
  • 网络collective consumption
  1. 试析我国城市住房制度的困境&基于集体消费理论的视角

    Dilemma of City Housing System in China Based on the Perspective of Collective Consumption Theory

  2. 文章从集体消费、频繁的村庄内部流动和无闲暇时间的劳动三个方面,展现了村庄惯习作为无形的道德力量所起的整合作用;

    From the perspective of collective consumption , frequent internal mobility , and working without leisure , this paper exams the invisible moral power-habitus has soft integration function .

  3. 随着新型集体消费单位&社区的兴起,公共安全的需求出现了多样化和个别化,政府职能的转变使公共安全市场形成并有所发展。

    At present , with the rising of community in metropolis , the demand of public security becomes diverse and individual . Public security market formed and developed because of the transition of government function .

  4. 但是从案例中也可以看到,首先,在社区服务领域类似于西方的公共服务市场还远没有形成,难以达到一个集体消费单位能接触到若干个生产单位的程度。

    But we can also see that , the west public service similar to serving a field in the community market does not appeared and it is difficult to reach a collective consumption unit being able to get in touch with to some productive establishments degree .

  5. 用于集体福利或者个人消费的购进货物或者应税劳务;

    Goods purchased or taxable services used for group welfare or personal consumption ;

  6. 股份制、劳动权、均衡分配、集体经营、集体消费等经济制度和措施是实现和谐的保障;

    The joint stock system , to safeguard everyone 's right to work , the measure for balanced assignment , collective management , collective expense and so on are the material conditions to realize harmony ;