
  • 网络Health investment;investment in health
  1. 烟台市居民健康投资影响因素的Logistic回归分析

    Logistic Regression Analysis of Factors Affecting the Health Investment of Yantai City Residents

  2. 论健康投资与农村基本健康保障制度

    On the Health Investment and the Security System of Rural Basic Health

  3. 多种维生素片,鱼油,亚麻油,钙片,维生素B,镁,葡(萄)糖胺和维生素E。这些都很昂贵,但是她相信这是在为健康投资。

    A multi-vitamin , fish oil , flaxseed oil , calcium , B-vitamins , magnesium , glucosamine and vitamin E. It 's expensive , but she believes it 's an investment in her health .

  4. 今年世界精神卫生日的主题是为心理健康投资。

    This year the theme is Investing in mental health .

  5. 陕西农户健康投资意愿影响因素分析

    Analysis of the Factors Influencing Shaanxi Farmers ' Willingness in Health Investment

  6. 我国城镇居民家庭健康投资实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Health Investment on the Chinese Urban Households

  7. 对我国沿海城市肥胖群体健康投资的特征研究与分析

    Research on and Analysis of Health-keeping Investment of Obesity Groups in Coastal Cities

  8. 高校教师应注意健康投资,提高抗应激能力

    Investment of teachers to health for resistance from emergency

  9. 人力资本理论与健康投资

    The Theory of Manpower Capital and Health Investment

  10. 其次,增加健康投资,提高整个社会人力资源的有效利用率。

    Secondly , increased investment in health , improving social effective human resource utilization .

  11. 苏州市医保&阳光健身卡持卡人的健康投资研究

    Investigation on the Suzhou " Health Insurance-sunlight Fitness Card " Cardholders ' Health Investment

  12. 我国健康投资经济效益在国际间的位置及其分析

    The Analysis and International Position of the Economic Benefit of Health Investment in China

  13. 健康投资与政府宏观卫生政策取向的经济学分析

    An Economics Analysis of Health Investment and Orientation of Government 's Macro Health Policies

  14. 为此,当今高校体育教育应更好地引导体育消费,使大学生未来能按其自身体育消费方式进行健康投资。

    Should guide the sports consumption appropriately to enable the students to engage in health investment .

  15. 你们寻求健康投资尽可能获得最佳回报,这是情理之中的事情。

    It makes sense for you to seek the best possible return on your health investments .

  16. 王庆超的健康投资与投资健康

    Healthy investment and investing health

  17. 在职培训投资和健康投资是人力资源开发的重要组成部分。

    The investment on training on-the-job and healthy is the important composition of the development of human resource .

  18. 太原城市居民健康投资方式之体育健身的调查研究

    The Investigation on the Sports and Body-building of Taiyuan 's Urban Residents with the Mode of Health Investment

  19. 就在高等院校中引导大学生树立体育消费观念和健康投资意识提出建议。

    The paper proposes advices ways to help students establish the sports consumption awareness and the health investment awareness .

  20. 荧光分光光度法测定丁胺卡那霉素含量苏州市医保&阳光健身卡持卡人的健康投资研究

    Fluorescence Spectrophotometry for Determination Amikacin ; Investigation on the Suzhou " Health Insurance-sunlight Fitness Card " Cardholders ' Health Investment

  21. 研究发现,教育投资和健康投资相互促进,二者的相关系数达到了0.996。

    The present study found that education investment and health investment promote each other , with a correlation coefficient of 0.996 .

  22. 健康投资是指人们为了获得良好的健康而消费的食品、衣物、花费的健身时间和医疗服务等资源。

    Health payment is the resources of people consuming food , clothes , health time and medical service to obtain good health .

  23. 健康投资的增加相对延长了劳动者的工作年限与工作效率,进一步促进了劳动成果的产出。

    Increased investment in health workers is relatively extended period of work and efficiency , and further promote the fruits of labor output .

  24. 低收入群体健康投资观念和提高自身素质还有待提高,社区体育服务方式和方法还有待于进一步完善。

    Health investment idea and self-quality of low - income residents should be improved ; service manner of community sports should perfect further .

  25. 由于收入太低,低收入居民对教育和健康投资明显低于居民的平均水平。

    Since low income , investment of low-income residents in education and health was significantly lower than the average level of the residents .

  26. 企业忽视员工健康投资的主要原因,在我看来,是因为投资回报常常难以量化。

    The chief reason companies fail to invest in health , I think , is that it is often difficult to quantify the return .

  27. 分析我国社会转型期低收入群体健康投资的观念,阐述关于低收入群体体育的相关理论问题。

    This paper analyzes the concept of health investment of our low-income people during the people of social transform , discusses the related theoretical problems .

  28. 贫困农村地区的特点之一是文化落后,农民医疗卫生知识缺乏,自我保健及健康投资意识薄弱。

    One of the characteristics of the health situation in poor rural China is that the peasants lack of health knowledge and consciousness of self-care .

  29. 农户始终将教育投资放在首位并越来越重视对迁移的投资,但对健康投资的重视程度较低。

    Farmers always put education investment as their high priority and value migration investment increasingly . However , they seldom attach importance to health investment .

  30. 文章基于对陕西农村的462个农户的实地调查,分析了影响农户健康投资意愿的因素。

    Based on the field survey of462 sample rural families in Shaanxi Province , the paper analyzed the factors influencing these farmers'willingness to invest in health .