
  • 网络abnormal consumption
  1. 虽然畸形消费对社会经济也带来了一定负面影响,但城市消费的活跃对唐代社会经济发展的促进作用毕竟是最主要的。

    Although abnormal consumption has some negative impacts on the society , the merits of active urban consumption on Tang 's economy are still assured and very important .

  2. 从个人角度看他们的购买行为获取了社会关系收益;但是从整个社会视角看,这却是一种盲目攀比的畸形消费方式。

    From a personal point of view , their buying behavior obtains social relationship benefits . However , from the social perspective , this is an abnormal consumption mode of blind competing .

  3. 而且,不同收入阶层消费结构差距也较大,愚昧、畸形消费在有些农民中比较严重。

    Furthermore , there is a large gap of consumption structure among different income estates , and the phenomena of unwise and unbalanced consumption is very serious among some of peasants .

  4. 为此从社会心理学的角度对大学生中的畸形消费进行了分析,认为影响他们畸形消费的社会心理因素主要有后现代主义思潮、消费主义、大众文化以及群体心理等。

    By analyzing the abnormal consumption of the college students from socio-psycho angle , the factors of influencing their social psychological are mainly the post-modernization , views of consumption , popular culture and the mentality of the groups .

  5. 但过分悬殊的收入差距则不仅会影响人们的社会心理,不利于提高有效消费,而且可能产生畸形的位置消费行为,甚至会因此影响社会的稳定。

    But excessive gap will not only have negative influence on people 's social psychology and the improvement of real consumption , but also lead to malformed positional consumption behavior , even lead to the problem of social stability .