
jī běn ɡōnɡ zī
  • basic salary;basic wage;base pay
  1. 英国石油CEO加薪方案遭反对,令本月早些时候理查德•彭尼库克(RichardPennycook)的故事失色不少。彭尼库克领导英国合作集团(TheCo-operativeGroup)扭亏为盈,却坚持要求公司削减自己基本工资60%。

    The BP revolt overshadowed the story earlier this month of Richard Pennycook , who has led Co-operative Group 's turnround and insisted on taking a 60 per cent cut in his base pay .

  2. 周三工会与雇主之间的年度薪资谈判结束之后,包括丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCo.)和松下电器产业公司(PanasonicCo.)在内的很多领军企业表示将提高基本工资水平。

    Following annual wage negotiations between unions and employers that wrap up Wednesday , many leading companies , including Toyota Motor Corp. and Panasonic Corp. , said they would offer base pay raises .

  3. 工人的平均基本工资上升了3%。

    The basic pay of the average worker has risen by 3 per cent .

  4. 据《澳大利亚金融评论报》(AustralianFinancialReview)报道,这一补贴或为员工基本工资的15%左右。

    The Australian Financial Review reported the allowance to be around 15 % of an employee 's base salary .

  5. 本田汽车(HondaMotorCo.)宣布每位员工基本工资平均上调2200日圆。

    Honda Motor Co. said it will lift base wages by an average of Yen2200 per worker .

  6. 2.benefitpremium(基本工资之外的)福利津贴福利津贴指的是基本工资之外,高于基本工资,用来资助所享福利的额外收入。

    Your benefit premium is the additional amount over and obove base pay which is provided to help fund your benefits .

  7. 其中最新一起也是上周末结束的,广东固力本田制锁有限公司(hondalock)的工人接受了入门级员工基本工资提高20%的条件。

    The last of these also ended at the weekend , after workers at Honda lock accepted a 20 per cent increase in basic salary for entry-level employees .

  8. 英国零售商协会表示,低收入委员会(LowPayCommission)确定最低工资水平的方法,应考虑到一个事实:即最低工资已成为数十万员工的工资标准,而非基本工资基数。

    The BRC says the way rates are set by the Low Pay Commission should take into the account the fact that the minimum wage has become the norm rather than a basic pay floor for hundreds of thousands of workers .

  9. Payrollservicecomponent:提供远程payroll服务,并提供有关员工基本工资、HRA、浮动工资、付薪方式、所得税和特惠税的综合说明。

    Payroll service component : provides the remotable payroll service and provides a comprehensive statement on the employees basic , HRA , variable pay , conveyance , Income tax and professional tax .

  10. 美世发现,CEO的平均总薪酬去年增长了6.5%,达到966万美元,包括短期和长期收入以及基本工资在内。

    Mercer found that the average total compensation for CEOs , which includes short-term and long-term payouts as well as base salary , increased 6.5 % last year , to $ 9.66 million .

  11. 日本本田(Honda)似乎结束了其广东部件厂为期两周的罢工,提高基本工资近25%。

    Japan 's Honda appears to have put an end to a two-week strike at its Guangdong parts plant by raising basic pay by almost a quarter .

  12. VDS的每一个全职员工都有基本工资、提成和年度奖金。

    Every full-time employee at VDS receives a base salary , a commission , and an annual bonus .

  13. 例如,UpdateEmployeeSalary服务被用来更新员工的基本工资,并且只能够被具有Manager角色的人访问。

    For example , UpdateEmployeeSalary service is a service used to update employees'base salary and can only be accessed by people granted Manager Role .

  14. •得分:92.0•GMAT平均分:714•录取率:13.9%(估算)•2013年平均基本工资:115000美元

    • index : 92.0 • average GMAT : 714 • acceptance rate : 13.9 % ( estimate ) • 2013 median base salary : $ 115,000

  15. 在零售商中排名第八的沃尔玛公司的软件工程师以12万2110美元的平均基本工资——仅次于甲骨文公司的12万2905美元——高于来自Facebook,eBay,亚马逊和微软的工程师的平均工资。

    The retailer ranked eighth , with a reported average base salary of $ 122110 - just behind Oracle 's $ 122905 , but ahead of the average salaries reported by engineers from Facebook , eBay , Amazon or Microsoft .

  16. 部分是因为需要留住好员工,部分是为了抵消美国对奖金征税或设上限的威胁,瑞银、美林和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)均大幅提高了基本工资。

    Partly driven by a need to hold on to good staff and partly to offset the threat of bonus taxes or caps in the US UBS , Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley have all increased their basic pay substantially .

  17. 富士康(Foxconn)本月宣布将把部分工人的基本工资上调一倍。这一令人震惊的声明或许不会伤及消费者利益,但它可能导致中国新一轮的劳动力转移。

    Foxconn 's shock announcement this month that it would double base pay for some of its workers may not hurt consumers but it is likely to lead to a fresh round of labour relocation within China .

  18. JX公司的新方案中,薪酬体系包括四个部分:(1)基本工资,包括保证员工基本生活的基础工资和反映员工工龄和学历情况的履历工资;

    The focus is compensation system . That includes four parts : ( 1 ) Basic Wage , including essential standard of living and employee 's vitae pay .

  19. 工资分为基本工资、平均工资、加班工资。

    Pay includes base wage , average wage and overtime wage .

  20. 军人基本工资比例结构分析

    Analysis of the proportion and structure of armyman 's basic wages

  21. 他们除基本工资外还有佣金。

    They get commission on top of their basic salary .

  22. 福州市还提高了编外环卫工人的基本工资。

    It also raised the supernumerary City sanitation workers the basic wage .

  23. 他们甚至没有基本工资,张敏说。

    They were given no base salary , said Zhang .

  24. 他们每人获得的基本工资是每小时61美分。

    Each is paid a base wage of61-cents an hour .

  25. 每日的工资应为每月基本工资的1/5。

    Daily wage shall be1 / 25 of the basic monthly wages .

  26. 奖金和福利有时可以弥补一般般的基本工资。

    Perks and benefits can sometimes make up for so-so base pay .

  27. 男性在成年期必须应对很多压力,如他们要为养家糊口挣得基本工资,就得找重活干。

    Men must cope with several kinds of stress as they age .

  28. 基本工资包括岗位工资、年龄工资、学历工资;

    The basic salary concludes post salary , age salary and knowledge salary .

  29. 除了基本工资外,外交官们还能得到一笔丰厚的生活津贴。

    Diplomats receive a generous living allowance over and above their basic salaries .

  30. 销售代表领基本工资加销售提成。

    Sales reps receive a basic salary plus commission .