
  • 网络resilience;resiliency;restoring force;TORQUE
  1. 对于复原力的误解往往根植于很小的时候。

    The misconception of resilience is often bred from an early age .

  2. 那么我们该如何恢复精力、增进复原力呢?

    So how do we recover and build resilience ?

  3. 如果你真的想要增进复原力,你可以从有策略地停止工作开始做起。

    If you really want to build resilience , you can start by strategically stopping .

  4. 如果你想在工作中增进复原力,那么你就需要足够的内在与外在的恢复期。

    If you 're trying to build resilience at work , you need adequate internal and external recovery periods .

  5. 正是缺少的恢复期大大阻碍了我们总体的复原力和成功能力。

    The very lack of a recovery period is dramatically holding back our collective ability to be resilient and successful .

  6. 人们通常会采取一种军国主义般的“强硬”态度来对待复原力和决心,就像一个海军陆战队战士在泥地里跋涉前行、一个拳击手再战一回合或者是一个足球运动员从地上爬起来再踢一场比赛。

    We often take a militaristic , " tough " approach to resilience and determination like a Marine pulling himself through the mud , a boxer going one more round , or a football player picking himself up off the ground for one more play .

  7. 复原力(resilience)是个体从压力或逆境中实现良好适应的过程,实质是一系列保护性因素与环境交互作用过程所达到的良好结果。

    Resilience is a dynamic process that the individual achieve the adaptation under stress or adversity . It is essentially a process that the protective factors have interaction with the environment .

  8. 离异女性复原力的建构研究

    Construction study of divorced women 's recovery

  9. 另外多元回归分析的结果表明,复原力对心理健康具有一定的预测作用。

    Another multiple regression analysis showed that , resilience to mental health has some predict .

  10. 国外关于复原力的研究综述

    A Review on Researches on Resiliency Abroad

  11. 大学生压力知觉、复原力和心理幸福感的关系研究内隐记忆、无觉察知觉与内隐学习关系综述

    Research on the Relationship among Perceived Stress , Resilience and Psychological Well-being of College Students

  12. 更多的人会失去一些伤害减免,所以他们的复原力日益攀升。

    Those with more will lose some damage reduction , increasingly so as their resilience climbs .

  13. 尾斜浪中船舶复原力计算关于舵在尾斜浪和横浪中横摇衰减效果的理论研究

    A theoretical study on the effects of rudder to roll reduction in astern and beam regular waves

  14. 汶川地震灾区中小学生复原力对其心理状况的影响

    The Influence of Resilience on Psychological Status of Primary and Middle School Students in Wenchuan Earthquake-hit Area

  15. 受灾情况和复原力对地震灾区中小学生创伤后应激反应的影响

    The Influence of Suffering Condition and Resilience on Posttraumatic Stress Response of Primary and Middle School Students in Earthquake-Striken Area

  16. 现阶段,国外对于复原力的研究较多,但是国内对于复原力的研究尚处于起步阶段。

    This stage , study abroad for higher resilience , but for the resilience of the domestic is still in its infancy .

  17. 定量分析提示,文化程度、自我效能、交互性健康素养、社会支持等因素均与组员复原力得分有关。

    The quantitative results showed that education , self-efficacy , interactive health literacy and social support are influencing factors for resilience . 4 .

  18. 复原力在离婚后个人适应过程中,扮演支持、提升幸福感、催化、稳定、注入希望等角色。

    Resilience played the role of support , advance well-being , catalysis , steady , and implant hope in the adjustment process after divorce .

  19. 使人体疲劳的肌肉更加放松,减少人体自身重量带来的压迫,有卓越的复原力。

    So that the body more relaxed muscle fatigue and reduce the body 's own weight caused by oppression , there is remarkable resilience .

  20. 此后,巴黎圣母院在两次世界大战中保存了下来,它依然是欧洲历史与复原力的象征。

    Since then , the Notre Dame de Paris has survived two world wars , and it remains a symbol of European history and resilience .

  21. 教育复原力指的是虽然早期和现在的环境条件和经历引发了个体的脆弱性或逆境,但在学习上仍可以取得成功的能力。

    Educational resilience is defined as the heightened likelihood of success in school despite personal vulnerabilities and adversities brought about by environmental conditions and experiences .

  22. 除非销售人员具备自信心,高标准的自我概念和足够的复原力能从惯常的拒绝中恢复过来,他不可能销售成功。

    Until a salesperson develops confidence , a high self-concept and sufficient resilience to bounce back from inevitable rejection , he can not sell successfully .

  23. 首先广泛的查阅国内外有关复原力以及与复原力相似概念的研究,并在此基础上通过总结讨论,初步确定了大学生复原力量表的理论构想。

    First , the research collected broadly the researches about resiliency and some concepts similar to it and on this basis worked out the theoretical subscales .

  24. 一个可能的受益者是非洲之角,世界银行为那里作出了18.8亿美元的承诺,以帮助该地区应对严重的干旱和提高干旱复原力。

    One beneficiary could be the Horn of Africa , where the World Bank has committed $ 1.88 billion to help the region cope with severe drought and build drought resilience .

  25. 结果表明,离异女性的复原力由内在的积极心理特质、外在的支持系统以及二者之间的交互作用三个方面建构而成。

    In the end , a conclusion is given & the recovery derives from three aspects : females ' inherent positive psychological characteristics , external supporting system and the interaction of the two .

  26. 复原力指的是个体具有的一些人格特质、能力或社会资源等,使个体处于危机情景或压力事件中,能发展出健康的应对方式,保持身心的健康,获得良好的适应结果。

    Resiliency refers to the personalities , abilities and social resources individuals possess to develop positive coping , well adaptation and maintain well physical and psychological health when faced with crisis or negative things .

  27. 方法:运用加利福尼亚健康儿童问卷修订版中的学生复原力问卷和社会支持问卷,对合肥市2067名三、四、五年级小学生进行调查。

    Methods : 2 067 primary school students from grade 3 to 5 were surveyed with questionnaires of Social Support Questionnaire and the Student Resilience Survey revised from the California Healthy Kids Survey in Hefei .

  28. 根据磁场分布和储能,利用麦克斯韦张量定理和虚位移法,求得了系统的悬浮力、转矩、侧向推力、复原力和次级损耗等特性,以及这些特性与系统电流激励以及结构参数之间的关系。

    According to the field distribution and energy storage , solved the lift force , torque , side force , recovery force and secondary force characteristics , relationships of the characteristics to current excitation and structure parameters .

  29. 证据和研究表明,当我们把我们的工作看成是一套行为,我们以重复的方式做的固定化的行为,我们就会失去耐力,失去复原力。

    The evidence and the research suggests that when we think about our work as a set of behaviors , scripted behaviors that we do in a repetitive way , we lose stamina , we lose resilience .

  30. 复原力的研究始于上个世纪70年代中期,由国外学者首先发现复原力的现象并提出其概念,80年代开始逐渐展开了对复原力领域的探索。近几年来国内的研究也日渐兴起。

    The research of resilience had originated from the middle of 1970s , when the scholars abroad first discovered the phenomenon and the concept . It was explored at the 1980s and sprung out in recent years in our country .