
  • 网络Value Engineering
  1. 相似率价值工程法在采矿方法优选中的应用

    Application of the similarity ratio value engineering method in optimization of mining method

  2. 价值工程法通过功能分析和评价,计算出各种备件的功能价值,选定备件品种。

    The value engineering methods work out each spare ′ s function value by functional analysis and appraisal , then choose the spare sort at end .

  3. 成本费用控制常用的方法为PDCA管理循环法、价值工程法。

    The commonly used methods of cost control are the PDCA management cycling method and the value engineering method .

  4. 价值工程法锅炉房设计方案的评价

    Evaluation for Design Scheme of Boiler Room by Value Engineering Method

  5. 价值工程法在导弹装备备件品种确定中的应用

    Determining Methods of Spare Sort in Missile Equipment

  6. 此文通过工程实例,采用价值工程法,论述成本费用的控制。

    The cost control is then described through living examples and by using the value engineering method .

  7. 重点介绍了三项成本控制方法:作业成本法、挣得值法和价值工程法。

    Introduces the three methods of cost control : Activity Based Costing , Earn value method and Value engineering .

  8. 双基点法和价值工程法是2种较好的数值优选法,但它们均存在一些缺陷。

    The dual base point method and the value engineering method are two good numerical optimization methods of mining method , but they have some defects .

  9. 作者将双基点法改进后嫁接到价值工程法之上,提出了一种相似率价值工程法。

    The author grafted the improved dual base point method on the value engineering method and put forward a boundary method , i. e. the similarity ratio value engineering method .

  10. 用价值工程法对仪器设备进行综合优化管理的研究地震科技信息的优化管理与数据库的建立和应用

    Application of the method of value engineering to boost the comprehensive optimum management of instrumentation OPTIMUM MANAGEMENT OF SEISMOLOGICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION AND SET UP OF THE DATA BASE AND ITS APPLICATION

  11. 在油田开发方案选择时,如何应用价值工程法,定量地综合各种地质、开发和经济因素,选择最佳方案。

    As to the choice of an optimum oil field development plan , the application of value engineering in the quantitative synthesis of geology , oil field development and economic factors is expounded .

  12. 在评标评审中引入了价值工程法,将评审指标中的大量定性因素转化为定量因素予以考量,提高了评审的准确性,减少了人为因素的影响。

    The introduction of value engineering evaluation review , the conversion of a large number of qualitative factors in the evaluation index to be considered on quantitative factors , improve the accuracy of the assessment , reducing the impact of human factors .

  13. 本文试图运用价值工程法对高等学校教学质量进行评估,以一定时期内教育投入作为费用支出,以其教学业绩作为功能,再把这些指标予以量化进行价值分析,作了新的探索。

    The article trying new study : the applying of Value Engineering in evaluation teaching quality . And in presents VE application way , namely education devotion qua cost and didactical achievement qua function , and the index give quantity , at last , these put up value analysis .

  14. 价值工程方案评价法选择开拓方案

    Using the value engineering plan evaluation method to select development plans

  15. 价值工程强制确定法应用的研究

    Application Study of force determine method of valve engineering

  16. 试论目标成本与价值工程及作业成本法之协同

    Discuss on Target Costs , Value Programs and Operative Cost Methods in Coordination

  17. 运用市场价值法、替代工程法、影子价格法和机会成本法等方法对内蒙古阴山北麓风蚀沙化区农业生态系统服务功能的价值进行了经济评估。

    In this paper , the agroecosystem services and their economic value were estimated in wind-erosion region near the northern foot of Yinshan mountain in Inner Mongolia .

  18. 采用价值工程及正交试验法提高产品功能、降低成本、提高产品价值。

    Value engineering ( VE ) and cross analysis were used to improve the function and value of the products , and to decrease its cost by increasing the use level of SBR in formula .

  19. 本文将价值工程中理论计算法与结构可靠性原理融为一体,提出了油气管道功能的材料成本计算式,即价值可靠性方程,称这种新的算法为价值可靠性计算。

    Coupling theoretical calculation method in Value Engineering with structural reliability , this paper has come up with formulas of function-cost in oil-gas pipeline , i. e. value-reliable equations , which are called value-reliable calculation .

  20. 使用负价值理论法和价值工程法可以对安全价值从量上进行初步评价。

    We can evaluate safety value in quantity by using negative value and value engineering method .

  21. 关于工程施工项目成本控制的方法和原理,专家和学者多有论述,仁者见仁智者见智,如价值链分析法、量本利分析法、价值工程法、ABC分类法等。

    There are more expositions on the principles and methods of cost control in construction projects , such as value chain analytical method , value project method and ABC taxonomy .

  22. 本文将运用价值工程原理,提出一种定量评定科技成果的新方法&二次价值工程法。

    Based on the principles of value engineering , this paper presents a new method ? The Quadratic Value Engineering for quantitative evaluation of scientific and technological achievements .