
fú dòng gōng zī
  • floating wage
浮动工资[fú dòng gōng zī]
  1. 公司自明年起将采用浮动工资制,以奖勤罚懒

    The company is to adopt the floating wage system as of next year to award the diligent and punish the lazy

  2. Payrollservicecomponent:提供远程payroll服务,并提供有关员工基本工资、HRA、浮动工资、付薪方式、所得税和特惠税的综合说明。

    Payroll service component : provides the remotable payroll service and provides a comprehensive statement on the employees basic , HRA , variable pay , conveyance , Income tax and professional tax .

  3. 聘用护士浮动工资奖励的方法和效果

    The methods and effects of implementing " floating salary " for the employed nurses

  4. 除3000的底薪外,剩余的收入都是浮动工资。

    Apart from 3000 yuan basic salary , the remaining income is floating wages .

  5. 为什么越来越多的公司抛弃固定工资而选择采用浮动工资?

    Why are more and more corporations turning away from fixed forms of compensation in favor of variable pay ?

  6. 将薪酬与人才市场价格接轨;建立岗位评估体系;加大与业绩挂钩的浮动工资比例,同时建立有效的业绩管理体系。

    The salary system should be in line with the market level . Company should establish a job evaluation system , and increase the portion of variable merit pay .

  7. 物质激励主要以薪酬设计作为重点,采用浮动工资方案,如计件工资、工资奖励、奖金、利润分成、收入分成等办法;

    Regarding reward plan as main point in matter inspiring , adopt floating wages scheme such as piece rate , salary reward , bonus , profit sharing and revenue sharing etc methods ;

  8. 第四,无论过去还是现在,日本的工资都是可以浮动的,名义工资可上可下。

    Fourth , Japan had ( and has ) flexible wages downward in nominal terms as well as upward .