
  1. 所测建筑主体材料中,除了矿渣水泥属于B类产品外,其他均达标,属于A类产品,使用不受限制。

    The main building materials measured , expect the slag cement as the Class B product , was the Class A product which the use of was unrestricted .

  2. 十大欧式建筑物外立面照明以暖色调光源为主,重点对建筑物顶部、中部、下部进行照明,突出各种建筑主体及外轮廓;文化娱乐广场照明采用26套6m高庭园灯;

    External facade lighting mainly adopts warm colour source , and focuses on roof , middle and down part of building , and protrudes building main part and external contour , entertainment square adopts 26 sets 6m high courtyard lamp ;

  3. 高层建筑主体结构外防护施工工艺研究

    On the Construction Technique of Outer Protection of High-building Principal Part

  4. 高层建筑主体结构断面数量的合理确定

    Rational Determination of the Amount of Main Structural Section in Tall Buildings

  5. 高层建筑主体施工技术探讨

    Probing into constructing technique in high building main body

  6. 历史保护建筑主体结构检测与鉴定分析

    The detection & Identification on the major structure of protected historical significant building

  7. 空旷建筑主体结构与屋面网架协同工作的设计探讨

    The Discussion for the Co-operation of Main Structure and Roofing Network in Large Area

  8. 四川地区建筑主体材料放射水平及居民受照剂量评价

    Evaluation of radiation level of main materials and exposure dose for building in Sichuan Province

  9. 重点分析了建筑主体结构和幕墙结构不同地震烈度下的地震响应。

    The seismic responses of the main structure and curtain wall structure are analyzed under different seismic intensity .

  10. 文章最后将重力坝混凝土施工仿真模型和高层建筑主体结构施工仿真模型进行了分析与比较,总结了两类模型的相同之处与不同之处。

    Finally , the paper compares the concrete dam construction model and high-rise building construction model and summarizes the similarities and differences .

  11. 在这项调查,形象化,动物,建筑主体结构表露安排是动态的,层次和可塑性。

    In this investigation , figurative , animal , and architectural subjects reveal their structural arrangements as being dynamic , layered and malleable .

  12. 三峡工程将钢纤维硅粉混凝土应用于水工建筑主体工程施工在国内尚属首例。

    It is the first in China that the steel - fibre - silico concrete is applied in the main works of the hydraulic structures .

  13. 中庭在商业建筑主体中扮演着相当重要的角色,他最具表现力,最能渲染消费者的购物心理。

    Atrium of the subject in commercial construction plays a very important role , he the most expressive , the most can render consumer shopping psychology .

  14. 建筑主体竣工并且华为初步验收后,应开具金额等于总合同金额的30%的发票。

    30 % of the total contract amount shall be invoiced upon agreement that the building main body has been completed and been preliminarily accepted both by the by huawei .

  15. 通过法律监督,做到有法必依,通过市场监督,规范建筑主体行为,通过舆论监督和新闻媒介监督,消除不正之风。

    The legal supervision can make management personnel abide by the law carefully . The market supervision can norm the behavior of construction subjects . The press and medium supervision can eliminate immorality .

  16. 高层建筑主体结构现浇混凝土模板体系的合理选择工程设计从概念设计入手,合理选择结构体系,并采用两种不同软件进行结构计算分析,并相互比较。

    Optimization of Formwork System of Concrete Cast in Situs for Major Structure of High rise Buildings A suitable structure system is selected from the point of conception design , and calculated by two softwares .

  17. 文章根据工程结构可靠度理论,分析了高层建筑主体结构和突出物的可靠度和失效概率,并得出有关公式。

    In this paper , based on reliability theory of engineering structures , the reliability of the prominent part and principal structure in the highrise building is analyzed , and the about formulae are reached .

  18. 再在此基础上,对能够反映建筑主体形态特征沿街立面图及其相关数据进行统计与分析,提取其建筑造型曲线并归纳其特征。

    On this basis , we can Statistics and Analysis its related data and the elevation that can reflect the main characteristics of the building along the street . And then we may grasp of Modeling Curve of its architecture and its characteristics .

  19. 为节约土地资源和降低建筑主体结构工程造价,采用有限差分法、谐波法和反应系数法对节能建筑复合墙体的非稳态热工性能进行全面分析。

    In order to save soil resources and reduce building principal part structure engineering cost , finite difference method , harmonic wave method and response coefficient method have been utilized to analyze the unsteady thermal characteristics of wall insulation in low energy consumption building .

  20. 本文着重对高层建筑主体结构现浇砼施工中的模板工程规划设计、垂直运输设备选型、手脚架设实施、砼浇注工艺、统筹施工计划、轴线与垂直度控制、安全与信息沟通等方面作了论述。

    The paper discusses the engineering planning design , vertical transport equipment , scaffold facilities , cast-in-place concrete process , overall construction planning , axis and vertical control and linking up of the safety and information in the cast-in-place concrete on the tall building .

  21. 随着酒店设计实践的迅猛发展,广东地区酒店设计理念相对滞后,与国际品牌酒店无微不至的酒店设计要求之间的矛盾日益凸显,作为酒店建筑主体空间之一的客房区设计更是如此。

    Along with the rapid development of hotel design practices , hospitality design conception in Guangdong is lagging behind international hotel with the design requirements : all possible care . And this contradiction is highlighted increasingly , especially acute reflected to the main apartment in the hotel room area .

  22. 习语短语breathtaking了不起的,震撼的accentuate让某物凸显得更加美丽worldheritagesite世界文化遗址edifice大厦,建筑的主体部分

    New words : amazing , beautiful , awesome make something look larger or more beautiful one of 1092 landmarks selected by UNESCO ( United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization ) the face of a building

  23. 建筑市场主体合格性和制度环境浅析

    Eligibility of Subject and Institutional Environment in Construction Market

  24. 论我国建筑市场主体的项目管理和风险管理

    On Project Management and Risk Management of Building Market Principal Parts in China

  25. 木构材成为土木建筑之主体:多元文化进化的结果。

    Wooden structure as the main body of the building : evolution results of multiculture .

  26. 建筑市场主体是提供和交易公共品的生产经营者。

    Principal parts of building market are engaged in construction and transaction of building projects .

  27. 超高层建筑地下主体结构与深基坑支护结构相结合的设计和实践

    Design and practices of retaining and bracing system for deep excavation combined with substructure of super-high-rise building

  28. 培育合格的建筑市场主体推进港区招投标工作的开展

    Cultivating Qualified Principle Part of Construction Market and Promoting the Development of Bidding & Tendering Works in Port

  29. 空间既是构成建筑的主体也是建筑理论最重要的研究课题。

    " Space " which provides both architectural main body and the most important research topic of architectural theory .

  30. 本文采用动力时程分析方法,选择了合理的地震波,对高层建筑的主体与裙房整体化设计进行了抗震性能的计算分析。

    The paper analyzes the dynamic anti-earthquake behavior of high building with skirt building by dynamic time procedure means .