
jīn tiē
  • allowance;subsidy;pay;stipend;perk;emolument;bounty
津贴 [jīn tiē]
  • (1) [allowance]∶供给制人员领取的生活零用钱

  • (2) [pay;subsidy]∶工资以外的补助费

  • 出差津贴

津贴[jīn tiē]
  1. 没有政府的津贴,成本将是最大的障碍。

    Without a government subsidy , cost is the biggest obstacle .

  2. 高等学校岗位津贴制度的现状分析

    An Analysis of Present Post Subsidy System in Institution of Higher Education

  3. 上个月申请失业津贴的人数下降了。

    Applications for unemployment benefits dropped last month .

  4. 印象中他得到了危险工作津贴。

    He was being paid danger money from the sound of it .

  5. 我每年得到2,700英镑的伦敦地区额外津贴。

    I get an extra £ 2,700-a-year London weighting .

  6. 我不禁对自己将要放弃的津贴感到有点儿不舍。

    I can 't help feeling slightly wistful about the perks I 'm giving up

  7. 总统在发表讲话前说他一直以来都支持发放失业津贴。

    The president prefaced his remarks by saying he has supported unemployment benefits all along .

  8. 教师加入了旨在迫使政府支付拖欠薪水和津贴的罢工。

    Teachers have joined a strike aimed at forcing the government to pay overdue salaries and allowances .

  9. 委员们每年领取的各种津贴在5万到6万英镑之间,但最高可达9万英镑。

    The Commissioners get between £ 50,000 and 60,000 a year in various allowances . But that amount can soar to 90,000 a year

  10. 他每月津贴为800元。

    His monthly allowance is 800 yuan .

  11. 雷锋一向节省,这笔钱是他从津贴中省下来的。

    Lei Feng , always thrifty , had saved this sum from his allowances .

  12. 奖学金包括100美元书籍费津贴。

    The scholarship includes an allowance of $ 100 for books .

  13. 学校从政府领津贴。

    The school receives aid from the government .

  14. 当然钱是额外津贴。

    And the money is , of course , a perk .

  15. 你的工作有什么津贴吗?

    Are there any perks that go with your job ?

  16. 我每月的津贴是50元。

    My monthly allowance is 50 yuan .

  17. 至2008学年,共有349085名学生获发津贴,总额达4.265亿元

    In the 2000 — 2008 school year , $ 426.5 million was disbursed to 349085 students . 2000

  18. 在2009年的经济萧条期,雇主们普遍采用的新做法是给员工升职(比如给他们现任的职位增加更多责任或给他们新头衔)但是却不给员工相应的金钱补偿(没有加薪或额外津贴)。

    During the recession of 2009 , employers have embarked compensation for it ( e.g. no raise , no bonus ) .

  19. 这个说法在20世纪90年代的时候在网络研发人员和方案工程师当中特别流行,他们频繁跳槽,所有奖金和津贴之类加起来,跳槽价值能达到五位数。

    This was common in the 1990s with web developers and solution architects when they were switching jobs frequently to have jump values of five figures when all bonuses and incentives were calculated .

  20. 有关部门要落实好防护物资、生活物资保障,落实好工资待遇、临时性工资补助、卫生防疫津贴待遇,尽快出台关心关爱一线医务人员的政策措施。

    The relevant authorities should guarantee the supply of protective materials and daily necessities , implement payment and subsidy policies , and take measures to protect medical workers ’ interests as soon as possible .

  21. 有些“零时工合同”要求员工必须接受雇主提出的工作时间要求,有些会让员工考虑后做决定;不过,大部分“零时工合同”都不包括带薪病假或休假,也没有裁员津贴或养老金。

    Some zero hours contracts make it compulsory for workers to accept the working hours they 're offered , and others allow the employee to decide , but most contracts of this type don 't offer sick or holiday pay , and deny rights such as redundancy payments and pensions .

  22. 这些研究由来自美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)的津贴资助。

    The studies were funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health .

  23. IBM公司给员工很高的出差津贴。

    IBM offers quite a high traveling allowance to its employees .

  24. Excel在计算高校教师课时津贴中的应用

    Application of Excel in Calculating College Teachers Hours Allowance

  25. 马拉维政府停止向携带HIV病毒的公务员发放特殊津贴,因为政府称他们将这笔钱用于啤酒和妓女。

    The government of Malawi has stopped paying a special allowance to civil servants with HIV because it says they are spending the money on beer and prostitutes .

  26. 像citrix和kraftfoods这样的公司,付给雇员津贴,让他们用其购买想要的任何电脑,甚或苹果mac电脑。

    Companies such as Citrix and Kraft Foods pay their employees a stipend , which they can use to buy any PC they want-even an apple mac .

  27. 调查旨在帮助跨国公司和gov决定给派驻海外的员工多少薪酬津贴是合适的。

    The survey is designed to help multinational companies and governments decide on proper compensation allowances for employees stationed overseas .

  28. 更有可能的是,你可能需要见你的GP,就你的健康状况出具证明,以判断你申领哪种类型的津贴。

    More than likely , you 're also going to need to go and see your GP as well to get some kind of medical certificate to kind of kick start your claim .

  29. ECA表示,所调查的生活成本包括食物、服装和饮料等花费,但不包括房租,因为公司一般会为员工提供单独的住房津贴。

    The report takes food , clothing and drink expenses for its rankings , but not rent since companies typically offer a separate housing allowance , ECA said .

  30. 汉密尔顿学院的就业指导中心不仅将普拉丹推荐给了那家公司的首席运营官和创始人吉姆•埃利(JimEly),还为他提供了津贴以补助租金、食品和交通费用。

    Hamilton 's career center introduced Mr. Pradhan to Jim Ely , the firm 's chief executive and founder , and offered the stipend to cover rent , food and transportation .