
  • 网络Price Economic;price economics
  1. 对我国体育健身服务价格的经济学研究

    Study on the price of the sports fitness service in a method of economics in China

  2. 价格是经济学中的一个重要概念,无论是西方经济学还是马克思主义政治经济学,都对价格问题进行了长期深入的研究。

    Price is a very important conception in economy , so this question has been studied deeply no matter in West Economy and Marxism Plutonomy for a long time .

  3. 通过对歧视价格的经济学分析和电力价格结构管制的分析,解释了在电价制定中引入歧视价格的合理性,讨论了如何运用歧视价格实现社会福利的增长和资源配置效率的提高;

    Through the economic analysis and the electricity price structure regulation analysis , the article explains the rationality of using the price discrimination in electricity pricing , discusses how to apply Price Discrimination to increasing the social welfare and improving the efficiency of resources disposition ;

  4. 中国城市生活用水价格改革的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Urban Domestic Water Price 's Adjustment and Reform

  5. 对我国民航机票价格改革的经济学思考

    Economic Reflections on the Reform of Civil Airline Ticket Price in China

  6. 价格理论是经济学的基础。

    Price theory is the basis of economics .

  7. 医疗服务价格管理的经济学思考

    Economics Thought of Pricing Management for Medical Service

  8. 彩电企业价格同盟的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of TV Manufacturers ' Collusion

  9. 粮食最低收购价格政策的经济学分析和效应评述

    The Economic Analysis and Assessment on Efficiency of the Policy of Lowest Price of Grain Purchase

  10. 二度价格歧视是经济学中的经典理论,是一种有效的定价方法。

    Two-class price discrimination is the classical theory in the economy , is a effective pricing method .

  11. 在倾销理论中,明确了价格歧视在经济学中的含义。

    In the dumping theories , the article explicitly stated the meaning of " price discrimination " in the economics .

  12. 价格理论是经济学的核心理论,贯穿着经济学理论的整个发展过程,经济理论的发展轨迹就是沿着商品价格资本价格资产价格这样的轴心前进的。

    Price Theory is the core theory of economics and it impenetrates the whole develop-ment process of economics . The development track of economics and economic theory goes along with the axes of product price-capital price-assets price .

  13. 软件产品价格形成机理的经济学求解&基于广义价格理论视角

    An Economical Study of the Mechanism in Pricing Software Products

  14. 我国行业协会价格协调功能的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of the Trade Association 's Price Coordination Function in China

  15. 四大会计师事务所在我国价格差异策略的经济学诠释

    The Economic Interpretation of Big Four Accounting Firms ' Audit Price Discrimination Strategy

  16. 我国价格剪刀差的政治经济学分析:理论模型与计量实证

    The Political Economy of Price Scissors in China : Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence

  17. 农产品价格时令性的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis of Seasonal Price of Agricultural Product

  18. 价格竞争一直是经济学研究的一个重要内容,在竞争激烈的市场中,价格竞争策略是很多企业都需要关注的问题。

    The study of price competition has been an important element in the Economics , in the competitive market many enterprises need to pay attention to the price strategy .

  19. 他在职业生涯早期就已证明,资产价格的波动远非经济学或其他任何学科的理性行为概念可以解释得了的。

    Early in his career he demonstrated that fluctuations in asset prices are far larger than can be explained by economic , or any other , concept of rational behaviour .

  20. 作为消费社会重要文本之一的价格不再仅仅具有经济学领域的内涵,更多的是被赋予了文化研究中一种符号化、象征化的意义。

    " Price ", as one of the important texts of the Consuming Society maintains not only the connotation of the economic , but also involved in the meaning of signification .

  21. 本文从非价格竞争的涵义、非价格竞争的经济学分析和非价格竞争的主要策略,对现代市场营销中的非价格竞争进行探讨。

    The economic analysis of the non-price war and the main tactics of the non-price war , and so on .

  22. 工程招投标价格是建筑产品的市场价格,从经济学的角度探讨工程招投标交易方式在建筑产品价格形成中的功能是一个重要的理论问题。

    It is an important theory to discuss the functions of dealing mode of project biding in price forming of construction products from economic viewpoint .