
  • 网络Group management;Collectivize Management
  1. 集团化管理方案的设计

    Design the Project of Collectivize Management

  2. 伴随着几年来中国房地产行业的快速发展,房地产企业的开发建设发展规模越来越大,集团化管理、跨区域多项目经营的企业也越来越多。

    With the fast development of real estate industry in China , the real estate enterprises have much larger and larger scale , one type of enterprises are more and more , they have the mode of collectivize management and interregional multi-project .

  3. 企业医院实行集团化管理的探索和实践

    Exploration and practice of group management in hospitals afflicted to the enterprise

  4. 基于虚拟组织的医院集团化管理框架

    Framework of Hospital Group Administration Based On Virtual Organization

  5. 医院集团化管理是深化卫生体制改革的一个重要选择

    Croup hospital management is an important choice to deepen the reform of health system

  6. 军队医院引入集团化管理模式的探讨

    Introduction of Group Management Mode into Military Hospital

  7. 军队农场集团化管理思考

    On group management in army farms

  8. 由于军队医院自身特点,尚没见到军队医院实行集团化管理的报道。

    But we still did not see the military hospital practicing group management mode , because of the military hospitals ' own characteristics .

  9. 市场竞争环境的形成,要求企业向集团化管理模式转变,寻求新管理模式下的信息化支撑手段与实现策略。

    The forming of market competitive environment requires an enterprise to transfer to group management mode and to seek information supporting measures and related strategy to realize them .

  10. 最后,结合作者在企业信息化项目中的实践,给出了一个基于集团化管理模式的特钢企业的管理信息集成系统案例。

    Finally , United the practices in the implementation of enterprise informationization projects , presents a case of special steel enterprise information integration that is based on group management schema .

  11. 医院集团化管理以其有效资源整合、灵活政策措施、多种融资渠道、赢得的规模市场与效益,牢牢把握了市场竞争的主动权,被地方医院所广泛采用。

    The group hospital management drives local hospital reports of extensive adoptions , because of integrating with its valid resources , vivid policy measures , various margins outlet , the scale market that win and performance , and it holds the active power of market compete simultaneously .

  12. 对集团化学校管理组织结构变革的探讨

    Exploration of the Management Organization Structure Reform in Elementary Education Grouped Schools

  13. 集团化资金管理网络架构及安全方案

    Collective Fund Management Network Architecture and Its Security Scheme

  14. 20世纪80年代开始,百货商场数量逐年增长,并呈现规模大型化、组织集团化、管理现代化、经营连锁化的发展态势。

    Department stores which experienced an annual increase since 1980s , growed in a way of large scale , group organization , modern management and chained operation .

  15. 本文主要围绕我国企业集团化进程中资金管理模式的选择问题,重点探讨了方舟公司集团化资金管理模式的构建。

    This paper mainly concerns about how to choose the proper cash management pattern in the grouping process of enterprises in our country , focuses on the designing of the centralizing cash management pattern of the Fangzhou group .

  16. 如何选择合理的集团化企业管理模式,提供集团的管理效率,降低管理成本,并且有效的规避业务风险,是众多企业现阶段急需探讨解决的问题。

    How to select the right management model , which is helpful for improving the efficiency of management , for reducing the management cost and for avoiding business risk , is foremost problem of most real estate enterprise in this phase .

  17. 第一节介绍了方舟公司资金管理的背景与沿革,并从供需链管理的角度论述了方舟公司集团化资金管理的目标、原则,提出了方舟公司加强集团资金管理的迫切性。

    The first part introduces the background and development of the cash management of the Fangzhou group , discusses the targets and principles of the cash management based on the supply-and-demand-chain management , suggests the imminence of enhancing the group cash management .

  18. 根据企业跨区域扩张所引起的组织架构和管理复杂化、资金的分散化等一系列突出问题,对控制机制提出建议,以提升集团化企业管理水平,提高企业核心竞争能力和发展潜力。

    Meanwhile , I will also put forward the proposal about risk prevention and control mechanism considering the complicated organization structure & management and capital diversification caused by the business trans-regional expanding , so as to promote the management level and increase the competitiveness of development potential of the company .

  19. 职业教育集团化办学的管理体制构建

    Construction of Management System of Running School through Vocational Education Group

  20. 乡村医疗卫生集团化运作和管理的调查与思考

    Investigating and thinking on collectivized management in rural medical institutions

  21. 核心问题是公司集团化运营与管理能力的较大欠缺。

    The core problem for this is the company is somewhat lack of collectivized operation and management capability .

  22. 深圳地铁集团集成化全面预算管理的探索与实践

    Practice on the Integrated Overall Budget Management of Shenzhen Metro Group

  23. 邯矿集团资金网络化集中管理

    The concentrical management of capital net in Han mine group

  24. 集团公司价值最大化管理模式研究

    The Research of the Management Mode for the Value - Maximum of Group Companies

  25. 对集团化大型企业采购管理模式进行了大胆的探索与创新。

    In a word , this article takes a brave research and innovation towards the purchasing management model of large-scaled group corporation .

  26. 文章虽以火电企业为对象,对其他形式的发电企业同样具有借鉴价值,对集团化发电企业理顺管理思路降低运营成本也具有积极的意义。

    Although the paper aims at fire-power generation enterprise , it can provide reference for other forms of power enterprises , and it has positive significance for the Power Group to streamline management and reduce cost of enterprise operations .

  27. 其次,在以上研究理论的基础上,对白酒企业精益生产方式与传统生产方式作了比较,对A集团公司现行精益化管理模式优缺点进行分析。

    Secondly , in the above study on the basis of the theory of corporate , the lean production mode and traditional mode of production as compared to A group , the lean management analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of .

  28. 基本结论是:为了扩大集团金融功能,实现财务战略化管理,方舟公司应实行集团资金的集约化管理。

    The basic conclusion is : for the benefit of expanding the financial function of the group , executing the finance strategy management , Fangzhou must fulfill the centralizing management of its cash .

  29. 北京恒盛为集团管理总部公司,对集团内部各公司进行集团化管理广州翻译公司报价。

    Beijing Hengcheng is headquartering company for the Group management , which takes group management for internal companies of the Group .

  30. 世界经济一体化和顾客需求的多样化,促使全球市场竞争日趋激烈,煤业集团作为大型的较为传统的资源开采型企业,原有的大而全的集团化管理模式已不能完全满足新的竞争形势。

    Economic globalization and diversified demands from customers impel the markets all over the world to compete severely . As a traditional mining resources oriented enterprise , the large and comprehensive group management mode of the coal industry group cannot meet the demands of the new competitive situation .