
  1. 美国食品药物管理局和环境保护署(EPA)的报告,但是对大多数人,食用鱼汞含量不是一个健康消费的关注。

    The FDA and the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) report that for most people , however , the amount of mercury they consume by eating fish isn 't a health concern .

  2. 引导大学生健康消费的对策研究

    A Research on the Countermeasure of Leading College Students Consume Positively

  3. 四要加强大学生健康消费教育。

    Last , strengthen a kind of health consumption cultivation .

  4. 提高居民健康消费意识。

    And to improve the residents ' health consumption conceptions .

  5. 推动健康消费发展卫生产业的机遇与挑战

    Opportunities and challenges for promoting health expenditure and developing the health industry

  6. 液态法白酒健康消费之友

    Liquors through Liquid State Method is Healthy to Consumers

  7. 体育作为健康消费的美学反思

    Aesthetic consideration of sports as consumption of health

  8. 消费文化的层次划分,以及对健康消费的探索。

    Two , Classify the consume culture and look for a home of consumption .

  9. 河南省高等医学院校学生健康消费的调查与研究

    Investigation and Research on Consumption on Health of Students of Medical Colleges in Henan Province

  10. 论健康消费的社会结构

    On the social structure of healthiness consumption

  11. 加大宣传力度,转变市民的体育健身消费观念,引导市民进行科学健康消费。

    Fourthly , the citizens of sports fitness shift consumption conception and guide citizens for sports fitness consumption .

  12. 粮食税和补贴有可能对民众的健康消费模式的改变做出贡献。

    Food taxes and subsidies have the potential to contribute to healthy consumption patterns at the population level .

  13. 随着人民生活水平提高,居民健康消费的观念深入人心,生态产品面临越来越广阔的市场。

    Healthy consumption is well accepted as living standards improve . Ecological product faces a more and more prosperous market .

  14. 本文从当前大学生消费行为存在的问题出发,探讨引导大学生健康消费的对策。

    This consumer behavior from the current problems in college students start to explore the health of consumer responses to guide students .

  15. 第二,培养大学生健康消费心理,引导大学生树立理性消费观。

    Second , cultivate the healthy consumer psychology of college students inorder to guide them to establish a rational view of consumption .

  16. 因为在一个健康消费将近占总消费18%的国家,这笔商业利润足够支撑一些高薪职业了。

    In a country where spending on health is nearly 18 % of the economy , that could finish some amply remunerated careers .

  17. 通过推行大范围的教育培训计划,引导全民的健康消费观念更新。

    Through the implementation of a wide range of education and training programs to guide the concept of national health spending update . 7 .

  18. 另一方面,社会要营造良好的社会氛围,学校则要充分利用社会资源来强化初中生健康消费观。

    On the other hand , society should build good society atmosphere , school strengthen healthy consumption view depend on making use of society resource .

  19. 社会层面,构建理性消费文化,营造健康消费环境;增强科学的监督力,发挥制度的约束力。

    The social level , to build a rational consumer culture , and create a healthy environment for consumption ; strengthen scientific oversight power play system binding .

  20. 混合型卷烟叶组配方更科学,焦油低,安全性高,口感舒适,符合现代社会健康消费的观念;

    The blending-type cigarette with more scientific formula , low tar , safety & tasty flavor is in agreement with the concept of consumption of modern society .

  21. 从主体对金钱的消费来讲,正确的金钱观认识到金钱是获得幸福的媒介,呼吁健康消费。

    In point of consuming money , this correct concept not only helps realize that money is a medium for gaining happiness but also calls for healthy consumption .

  22. 本文通过对大学生不良的消费观的分析,探索在大学生中培育科学、健康消费观念的途径,引导大学生进行科学、健康的消费。

    Through analysing collegiate unhealthy consuming ideas , the article probes the ways to train collegiate scientific and healthy consuming ideas , and to guide collegiate scientific and healthy consumption .

  23. 大学生群体消费行为和消费理念不仅直接影响其在校的生活状况和发展状况,也对社会中健康消费、科学消费起着举足轻重的作用。

    College students ' consumption behavior and consumption concept is not only influence their school life and development , also plays a key role to scientific consumption in the society .

  24. 个性与和谐是不冲突的,而是一种互为促进、共同发展的关系。二、消费文化的层次划分,以及对健康消费的探索。

    The individual character , without conflicting harmoniously , but one kind interacts as relation promoted , developing together . Two , Classify the consume culture and look for a home of consumption .

  25. 进行生态社区中生态文化的建设,必须加强生态教育,倡导健康消费文化观,营造社会化的生态文化氛围,建立完善的社区管理体制。

    To construct the ecological culture , ecological education should be conducted , sound consumption culture should be proposed , ecological culture environment should be fashioned , and perfect community management system should be established .

  26. 文章在分析存在的不足的基础上,主要从四方面提出一些建议:传播时尚内涵,引领健康消费;构建多元化女性形象;提升审美层次;重塑社会责任。

    Based on the analysis of shortcomings , this part put forward some suggestions : spreading fashion connotation , leading healthy life ; Building diversify female image ; promoting the esthetic level ; Rebuilding social responsibility .

  27. 关注他们的学习生活内容之一,即研究他们的消费状况,进而提出引导大学生健康消费的对策建议具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。

    One of the contents of concerning their study is researching their conditions of consumption , then put forward the advice of countermeasure of leading college students consume positively which has the important value and practical significance .

  28. 要构建和谐社会必须促进和实现消费和谐,包括实现公平消费、健康消费、绿色消费、安全消费、文明消费和可持续消费等内容。

    So in order to construct the harmonious society , we should promote and realize consumption harmony , including harmony in fair consumption , health consumption , green consumption , safe consumption , civil consumption and sustainable consumption etc.

  29. 卫生医疗服务在许多方面表现出巨大的城乡差异,如医疗资源占有、卫生筹资、健康消费、医疗保障等的城乡不均等。

    Health and medical services show enormous differences between urban and rural areas in many ways , such as the difference between possession of medical resources , health financing , health consuming , medical insurance and so on .

  30. 研究当前高校学生的炫耀消费现状,分析出现炫耀消费行为的原因,提出引导其形成健康消费行为的教育对策。

    Consequently , the urgent action is to research the current situation of the show-off consumption among college students and analyze the reasons for the mentioned behaviors and put forward educational countermeasures that will lead to healthy consumption behaviors .