
fù jìn kǒu
  • reimport
  • reimportation
  1. 同时,广西加工贸易存在产品附加值比较低,对国内产业链的带动作用小;国货复进口问题严重;

    At the same time , there are many problems exist in the Guangxi 's processing trade .

  2. 有出口复进口需要的加工企业、有退税及保税仓储需要的生产企业。

    Processing enterprises engage in exporting then importing , manufacturing enterprises which have tax refund and bonded storage requires .

  3. 复进口税是指对外籍船舶载运中国土货从一个通商口岸运赴另一个通商口岸所征缴的进口税,因进口时纳税税率为出口税率的一半,又称复进口半税。

    Coast duty was an import tax collected from foreign ships which transported Chinese local products from one trading port to another . It was also named as re-import half duty , for its tax rate was half of the export tax rate .