
  • 网络Fundamental analysis;fundamental research
  1. 看来Facebook不仅在社交网络方面是个大胆的创新者,在基本面分析上也是一样。

    Facebook seems to be a daring innovator not just in social media but in creative fundamental analysis as well .

  2. 这个投资小组通过自下而上的基本面分析选股。

    The investment group does bottom-up fundamental analysis to select stocks .

  3. 在加入WTO后,以基金、社保、保险、券商为首的机构投资者,坚持行业分析、上市公司业绩研究和预测,这种基本面分析价值投资理念将成为市场主导。

    After entering into WTO , organization investors led by fund , social insurance security , insurance and securities , which are insisted in industry analysis , research and forecast of listed companies ' performance , which has been prominent notion for value investment .

  4. 本人长于技术分析和基本面分析。

    I am good at technical analysis and fundamental analysis .

  5. 对我国医源性问题发生原因的基本面分析

    A basic analysis of the causes of malpractice related problems in China

  6. 第二部分是基本面分析概述和西方理论的介绍与评价,包括第2、3章。

    Part 2 gives a general view of foundation analysis and western theories .

  7. 巴菲特这样的基本面分析派有时能够渗入跟风者群体。

    Fundamentalists such as Mr Buffett can sometimes infiltrate the society of fellow travellers .

  8. 公司的基本面分析是对公司进行估值的基础。

    Analysis to the company 's basic face is the key to value it .

  9. 第二部分为企业基本面分析,主要对企业的基本面进行综合模糊分析。

    The second part is the comprehensive fuzzy analysis on the fundamentals of the company .

  10. 股市泡沫的基本面分析

    Analysis on Bubbles in Chinese Stock Market

  11. 成熟的投资者,交易前,既要进行技术分析又要进行基本面分析。

    A proficient trader employs both technical and fundamental analyses prior to entering any trades .

  12. 没有人知道需要过多久,股票基本面分析才会重新回归简单的算术。

    No one knows how long it will take for simple math to return to stock fundamentals .

  13. 光顾中国股市的大多是跟风者,而住宅市场上多为基本面分析派。

    The Chinese stock market is frequented mostly by fellow travellers , but the housing market is populated by fundamentalists .

  14. 基本面分析分析公司的基本信息,以预测其股价将来的变动。

    Analysis of basic financial information of a company in order to predict the future price movements of its stock .

  15. 对基本面分析派来说,资产的价值就是其整个生命周期产生的回报的总和。

    For fundamentalists , the value of an asset is the sum of the returns it will yield over its life .

  16. 用严格的基本面分析做交易决定时遇到的内在困难就是无法长期持续一致地赚钱。

    The problem with making trading decisions from a strictly fundamental perspective is the inherent difficulty of making money consistently using this approach .

  17. 第三部分包括第4、5章。系统分析了基本面分析中的行业分析方法和公司分析。

    Part 3 includes chapter 4 and 5 . It gives a systematical research of the analysis of industries and companies in foundation analysis .

  18. 原油投资者目前比起基本面分析,更集中看美元和股市进度。

    That could suggest crude investors are presently more focused on the greenback together with the equity markets and rather inclined to disregard fundamentals .

  19. 基本面分析派的生活可能会很伤脑筋,但他们可以降低负担风险的代价,只要不过于密切地追踪每日价格波动。

    Fundamentalist life can be nerve-racking , but fundamentalists can reduce the cost of risk-bearing by simply not following day-by-day price fluctuations too closely .

  20. 技术面分析和基本面分析的区别在于技术面分析只适用于市场的价格,而忽略了基本面因素。

    Technical analysis differs from fundamental analysis in that technical analysis is applied only to the price of the market , ignoring fundamental factors .

  21. 最终结果是,基本面分析人士可以发现对价格在未来达到某个点位的预测是正确的。

    Ultimately , the fundamental analyst could find that a prediction about where prices should be at some point in the future is correct .

  22. 基本面分析包括宏观评估,宏观评估衡量除价格本身波动以外的所有可能影响一个货币交易的基本因素。

    Fundamental analysis consists of macro strategic assessments of where a currency should be trading based on virtually any criteria but the price action itself .

  23. 经过2001年下半年股市的暴跌,以基本面分析为基础的价值投资理念受到股市投资者的青睐。谈及上市公司的基本面,一般认为就是指公司的各项财务指标,并以此作为投资依据。

    After the slump in the stock market of 2001 , Attention to the value investment arouses the analysis of the fundamental aspect of public firms .

  24. 针对中国证券市场的特点,以基本面分析为主,研究灰色决策在证券投资分析中的应用,在理论上和实践上都具有重要意义。

    It is significant in theory and in practice to make grey decision-making in securities investment analysis on the basis of basic side on present form .

  25. 然而,目前外汇交易市场中的交易员和投资者依然主要依赖基本面分析和技术分析进行投资决策。

    However , at present , the traders and investors of foreign exchange market are still mainly rely on fundamental analysis and technical analysis to make investment decisions .

  26. 这也在一定程度上说明,在信息效率上,上海A股市场并未达到半强式有效,对于无内幕信息的投资者来说,基本面分析仍为投资决策主要手段。

    This evidence indicates that the information have not reached semi-strong strong efficiency . For investors without insider information , fundamental analysis is still the primary means of investment decisions .

  27. 与基本面分析相反,技术分析不仅能过缩小这种实际缝隙,而且可以提供给交易员无限的有利用价值的的可能性。

    In contrast , technical analysis is not only closes this reality gap , but also makes available to the trader a virtually unlimited number of possibilities to take advantage of .

  28. 本文利用1999-2003年我国工业企业数据,对我国制造业产业进行动态基本面分析,研究和评价我国制造业企业区域分布、企业规模状况、技术结构及企业类型。

    Based on the data 1999-2003 , this paper will analyse and assess some fundamental parts of our manufacturing , including regional distributing , firms'scales , technological structures , and types .

  29. 基本面分析则主要致力于研究股票的内在价值,它的研究范围包括宏观、中观和微观三个层面。

    Elementary analysis focuses on the intrinsic value the stock , as a result , its concerns are the macro economy , the middle economy and the micro economy and so on .

  30. 证券投资分析分为基本面分析和技术分析两大部分,产业分析是基本面分析理论中的重要组成部分。

    Security analysis and investment can be classified into two parts , fundamental analysis and technical analysis . However , industry analysis is one of the most important part of fundamental analysis .