
jī jiàn tóu zī
  • Infrastructure investment;investment of capital construction
  1. 通过现场试验,认为聚合物驱含油污水处理的沉降时间可缩短到5h,以减少基建投资。

    It is considered that the settling time of treating oily sewage can be shortened to 5 h through the field test so as to reduce the investment of capital construction .

  2. 基建投资增长曲线:美国vs.全球与其他投资者一样,大多数富裕家庭采用间接投资的方式进入基础设施建设领域。

    Most wealthy families get into infrastructure the same way other investors do : indirectly .

  3. 过去10年,中国对大宗商品的需求出现激增,其推动因素是住房建设热潮和基建投资热潮,瑞信(CreditSuisse)亚洲区(不含日本)首席经济分析师陶冬表示。

    China had a massive surge in its demand for commodities over the past decade , fuelled by its housing boom and infrastructure investment boom , says Dong Tao , head of non-Japan Asia economics at Credit Suisse .

  4. 曝气生物滤池(BAF)可节约基建投资,减少占地面积,运行费用低,管理方便,适合我国国情。

    With advantages of footprint space saving , low operation fees and convenient management , biological aerated filter ( BAF ) is appropriate to the status of our country .

  5. 过去两年里,上半年较慢的经济增长均促使高层动摇承诺(即遏制信贷驱动的基建投资),转而放松政策,以保持GDP增长不致放缓太多。

    In each of the past two years , slower growth in the first half of the year prompted Beijing to waver in its commitment to reining in credit-fuelled infrastructure investment and loosen policy to keep GDP growth from slowing too much .

  6. 本文作者运用反应动力学知识和系统工程观点,从基建投资、污水中原有微生物充分利用等方面,对AB工艺与普通活性污泥工艺进行了比较和分析。

    From the viewpoint of reaction kinetics and system engineering , the author analysed AB process and compared it with conventional activated sludge process in such aspects as contruction cost , complete utilization of microorganisms existing in raw sewage , etc. .

  7. 加蓬本周表示,正计划由亚洲公司进行45亿美元的农业和基建投资,包括由新加坡农业生产商和供应链管理公司奥兰(Olam)牵头的木材和棕榈油项目。

    Gabon said this week it was planning $ 4.5bn (€ 3.5bn , £ 2.9bn ) of agricultural and infrastructure investments by Asian companies , including timber and palm oil projects to be led by Olam , the Singapore-based agricultural producer and supply chain manager .

  8. 野村控股(NomuraHoldingsInc.)驻印度的董事经理兼全球市场负责人PankajVaish强烈认为,外国机构投资者热衷于来印度投资,特别是进行基建投资。关键是投资的条款、条件及估值。

    I do get the sense that foreign institutional investors are quite keen on coming to India overall and specifically for infrastructure , ' says Pankaj Vaish , managing director and head of global markets for India at Nomura Holdings Inc. ' The key is the terms and conditions and valuations . '

  9. 这些政策包括扩大基建投资和放宽房地产政策。

    Those policies include increasing infrastructure investment and relaxing property policies .

  10. 使用硫酸钙做原料,需要更多的基建投资。

    The use of calcium sulfate requires an greater capital investment .

  11. 实施基建投资全过程控制的实践与探索

    Practice and exploration on process control of investment in capital construction

  12. 水利基建投资的完全经济效益分析

    Analysis of full economic benefits of water resources capital construction investment

  13. 从贺西煤矿技改工程谈基建投资优化

    Optimization of construction investment in technical reformation works of Hexi Coal Mine

  14. 高等院校基建投资的控制

    Control of Capital Construction Investment for Institutions of Higher Education

  15. 高校基建投资计划管理工作的几点思考

    Thoughts on the Management of Construction Capital Investment in Universities

  16. 加强科学管理控制基建投资

    On the Improvement of Scientific Management and the Control of Capital Works Investment

  17. 基于小波神经网络的基建投资预测研究

    Prediction of Infrastructure Investment Based on Wavelet Neural Networks

  18. 对公立医院基建投资模式的构想

    A conception on the pattern of investment in capital construction in public hospital

  19. 深化设计改革控制基建投资

    Deepen Design Reform and Control Capital Construction Investments

  20. 要采取多种途径解决基建投资问题。

    The problem of investment shough multiple channels .

  21. 因此,基建投资实际上可能会减轻未来几代人的债务负担。

    So infrastructure investment actually makes it possible to reduce burdens on future generations .

  22. 浅谈高校基建投资控制

    Control of Construction Investment in Colleges and Universities

  23. 这个方案很可能专注于国内基建投资,而非私人消费。

    It will most likely focus on domestic infrastructure investment rather than private consumption .

  24. 为降低能耗,减少基建投资和便于运行管理,本工程还采用了钟氏沉砂池、微孔曝气器、周边进水周边出水二沉池、污泥气浮浓缩池等新技术。

    This project also introduces some new technologies to lower power consumption and construction cost .

  25. 当采用污泥消化时,它可改进消化器的运行并降低其基建投资费用。

    It improves digester cost operation and reduces capital cost wherever sludge digestion is utilized .

  26. 基本建设中基建投资的控制

    Control of Capital Investment in Capital Construction

  27. 另一方面可降低工程基建投资。

    On the other hand , it can reduce the capital expenditure of the project .

  28. 试析高校基建投资造价的控制与监管

    An Analysis on Supervision and Control over the Cost of Capital Investment in Collegiate Construction

  29. 实际运行平稳,产品各项指标均达到了设计要求。此外,塔板改造施工简便易行,可节约大量的设备及基建投资。

    The actual operation is stable and the product indexes can satisfy to the design requirement .

  30. 中央预算内水利基建投资计划编制对策和建议

    Measures and suggestions of making investment plan for basic construction of water sector within central budget