
  • 网络price negotiation;Negotiating the price;Negotiating prices
  1. 基于最大时间约束的零部件供应商价格谈判模型

    Price negotiation model for parts components suppliers with maximum time limitation

  2. 本文结合工作实践,对价格谈判中的五种策略问题进行了分析。

    The article analyzes five strategic questions of price negotiation combined with working practice .

  3. 去年8月,在敏感的铁矿石价格谈判中,力拓(RioTinto)的几名在华高管被捕,令跨国公司震惊。人们普遍认为,此举是对在华外企的一个警告。

    In August multinationals were shocked by the arrest of Rio Tinto executives during sensitive iron ore price talks a move that was widely perceived as a warning to foreign businesses operating in the country .

  4. 钢铁市场分析师昨日表示,中国钢铁业官员涉嫌勾结英澳矿业企业力拓(riotinto)被拘留员工一事,可能导致年度铁矿石价格谈判推迟结束。

    Allegations that Chinese steel industry officials colluded with detained employees of Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian miner , could delay the conclusion of annual iron ore pricing negotiations , steel market analysts said yesterday .

  5. 必和必拓首席执行长高瑞思(MariusKloppers)曾安抚中国政府说,即便卡特尔式价格谈判的旧体系最终破产,全球现货市场也能提供足够的资源,还有人记得这番话吗?

    Remember BHP Billiton chief executive Marius Kloppers reassuring Beijing that the global spot market would provide , even as the old system of cartelized price negotiations fell apart ?

  6. 更重要的是,力拓每年都与其它两大矿商必和必拓(bhpbilliton)和巴西淡水河谷(vale)一道,与中国钢企进行铁矿石价格谈判。

    More importantly , along with the two other large miners , BHP Billiton and vale , Rio Tinto was involved in annual price talks for iron ore with the Chinese steel companies .

  7. 经过长期的价格谈判,澳大利亚WoodsidePetroleum上周四敲定了该国金额最大的一笔出口合同,该公司签署了一项初步协议,将价值高达450亿澳元的液化天然气出售给中石油。

    After long talks on price , Australia 's Woodside Petroleum on Thursday clinched the country 's biggest export contract when it signed an outline agreement to sell up to A $ 45bn worth of LNG to PetroChina .

  8. 全球第二大铁矿石生产商力拓(RioTinto)首度公开承认,与中国钢厂之间的铁矿石价格谈判已经终止。这突显了供应商对裂纹越来越大的定价体系的支持逐渐减少。

    Rio Tinto , the world 's second-biggest miner of iron ore , acknowledged publicly for the first time that price negotiations with Chinese steel mills had ceased , underlining suppliers ' dwindling support for a system that is cracking apart .

  9. 力拓的协议显示出,澳大利亚和巴西铁矿石在年度涨价方面呈现前所未有的分歧。传统上,巴西的淡水河谷(Vale)会率先进行价格谈判,然后力拓和必和必拓会接受相似幅度的上涨。

    Rio 's agreement marks an unprecedented divergence in the annual price rises for Australian and Brazilian ore. Traditionally , Vale of Brazil would negotiate a price and Rio and BHP Billiton would agree later to a similar increase .

  10. 在香港上市的富士康国际(FoxconnInternational)董事长陈伟良(SamuelChin)表示,与客户进行的价格谈判将在下一个季度内完成,公司将力求把尽可能多的增加的成本转移给客户。

    In Hong Kong , Samuel Chin , chairman of Hong Kong-listed Foxconn International , said that price negotiations with its clients would be concluded within the next quarter and that the company aimed to pass on as much as possible of the increased costs to them .

  11. 加上客户有意培养一定数量的供应商,以便保持其产品供应的稳定性及价格谈判的优势性,以及平衡客户与OEM代工厂商之间的关系。

    Coupled with customer intends to select a certain number of suppliers in order to maintain the stability of its product supply and price advantages of the negotiations , as well as contract manufacturers balance customer and OEM relationships . How to enhance their competitiveness ?

  12. 今年中国钢铁工业协会代表中国钢铁企业与力拓(riotinto)、必和必拓(bhpbilliton)及淡水河谷(vale)之间的基准价格谈判尤其曲折,目前仍然处于僵局,最后期限可能是6月30日。

    Benchmark negotiations between Chinese steelmakers , led by the China Iron and Steel Association , and miners Rio Tinto , BHP Billiton and vale , have been particularly tortuous this year and remain deadlocked ahead of a potential deadline on June 30 .

  13. 乌克兰官方并未立刻对这一消息予以公开回应。不过乌克兰总理周五曾要求政府做好天然气供应被切断的准备,并要求一旦与Gazprom的价格谈判失败,就向斯德哥尔摩仲裁法庭发起诉讼。

    There was no immediate public response from officials in Ukraine , where the prime minister on Friday ordered government to prepare for a natural gas cut-off and to initiate a Stockholm arbitration tribunal if price negotiations with Gazprom failed .

  14. 在铁矿石合同价格谈判中,这种板块方面的运气是有关系的。

    This landmass lottery matters when negotiating iron ore contract prices .

  15. 跟进合约及价格谈判、及售后客户服务事宜。

    Follow up contract / price negotiating & customer service .

  16. 双边多轮价格谈判中的成交价估计方法研究

    The Research on Evaluation Method of Deal Price in Multistage Bilateral Bargaining Process

  17. 不过,基准价格谈判体系并未消亡。

    The benchmark system is not dead , however .

  18. 双边多轮价格谈判过程的建模与分析

    Modeling and analysis of multistage bilateral bargaining process

  19. 在价格谈判方面,全球供应状况也对中国有利。

    In negotiating a price , global supply is also on China 's side .

  20. 上述4名力拓雇员曾参与今年铁矿石价格谈判。

    The four Rio employees had been involved in the iron ore price talks .

  21. 负责采购物料的价格谈判;

    Negotiate the commodity price with suppliers .

  22. 力拓表示,相关价格谈判正在继续。

    Rio Tinto said negotiations were continuing .

  23. 讨价还价模型:在企业并购价格谈判中的应用

    A Bargain Model : the Application in the Price Negotiations on Enterprise Acquisition and Merger

  24. 浅谈价格谈判策略

    Primarily Discussion on Strategy of Price Negotiation

  25. 今年,该定价机制取代了有40年历史的年度合约基准定价机制,省却了冗长的价格谈判过程。

    The scheme replaced the 40-year-old benchmark system of annual contracts and lengthy price negotiations this year .

  26. 作为日本最大的钢铁企业,新日铁传统上代表日本钢铁业出席每年的铁矿石价格谈判。

    As the largest Japanese steelmaker , Nippon Steel traditionally represents other Japanese steelmakers in iron ore negotiations .

  27. 负责选择供应商,价格谈判,质量监督以及及时交货。

    In charge of supplier 's selection , prices negotiations , quality and on time delivery follows up .

  28. 力拓表示,应该在“我们正在进行价格谈判的背景下”来考虑中方的评论。

    Rio said the comments should be considered in the " context of our ongoing price negotiations " .

  29. 中国与澳大利亚和巴西供应商之间的年度铁矿石合约价格谈判已陷入僵局。

    Negotiations over annual iron ore contact prices have stalled between China and its suppliers in Australia and Brazil .

  30. 在和红魔又有一个失望的价格谈判后,这个国际知名的乌拉圭人已经签约于西班牙的维拉利尔。

    The Uruguayan international signed for Spanish side Villarreal over the weekend after a disappointing spell with the red devils .