
jì jiàn ɡōnɡ zī
  • Piece rate;piece-rate wage
  1. 本系统可使得缫丝岗位计件工资计算完全电算化。能减轻劳动强度,提高工作效率。

    This system may calculate the piece-rate wage in a filature completely .

  2. 基于SOA的港口企业计件工资系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Port Enterprise Piece-Rate System Based on SOA

  3. 计价电子秤在计件工资管理中的运用

    Meter Valence Electrons Scale and the Piece Rate Management Application

  4. 计件工资(对每件完成的工作支付的金额)

    Piece ( a certain amount for each unit of work done )

  5. 你们采用的是计件工资还是计时工资?

    Do you use piece rates or an hour wage ?

  6. 工作丰富化,加强员工工作创造性;激励计件工资制适用于生产工人。

    Job enrichment ; Incentive piecework system is suited for production workers .

  7. 对地勘单位部分工种实行计件工资的实践

    Piece rate wage for some types of work in geological prospecting units

  8. 计件工资的本质分析

    The Analysis of The Piece - rate Wage Essence

  9. 基于规则库的港口计件工资系统研究

    Research of Port Piece-Rate System Based on Rule Base

  10. 针织厂计件工资管理系统

    Piecework Wage Management System of a Knitted Sweater Plant

  11. 《计件工资计算机管理系统》的设计与实现

    Design & Accomplish Computer MIS for Piece Wage System

  12. 我在1883年试行过差别计件工资率,但是没有什么结果。

    W.S.Rogers : I tried a differential piece-price in1883 and it did not work .

  13. 合同上规定工人们应领计件工资。

    It is stipulated in the contract that the workers be paid by the piece .

  14. 现缫丝岗位计件工资的计算涉及的因素较多,计算过程较复杂。

    It is well known that the wage , calculating involves a lot of work ;

  15. 小集体超额计件工资制

    Over-quota piecework system in small collectives

  16. 家具企业管理技术金典(四)&家具企业的计件工资设计

    The Golden Classics of Furniture Business Production and Management (ⅳ) & Piece Rate Design in Furniture Corporations

  17. 岗效工资制和激励计件工资制是两种能够激励员工的企业工资分配办法。

    Post benefit wage system and incentive piecework system both are incentive staff 's business wage distribution methods .

  18. 作为工人的雇主,我发现计件工资率体系无法运行。

    G.C.Henning : As an employer of labor , I found that the piece-rate system does not work .

  19. 运用一元线性回归方程制定计件工资单价的探讨

    Inquiring Into Determining the Unit Price of Piece Rate Wage by the Regression Linear Equation With One Unknown Quantity

  20. 介绍在《计件工资计算机管理系统》研制中的具有交流意义的几个问题。

    This paper introduces that the development of computes MIS for piece wage system should possess some problems of exchages .

  21. 在此基础上制定了以岗位价值评价为基础,计件工资为主体,年度绩效工资为辅助的薪酬方案。

    Based on the post evaluation analysis , the salary program takes the piece rate as research point and the annual performance salary complimentary .

  22. 执行定额计件工资制的,按多劳多得原则计算工资。

    Regarding those who exercise the piece wage , their wage shall be based on the principle of " more pay for more work " .

  23. 正如我之前所提到的,我们所提倡的改革将会推崇最好的医疗临床诊疗,着眼于患者的护理,而不是当前这样计件工资式的偿付方式。

    As I stated earlier , the reforms we propose are to reward best practices , focus on patient care , not the current piece-work reimbursement .

  24. 分析了影响挖掘机年生产能力的因素,提出了合理确定挖掘机计件工资定额的方法。

    Analysed the influence factors on single-bucket annual production capability , put forward the method of reasonable determine the piece rate wages quota for the excavator operater .

  25. 结合外部薪酬调查和内部薪酬数据分析,提出将该公司计时工资制的薪酬体系改变成计件工资制的薪酬体系。

    By combination of the exterior salary investigation and the internal salary data analysis , the thesis proposes to adapt piece-rate salary system instead of time-rate salary system .

  26. 计件工资博弈中管理者的守诺与公平权衡&对计件工资制不流行的再解释

    The Manager 's Trade - Off Between Carrying Out the Commitment and Equity in a Piece Rate Game : a New Explanation of Unpopularity of a Piece rate System

  27. 工会赢得了有喝茶休息的时间,而资方达到了计件工资的目的,因此该会议被认为是一场不分胜负的比赛。

    The Union won the concession over tea breaks and the management got its way about piecework rates , so the meeting was judged to be a drawn game .

  28. 将生产车间质量工资有机融入到计件工资中,使质量工资与产量联动;

    To solve the existence problem better , it blends the quality wages in production workshop organically to the piecework wage to cause the quality wages and the output linkage ;

  29. 工资一般不包括计时工资、计件工资、奖金、津贴、补贴和加班加点工资,以及特殊情况下支付的工资。

    The salary is generally including time rate wage , piece rate wage , bonus , subsidy , allowance and overtime pay , and the salary paid in special circumstances .

  30. 他说他在明图?萨卡尔的店铺做一名合同工,每个月大约挣150美元,领取的是计件工资。

    He says he makes about $ 150 a month as a contract laborer in Mr. Sarkar 's shop , getting paid according to the number of pieces he makes .