
  • 网络Price Mathematical Model;mathematical model of pricing
  1. 制定风景区门票价格数学模型的研究

    A study on mathmatical model of making ticket price

  2. 关于商品价格数学模型的研究

    Study on Mathematic Model of Commodity Prices

  3. 从反映资源占用概况和有利于调节用户行为的角度出发,给出了基于均衡流量控制和实时流量控制的价格优化数学模型。

    From the point of using the network resources and adjusting the users ' behavior , the author has provided the price-making model based on the balanced flux control and real-timed flux control .

  4. 运用模糊数学的有关理论,提出了基于交易案例推理(CBR)的土地出让价格估算的数学模型系统,以及相关应用步骤和条件。

    In this paper the theory of Fuzzy Mathematics is used to set up the case-based reasoning ( CBR ) mathematic model system on the price-estimation of the land-rental and the related process and conditions of its application are suggested .

  5. 本课题从建设高水平的军队院校对院校后勤工作的要求出发,从博弈的角度研究提出工程项目招投标中标单位及价格确定的数学模型,探讨基于A+B模式条件下系数α的区间范围。

    With the purpose of enhancing the universities and colleges ' logistic work , the paper gives a mathematics model of bidding and inviting bidding from the angle of game and discusses the range of coefficient and under the condition of A + B mode .

  6. 采用归一化数据处理方法,选择神经网络的训练样本,建立基于BP神经网络的居民消费价格指数预测的数学模型。

    Adopted the data processing method of the normalization , choose the training sample of the neural network , the mathematical model of the consumer price index based on BP nerve network predicts set up .

  7. 一类价格调整问题的数学模型及其求解方法

    Model and Computation of a Kind of Price Adjustment Problem

  8. 指出了我国传统的治理通货膨胀方法的缺陷,提出了使用利率&货币价格治理通货膨胀的数学模型,并具体测算了其作用效应的大小。

    This paper points out the defect of traditional curing currency inflation , gives an interest & money model curing currency inflation and calculates its effect .

  9. 本文是关于在马克思再生产理论条件下的价格规律,即生产者价格规律的数学模型.价格的变化规律以及影响价格变化因素的理论研究。

    It is a research on the mathematic model of the law of price , which is also called the law of price producer 's , on the law of price change and the factors which cause the price to change under the conditions of marx 's theory of reproduction .

  10. 本文通过对煤炭市场价格及其影响因素的分析,应用灰色系统理论建立了煤炭市场价格灰色动态预测数学模型。

    The summary of this text draws an analysis to the market price of coal and influence factor , used grey systematic theories and set up the grey trends of market price of coal and predicts the mathematical model .