
  • 网络Resident investment;household investment
  1. 我国居民投资的勃然兴起,是经济体制改革和经济发展到一定阶段的必然结果,也是改革进一步深化和经济进一步发展的要求。

    The development and prosper of the household investment in our country is a certainly result of a specific stage of economy in it 's way of development and the persist of economic system reform . And , it is also the requirement of the further reform and economic development .

  2. 以此为基础,居民收入持续增长、居民交换范围扩大、居民分配格局变化、居民消费快速升级、居民投资勃然兴起,居民经济问题已成中国经济运行的一个重要的方面。

    On this basis increase of household income , household exchanging scope enlarges , household distributing situation changes , household consumption rapidly upgrades , and household investment increases , so household economy has become one of the most important aspects of Chinese economy operation .

  3. 居民投资与储蓄及其在经济流动中的关系

    Investment and Savings of Residents and Their Relations in Economic Circle Movement

  4. 金融部门改革也能直接提高居民投资收入。

    Financial sector reform would also boost household income from investments directly .

  5. 外生性因素作用下城镇居民投资行为研究

    A Study on Investment Behaviors of Urban Residents Affected by Exogenous Factors

  6. 浅论凯恩斯有效需求内涵的扩大:居民投资需求

    An Analysis of Connotation of Effective Demand : Households ' Investment Demand

  7. 中国在某种程度上依然是社会主义国家,依然实施着资本控制,不让国内居民投资海外。

    China , still somewhat Communist , has capital controls that prevent individuals investing abroad .

  8. 教育:中国城镇居民投资新热点

    Chinese Residents Favour Investing in Education

  9. 中国故意将利率保持在低位,同时事实上禁止居民投资海外市场。

    Chinese interest rates are kept deliberately low , while households are effectively forbidden from investing overseas .

  10. 与此同时,日趋完善的金融市场为居民投资提供了更加多元化的投资工具。

    At the same time , the financial markets are well served with more financial instruments for investors .

  11. 增加股票供应和允许境内居民投资海外市场等结构性变革仍然在酝酿之中。

    Structural changes , such as increasing supply or freeing locals to invest more overseas , are still in reserve .

  12. 论文的研究成果既可作为政府调控城市住宅市场发展的依据,也可作为居民投资置业的依据。

    The results can be helpful for government to make macro-control of housing market and for citizens to make housing choice .

  13. 当前居民投资对象主要集中于股票和债券,这就决定了市场参与者的套利行为必然使股市与债市存在联动性。

    The stocks and bonds are mainly invested products , this determines that there is co-movement between the stock market and the bond market because of arbitrage .

  14. 2009年12月20日中国人民银行近日的一项调查显示,在今年第四季度,中国城镇居民投资和支出意愿有上升趋势。

    2009-12-20 Chinese urban residents showed more willingness to invest and spend in the fourth quarter this year , according to a survey launched by the nation 's central bank .

  15. 居民投资渠道单一,消费不足,金融机构严控放贷等原因导致银行产生巨额存差。

    A huge sum of gap in bank has been made by residents with narrow investment and inadequate consumption and by the strictly controlled loan model of the financing institutions .

  16. 第三,规范资本市场的运行,丰富居民投资渠道和产品,吸引储蓄转化为投资。

    Thirdly , we should regulate the rules of the capital market , activate the securities market and enrich the investment channel and products to attract savings into the capital market .

  17. 房地产投资信托在拓宽居民投资渠道、活跃房地产市场、培育和健全资本证券市场及促进社会发展等方面发挥着重要作用。

    It has a very important significance for the real estate investment trust to open up invests channel , active real estate market , cultivate and perfect capital stock market , and promote the development of society .

  18. 此外,绝大部分B股由国内个人投资者持有。中国从2001年开始允许境内居民投资购买B股,而这些人之中,很多人从来就没听说过德高望重的格林斯潘先生。

    Also , the vast majority of B-shares are held by individual domestic investors – they have been allowed to buy these shares since 2001 – many of whom have never heard of the venerable Mr Greenspan .

  19. 分析了社会形态、金融体系的变迁、资本市场、可支配收入以及居民投资观念对城镇居民金融资产结构的影响。

    Firstly , this paper analyses the influence of the social formation , changes in the financial system , capital markets , and the disposable income of urban residents to the structure of urban residents ' financial assets .

  20. 投资基金按其理论上方便、高效、低成本、低风险的机制本该成为我国居民投资理财的理想选择,但事实并非如此。

    Investment fund should become the resident investment of our country according to its theoretically convenient mechanism of efficient , low cost and low risk , is ideal as managing money to select , but fact is not such .

  21. 80年代以来,居民投资无论在数量规模上还是在现实影响上已越来越成为中国经济生活中不可忽视的重要方面,它对于国民经济持续、稳定、健康、发展作出了巨大的贡献。

    Since 1980 's , either the quantity and the quality or the real influence of private financial investment has been regarded as very important factor in the economy , and devoting greatly to the persistant , steady , healthy development of macro economy .

  22. 烟台市居民健康投资影响因素的Logistic回归分析

    Logistic Regression Analysis of Factors Affecting the Health Investment of Yantai City Residents

  23. 农村居民教育投资困境及对策分析

    Analysis on the Plight and Measures of Rural Residents ' Educational Investment

  24. 放宽居民境外投资限制。

    Restrictions on individuals investing overseas will be relaxed .

  25. 三是与居民个人投资金融产品匮乏有关。

    Third , financial products suitable for the resident to invest are deficient .

  26. 重庆市居民金融投资行为与经济增长研究

    Study on Private Financial Investment of Chongqing Households and Economic Development in Chongqing

  27. 我们要鼓励国内居民对外投资。

    We will support overseas investments by domestic residents .

  28. 在市场化程度更高的体系中,居民的投资收益应该大大高于零。

    In a more market-based system , households would do much better than zero .

  29. 这说明住房仍偏于消费品,居民住房投资的意识较为淡泊。

    So housing still belongs to consumption goods , and households have little housing investment motives .

  30. 有迹象显示,中国居民海外投资的上限可能会上调,这或许会给中国的海外并购活动带来进一步刺激。

    Hints that overseas investment limits for Chinese people could increase might give this a further boost .