
  • 网络Faustian bargains
  1. 此次合作之所以有那么一丝浮士德式交易的味道,也是因为Facebook从中捞取的好处要大于出版商。

    The part of this deal that makes it a classic Faustian bargain is that Facebook arguably gets more from the arrangement than publishers do .

  2. 汤普森和很多观察人士认为,新闻界在这个问题上几乎没有选择的权力,只能被迫与Facebook共舞。这也就是为什么此次合作比经典的“浮士德式交易”还要令人悲哀。

    Thompson and others are right when they say that news companies don 't really have any choice but to play ball with Facebook , which is why this is actually much worsethan the classic Faustian bargain .

  3. 刚过十年之后,在新墨西哥州进行了首次核爆炸。此时,将物理学当作浮士德式交易的说法对核弹的制造们来说已经是老生常谈了。

    By the time of the first nuclear explosion a little more than a decade later in New Mexico , the idea of physics as a Faustian bargain was to its makers already a clich é .

  4. 未经真正地细细品味,我们已经做了一笔浮士德式的交易。

    Without really digesting it , we have made a Faustian bargain .

  5. 政策制定者进行了一次浮士德式的交易。

    Policymakers have made a Faustian bargain .

  6. 威廉与玛丽学院公共健康与营养教授斯科特o伊克斯指出,东非等地的一些拥有土地的农民经常面临这种浮士德式的交易。

    Farmers who do have land in areas like East Africa often face a Faustian bargain , said Scott Ickes , a professor of public health and nutrition at the College of William Mary .