
  1. 深圳地区商业健康保险市场研究

    A Research on the Commercial Health Insurance Market in Shenzhen

  2. 第三章分析了我国商业健康保险市场发展障碍。

    Chapter 3 analyzes the commercial health insurance market obstacles .

  3. 我国商业健康保险市场信息不对称问题研究

    Study on the Asymmetrical Information Issues of Commercial Health Insurance Market in China

  4. 我国商业健康保险市场发展障碍及对策

    The Obstacles of the China 's Business Health Insurance and the Policies of Solving

  5. 造成上述健康保险市场的同质性与各保险公司对待健康保险极大差异性局面的原因何在呢?

    The health insurance products offering by different insurance companies have no differences in insurance liabilities and insurance coverage , and lack of purposefulness .

  6. 美国商业健康保险市场的发展及启示去年,瑞士联合银行是美国保险业占有市场份额最高的公司之一。

    The Development of Private Health Insurance Market in the United States and Its Enlightenment UBS was one of the top share underwriters in America last year .

  7. 而国家则面临着医疗改革后的重大疾病无保障的难题。因商业健康保险市场信息不对称而产生的逆向选择和道德风险问题,是造成这种困境的最主要的原因。

    The main reason for the dilemma is that the asymmetrical information in the commercial health insurance market leads to some problems of reversed choice and moral hazard .

  8. 我们会将这份资料应用在政策上的议题,包括了最低工资的规定、食物券的供应、保护贸易制度、教育的国书、健康保险市场以及网路购物。

    We apply this material to policy debates including minimum wage regulations , food stamp provision , trade protection , educational credentials , health insurance markets , and Internet shopping .

  9. 本文对我国商业健康保险市场的现状进行分析,指出其中存在的一些问题,并对这些问题提出解决的方法,希望这些分析和建议能对我国商业健康保险的发展产生一定的积极影响。

    This text analyzes the present condition of the health insurance market , points out some problems existing in it and puts forward the method of the solution to these problems , hoping these suggestions will produce some positive influences to the development of our country 's health insurance business .

  10. 第四章对我国商业健康保险行业市场进行分析并提出GW公司的市场定位。

    In chapter 4 , we focus on our commercial health insurance market analysis and GW insurance company market position .

  11. 按照本文的行文思路和内容阐述的需要,全文共分四章:文章第一章主要介绍了健康保险的含义以及中国商业健康保险的市场现状。

    In the first chapter , the article mainly introduces the concept of the commercial health insurance and the present condition of the domestic commercial health insurance market .

  12. 其结果不但团体健康保险产品种类少,价格偏高,现有的市场需求得不到有效满足,而且赔付率高,整个团体健康保险市场基本处于亏损状态。

    Its result in not only product category is limited , the price is higher , the existing market demand can not be met , but also the rate of compensation is high , the whole industry is totally in the state of poor performance .