
  • 网络value chain specialization
  1. 人力资源开发是全球价值链分工背景下实现中国产业升级的关键。

    Human resources development is the key to realize the industrial upgrading in China under global value chain specialization .

  2. 在全球价值链分工条件下,自然禀赋、物质等资源对各国、地区产业的高端升级的作用非常有限。

    Under the global value chain specialization , natural resources and other physical resources just have a limited influence on industrial upgrading .

  3. 基于全球价值链分工的我国地方产业集群风险研究&以浙江绍兴纺织产业集群为例

    Risk Study of Local Industrial Clusters Based on Global Value Chain

  4. 国际价值链分工模式下上海汽车产业升级路径研究

    Research on Upgrading of Shanghai Auto Industry under International Division of Labor within Value Chains

  5. 全球价值链分工中我国企业产业链控制力研究

    The Study on China 's Enterprise Industry Chain Controling Power in the Devision of Global Value Chain

  6. 全球价值链分工的利益来源:比较优势、规模优势和价格倾斜优势

    Benefit Sources of the Global Value Chains Specialization : Comparative Advantage , Scale Advantage and Price Advantage

  7. 研究并建立了企业集群在全球价值链分工体系中定位的指标体系。

    This paper studies and establishes the enterprise clusters ' positioning index system in the GVC distributing system .

  8. 20世纪80年代以来,全球价值链分工逐渐成为国际分工的重要趋势。

    The global value chains specialization have gradually become the important trend of the international specialization since 1980 's.

  9. 于是,人力资源要素水平往往成为决定价值链分工环节的关键因素。

    Thus , human resource has become the key to determine the division segment of global value chain .

  10. 参与全球价值链分工能使中国更好的融入到全球生产体系之中,更快的实现产业结构升级换代。

    Participation in global value chain division can make China better integrate into the global production system , upgrade industrial structure .

  11. 技术因素对中国制造业全球价值链分工地位的正向作用通过了显著性检验。

    Technical factors play a positive effect on the status of Chinese manufacturing in global value chain , the effect is significant .

  12. 第三、全球价值链分工下的世界工厂和传统意义上的世界工厂已经不再是同一个概念。

    Thirdly , the World Factory under the Global Value Chains Specialization is no longer the same concept as the traditional sense .

  13. 与显性升级相比,全球价值链分工和我国产业格局现状决定了现阶段我国企业集群采取隐性升级模式更具可行性。

    Considering Chinas status in GVC division of labor and Chinese industry pattern , latent upgrading is more feasible than apparent upgrading in China .

  14. 知识经济导致了产业价值链分工、延长,迫使企业外包、分工协作的紧迫性。

    A knowledge-based economy led to Industry Value Chain division , and extended enterprises are forced to outsourcing , the urgency of working together .

  15. 我国是生产制造大国,很多企业都主动或被动的嵌入到全球价值链分工体系中。

    As a manufacturing power in the world , our Chinese enterprises have also embedded into global value chain with initiative or passivity in the system of labor division .

  16. 在纵向全球价值链分工中,各国对“比较优势”误读造成了生产与交易长期的结构失衡,造成富国被“胀死”,穷国被“饿死”。

    In the vertical value chain , the misunderstanding of comparative advantage leads to the structural imbalance of production and transaction which means rich is burst while poor is starve .

  17. 我国作为世界工厂,在全球价值链分工中扮演较为特殊角色,与其他国家在生产和销售格局上存在很大差异。

    As a " world factory ", China plays a relatively particular role in the international division of the value chain , and has the distinctive production and sales pattern .

  18. 本文试图将区域研究的视角实现以下转变:区域中单一产业的发展战略应转到跨部门或产业内的价值链分工活动的发展;

    This thesis aims at changing the research views in following aspects : Regional single industry development strategies should be taken place of by regional spanning sectors or industry value-chains division economy development strategies ;

  19. 然而,中国企业目前在第二产业的全球价值链分工中所占的位置较低,多为体力劳动和简单脑力劳动的低附加值环节。

    But until now , Chinese enterprises just take the low segment of the secondary industrial global value chain specialization , such as manual labor and simple mental labor which can add low value .

  20. 但是,在产业国际转移与跨国公司国际价值链分工下本国产业的发展与本国投资和创新下的发展是两种不同意义上的发展。

    However , the development of domestic industries relying on international industry transfer and division of labor among multinational corporations ' value chain is different meaning from which is based on domestic investment and innovation .

  21. 行业规模的扩大对中国制造业全球价值链分工表现出双重影响,但从长期看,行业规模扩大对制造业国际分工地位的提升作用显著。

    The expansion of Chinese manufacturing industry have positive and negative influence on the status of international value chain , but in long run , industry scale expanding have significant positive influence on international product division .

  22. 进而,在科学分析人力资源与产业高度的相关性的基础上,结合中国发展要求,通过全球价值链分工和国际比较优势理论对中国现阶段产业高度状况及其未来方向进行分析和判断。

    Then , based on the correlation analysis of human resources and industrial height , with development demands of China , the present conditions and the future directions of the industrial height in China is analyzed and judged .

  23. 全球价值链分工是一种产品在多国或地区分工连续生产,伴有中间品的进口和最终产品出口的国际分工形式。

    The Global Value Chains Specialization is an international specialization mode , in which a product is continuously produced in more than one country or region , with importing of some intermediate products and exporting of the final products .

  24. 利用层次分析法建立企业集群在全球价值链分工体系中的定位模型,并首次对郑州新区汽车企业集群定位、新乡市长垣起重机械企业集群定位进行系统研究从而对模型进行验证。

    This paper adopts analytic hierarchy method to establish enterprise clusters ' positioning model in GVC specialization system , and makes an initiative systematic study on the auto enterprise cluster in the new district of Zhengzhou city so as to verify it .

  25. 在全球电子行业从垂直结构向水平结构转变,价值链分工日益细致的过程中,每一价值环节都有其独特的价值,都需要其独到的核心能力。

    During the progress of changing from vertical structure into horizontal structure for the global electronic industry and specialization of value chain is becoming more and more accurate , each value link has its special value , and needs unique core ability .

  26. 第二、对发展中国家来说,全球价值链分工到底是比较优势陷阱还是比较优势馅饼,关键是看发展中国家是否充分发挥了本国的后发优势。

    Second , for the developing countries , the Global Value Chains Specialization is in the end comparative advantages traps or comparative advantage pie , the key is to see whether the developing countries can full play their own the advantage of later striking .

  27. 然而,中国作为制造业大国却处在全球价值链分工体系的最底端,产业创新能力相当薄弱,在国际竞争中处于非常被动的地位。

    However , as a manufacturing power , China is at the bottom of the global value chain . Its industrial innovation capability is weak , and the product technology content and added value is low . So China is in a very passive position in international competition .

  28. 通过引入组织资本这一更为抽象的高级生产要素,可以把企业的组织问题纳入比较优势理论分析框架内,以解释发达国家在国际贸易和国际价值链分工中相对于发展中国家的比较优势问题。

    This paper analyzes a more abstract factor of organizational capital . Taking classical comparative theory as logical start point , the paper takes the organizational problem into the analysis of theoretical frame of comparative advantage to interpret the formation of comparative advantage in developed countries in international trade field .

  29. 特别是当前国际分工日益深化,已经逐渐演变成为全球价值链之间的分工。

    International division of labor is deepening and gradually evolving into division in the global value chain .

  30. 在现代经济全球化环境的背景下,国际分工不断深化并呈现出按价值链增值环节分工的趋势。

    With the development of the economic globalization , the international division has the new trend of following the value chain .