 空中客车A380飞抵新加坡

    Airbus A380 Landed In Singapore

  14. 本文还提出并分析了欧盟国家援助受到欧盟法律和WTO规则双重规制的观点,并且辅以一个WTO典型案例,即美国诉欧盟空中客车案,加以说明。

    This paper presents and analyses the point that EU State aid is subjected to double regulation , namely EU law and WTO law . This chapter is also supported by a typical WTO case , namely the Airbus case .

  15. 轰炸机有翼展超过165米,在空中客车A380的两倍,所以它是很多的。

    The bomber has a wingspan of165m , over twice that of the Airbus A380 , so it is vast .

  16. 波音的竞争对手空中客车公司向潜在的买家展示自己的空中客车A380双层客舱的飞机。

    Boeing 's rival Airbus put on a show of its own , with its A380 double-decker soaring above potential buyers .

  17. 但空中客车首席商务官约翰•李希(JohnLeahy)9月3日在香港出席亚洲航空展览会(Asianaerospaceshow)时预言:低成本模式将在亚洲出现爆炸式增长。

    But John Leahy , chief commercial officer for Airbus , predicted at the Asian Aerospace show in Hong Kong on the 3 Sep that the low-cost model is set to explode in terms of growth in Asia .

  18. 研发人员希望C919能够与空中客车集团新型A320飞机和波音公司新一代B737飞机形成竞争。

    It is expected to compete with the updated Airbus A320 and the new-generation Boeing B737 .

  19. 这款发动机成为新型庞巴迪C系列(BombardierC-Series)的唯一选择,也是通用电气(GE)一款同类产品的强劲对手。后者是空中客车公司(Airbus)最畅销机型A320-neo的发动机提供商。

    It 's the sole choice on the new Bombardier C-Series , and a strong rival to an engine produced by a GE GE 0.04 % partnership on the best-selling Airbus A320-neo .

  20. 中国将组建国有大型客机股份公司,向波音(Boeing)和空中客车(Airbus)在国际大型客机市场的霸主地位发起正面挑战。

    China plans to mount a head-on challenge to the dominance of Boeing and Airbus in the global market for big passenger jets by setting up a state-owned company to build the aircraft .

  21. 欧洲集团空中客车(airbus)中国区主管日前表示,飞机制造商必须考虑将更多生产业务迁至中国,以换取中国的订单。

    Aircraft manufacturers must expect to move more production to China in return for securing orders there , according to the head of the Chinese division of Airbus , the European group .

  22. 1997年9月,印尼航空(GarudaIndonesia)的一家空中客车(Airbus)A300型客机发生空难,导致234人遇难。

    Among the deadliest air crashes in Asia , an Airbus A300 plane of Garuda Indonesia crashed in September 1997 , killing 234 people .

  23. 在将自身建设成为地区金融中心一事上,天津得到了中央政府的支持,同时,这个城市还是欧洲制造商空中客车(airbus)的一个飞机组装点。

    Tianjin has central government support to establish itself as a regional financial centre , but is also a location for Airbus , the European manufacturer , which now assembles its aircraft there .

  24. 这笔订单是在迪拜航空展上宣布的,为波音提供了亟需的提振,该公司今年以来的订单远远落后于其劲敌空中客车(Airbus)。

    Unveiled at the Dubai air show , it provides a much-needed boost for Boeing , which has been badly trailing Airbus – its arch rival – in the number of orders won this year .

  25. 空中客车财团希望在1998年向航空公司推出A3XX型客机,并于2003年提供首架A3XX机。

    Airbus expects to offer the A3XX to airlines in1998 , and deliver the fist aircraft in2003 .

  26. 知情人士表示,空中客车(Airbus)正考虑对日本防卫省采取法律行动,原因是该公司在向日本陆上自卫队供应直升机的竞标中败北,丢掉了价值数十亿美元的订单。

    Airbus is eyeing legal action against Japan 's ministry of defence after losing out on a multibillion-dollar deal to supply helicopters to the country 's ground self-defence forces , said people familiar with the situation .

  27. 他说,库卡应该由类似瑞士集团ABB等高科技企业组成的的财团收购,从而打造一个类似飞机制造商空中客车(Airbus)的泛欧洲实体。

    He said Kuka should be taken over by a consortium of technology companies such as the Swiss group ABB , creating a pan-European entity along the lines of Airbus , the aircraft manufacturer .

  28. 空中客车(airbus)在其媒体宣传广告中宣称,其a380“比迄今飞抵希思罗机场体积最大的大型客机更省燃料,每位乘客二氧化碳排放量更小”。

    Airbus is claiming in its press campaign that its A380 " will use less fuel and produce less carbon dioxide per passenger than the largest passenger aircraft flying into Heathrow today " .

  29. EADS股价在过去一年中下跌了四分之一,原因之一就是空中客车在运营方面的问题,以及外界对商用飞机行业的担忧。

    EADS shares are down by a fourth over the past year , in part because of operational problems at Airbus and because of worries about the commercial aircraft industry .

  30. 波音公司(BoeingCorp.)和空中客车(Airbus)同样认为,亚洲的需求将在中期范围内迎来快速增长,未来20年该市场的总销售额有望达到4.4万亿美元至5.2万亿美元。

    Both Boeing Corp. BA - 0.71 % and Airbus also expect rapid growth in demand from Asia over the medium term , seeing total sales over the next 20 years of between $ 4.4 trillion and $ 5.2 trillion .