
  • 网络investment;initial investment;Building Investment;investment in infrastructure
  1. 建设投资与鞍山GDP的数学模型研究

    Construction Investment to Anshan Economy Growth Function Mathematical Model

  2. 基于AHP住宅建设投资方案评价的模糊多准则决策技术研究

    The Research for Multiple Criteria Fuzzy Decisive Technology of the Evaluation of Residential Construction Investment Scheme Based on AHP

  3. 住宅建设投资方案评价方法新探&基于AHP的模糊多准则决策

    Fuzzy Multiple Standards Decision on the Basis of AHP

  4. 据世界银行估计:1%的人均GDP的增长需要增加约9%的基本建设投资。

    It is estimated by the WB that the 1 % growth of GDP per capital needs the 9 % growth in the infrastructure investment .

  5. LNG小区汽化站建设投资省、见效快、方式灵活;

    LNG gasification stations can be built up in communities in a short time , with a small investment and in flexible ways ;

  6. 在3G还未进入商用阶段之时,网络的预规划对之后的建设投资和网络质量很重要。

    When the 3rd generation has not entered commercial stage , the network pre-plan is very important to the after construction investment and the network quality .

  7. X公司除了小部分股权投资外,其余投资都为项目建设投资,其中项目建设投资主要是公司内部与主业相关的固定资产投资。

    ⅹ In addition to small equity investment , other investments are investments for the project construction , including construction investment projects within the company is mainly associated with the main business investment in fixed assets .

  8. 因此即便企业投资和居民住房建设投资保持在较低的水平,国民投资超过国民储蓄也导致了经常项目赤字占到GDP的2.3%。

    So even with a relatively low level of business investment and residential construction , the excess of national investment over national savings resulted in a current account deficit of 2.3 per cent of GDP .

  9. 基于统计资料对中国东西部地区建筑业GDP、建筑业总产值、基本建设投资、城市基础设施建设等宏观经济数据进行实证比较分析。

    Based on the statistics , this paper gives comparative and positive analysis of the construction GDP , total output value of construction , infrastructure investment , cities infrastructure construction in both the east and west regions of China .

  10. Granger因果关系检验表明水利建设投资与农林牧渔业产值之间存在着双向因果关系,同时有效灌溉面积比值增长也是引起农村居民家庭人均纯收入增长的原因。

    Granger causality tests show that there is a double-direction causality relationship between investment of conservancy construction and agricultural output value . And the increase of the rate of effective irrigated areas was also a reason for the increase of net income of the rural families .

  11. 应用HSA算法对模型进行了求解,确定出新建变电站的最佳数量、位置、容量以及供电范围,并计算出各新建变电站和低压侧出线的建设投资费用以及线路长度。

    And the algorithm is adopted to solve the model and calculate the optimized number , location , capacity and service range of newly-built substation , capital cost of new substations and outgoing line on low voltage side , and line length as well .

  12. 我国大型工程建设投资控制对策研究

    Control Scheme on Construction Investments of Big Engineering Project in China

  13. 谈高校学生公寓建设投资控制

    Discuss the construction of student 's apartment of the university simply

  14. 化工建设投资项目的技术经济评价与实证分析

    Technology & Economic Evaluation for Chemical Construction Investment Project and Its Demonstration

  15. 违反国家建设投资项目管理规定的行为;④将财政资金或者其他公款私存私放的行为。

    Break provisions on administration of state investment project in capital construction ;

  16. BOT:解决西部基础设施建设投资的一种方式

    BOT : Solving Investment Problems in the Western Infrastructure Construction

  17. 用模糊线性规划进行公路建设投资决策

    Using Fuzzy Linear Programming to Make Investment and Decision of Highway Construction

  18. 不同规模城市的建设投资优化配置研究

    A research on optimized allocation of construction investment on cities of different-sizes

  19. 如何建立铁路建设投资管理系统

    How to establish capital construction investment management system of railways

  20. 降低新型干法水泥厂建设投资的方法和途径

    Ways to lower capital investment into a new dry process cement plant

  21. 铁路建设投资方案评价中的多目标模糊决策法

    Multi-objective Fuzzy Decision-making Method in the Investment Project Evaluation of Railway Construction

  22. 阜新县水利建设投资与经济效益分析

    Investment in Fuxin County Water Conservancy Works and Analysis Effectiveness

  23. 德国城市轨道交通建设投资的有关法规

    Some Regulations Concerned in the Investment of Urban Rail Construction in Germany

  24. 英国高等级公路的建设投资与项目管理

    Infrastructure investment and project management in high-class highways in UK

  25. 公路建设投资乘数的算法研究

    Arithmetic research of investment multiplicator in highway construction investment

  26. 预测了到本世纪末城市住宅建设投资需求量。

    It also forcasts the demand for urban housing construction fund in 2000 .

  27. 北京城市基础设施建设投资与经济发展水平研究

    Beijing 's Urban Infrastructure Investment and Development of Economy

  28. 新建本科院校提高实验室建设投资效益初探

    On Newly-built Universities Improve the Benefit of the Investment of the Laboratory Construction

  29. 高等学校基本建设投资体制改革

    Reform of Investment System in Capital Construction in University

  30. 工程建设投资成本控制

    A Probe into Investment Cost Control on Construction Engineering