
  • Constructor;architect;The Chartered Builder;Construction division
  1. 冯永明先生还拥有PMP认证、投资建设项目管理师、一级建造师职业资格。

    He passed PMP certification , the Investment Manager certification for Construction Project and Constructor certification .

  2. 矿山一级注册建造师考试指导

    Guide to the Qualification Examination of Primary Registered Mine Construction Engineers

  3. 如何正确面对我国的建造师执业资格制度

    How to View the Constructor Executive System in Our Country

  4. 浅谈项目经理资质管理向建造师制度的转变

    The change from project manager quality management system to the constructor qualification system

  5. 浅谈如何塑造建造师的实践能力

    How to advance the practice ability of construction manager

  6. 建造师执业资格制度的创建

    Introduce About Establishment of Constructor Qualification System

  7. 然而,桥的建造师欧文·莫洛另有想法。

    However , the bridge 's architect , Irving Morrow , had a different plan .

  8. 注册建造师管理规定

    Registered Construction Engineer Management Prescription

  9. 虽然,蜜蜂从未因此获奖。但是,它们无疑是大自然最杰出的建造师。

    They may not win any awards , but bees are clearly some of nature 's most accomplished architects .

  10. 董事长总经理王元旦,高级工程师,一级建造师,国家一级职业经理人。

    Wang Yuandan , Chairman , General Manager , Senior Engineer , National First-Class Construction Engineer , National First-Class Professional Manager .

  11. 中英建造师执业资格制度对比研究浅析一级建造师执业资格应试的策略和技巧

    Study on Constructor 's Vocational Qualification System between China and UK Analysis of strategies and skills in Examination for Certificate of Constructor

  12. 我国先后建立了建筑师、监理工程师、造价师、建造师、勘察设计师等建筑市场执业资格制度。

    China has established a qualification system for architect , supervising engineers , cost engineers , architects , designers and other construction professors .

  13. 通过对两者的差异进行对比研究,分析了注册建造师考试中对职业健康安全和环境管理这部分内容的必要性以及考核要求和要点。

    The study of the differences shows that it 's necessary to add occupation healthy security and environment management to the constructor 's vocational qualification tests .

  14. 可以说,建立建造师执业资格制度是与国际接轨、开拓国际建筑市场的客观要求。

    Therefore , establishment of RC system could be regarded as the objective requirement for Chinese construction industry to enter and compete in global construction market .

  15. 一些景观建筑师甚至会监督现场的施工,但是大多数时候这个阶段的工作被交给了开发商或另外的建造师。

    After a project is approved , landscape architects prepare even more detailed working drawings and outline explicitly the methods of construction and lists of construction materials .

  16. 建造师在工程建设中的职业健康安全与环境管理职责浅谈民爆企业实施质量、环境和职业健康安全管理体系认证的意义

    Occupation Healthy Security and Envionment Management in the Constructor s Vocation Qualification Tese ; Certification Significance of the QMS , EMS and OHSMS for Industrial Explosive Enterprise

  17. 从建设工程项目总承包及施工管理的角度出发,简要介绍了建造师应具备的基本条件和如何锻炼建造师的专业技术能力。

    A simple introduction is given to the basic qualification of construction manager and how to improve specialty ability of construction manager , from the angle of construction management .

  18. 我国建筑业实行建造师执业资格制度,是对事关社会公众利益、专业技术性要求高的项目管理专业实行从业人员市场准入控制,标志着国家和社会对工程项目经理这一职业的认可。

    Implementing the system of professional qualification of building engineer in China 's construction industry is a control for permission of personnel entry into construction market for the profession of project manager concerning the public interest and special technique .

  19. 文中从法律定位、行业定位及与政府、会员的关系定位三个方面,就我国建造师协会的定位问题展开讨论,并提出一些建议和个人见解。

    This paper launches the discussion on the constructor association 's localization from three aspects , namely the legal localization , the profession localization and the relation localization with the government and its members , and puts forward some proposals and individual opinions .

  20. 建筑施工的质量与品质的好坏,牵涉到业主、勘察、设计、施工、供应、监理等各方,各专业的协调及项目经理(建造师)的协调管理是至关重要和不容忽视的。

    The construction quality and character involves in the cooperation of owners , reconnaissance , design , con - tractors , suppliers and supervisions , and the project man - agers ' ( or constructors ) communication is also very im - portant and must not be ignored .

  21. 在建造拉什莫尔时,它的总建造师博格勒姆想要盖一座大礼堂作为一个大会客厅,用来放置所有美国历史上重要的文件。

    While building Rushmore , its chief architect Gutzon Borglum wanted to create a large hall which would serve as a grand room where all of the important documents in American history would be kept .