
  • 网络Multipler;Multiple correlation coefficient;multiple r
  1. 在改进了复相关系数倒数赋权法后,将MP马氏距离应用于缺损数据补值,实验结果不仅验证了MP马氏距离的任意存在性,而且在准确性上也略优于马氏距离。

    After improving the Multiple Correlation Coefficient , the MP Mahalanobis distance and entropy is used in missing data imputation . Simulation proves MP Mahalanobis distance not only exists in any data sets , but also has better accuracy than the Mahalanobis distance . 3 .

  2. 将复相关系数较大的回归方程作为拟合的最优方程。

    The regression equation which has a larger Multiple Correlation Coefficient will be as the optimal equation fitted .

  3. 该模型的复相关系数为093。算出回归方程和相关系数,相关系数(r)均在0.994~1.000之间。

    The correlation coefficient of the model is 0.93 . The regression equation and the correlation coefficient were calculated .

  4. 气候要素日照Q,积温∑~t、降水R与水稻产量的复相关系数达到显著或极显著水准。

    The coefficient of multiple correlation between the climatic elements-Sun shine Q , Accumlated temperature ∑ t and Rainfall R , and rice yield reached remarkable or quite remarkable level .

  5. 研究方法:主成分分析法。利用主元相关变量残差统计量代替平方预测误差Q统计量,并采用累积方差贡献率及复相关系数确定PCA模型的主元数。

    Method of principal components was employed . The principal components in PCA is decided by virtue of ( cumulative ) percent variance and multi-correlation coefficients .

  6. 复相关系数F检验表明观察F值大于1%F值,这两个模型皆可用于预报涩、瘪籽流行率。

    F-test for the multiple correlation coefficients indicated that the observed F values were larger than the 1 % F value . So both models were used as forecasting the epidemic rates .

  7. 与煤浆稳定性有关的主要煤质因素为煤岩显微组分分析中丝质组分的质量分数和煤灰成分分析中SiO2的质量分数,复相关系数为0.779。

    The content of inertinite in petrographic macerals and the content of SiO2 in coal ash are the major factors influencing the static stability of CWS .

  8. 模拟各肥料处理养分累积释放率的Richards函数方程的复相关系数均达到极显著水平,表明使用Richards方程能够准确地描述和预测养分的释放速率。

    The multiple-correlation coefficients of Richards equation , which simulated the nutrient accumulative release rates of the multi-longevity CRF , reaching a significant level . Therefore , the nutrient accumulative release rates could be described and forecasted by Richards equation .

  9. 模型的复相关系数为84%,残差检验表明模型的线性假定成立。

    The complex correlativity coefficient of the models is 84 % .

  10. 该模型的复相关系数为093。

    The correlation coefficient of the model is 0.93 .

  11. 晶体管噪声模型复相关系数与其内部噪声源的关系

    Study on the Relation between Complex Correlation Coefficient Transistor Noise Model and its Internal Noise Sources

  12. 用复相关系数代表污染物指标的独立性。

    The multiple correlation coefficients were used as the independence of the indexes of indoor air pollutants .

  13. 6研究了树高与枝下高的相关关系,选出的各分组回归方程的复相关系数为0.119-0.3829,平均精度为96.35%,最低精度为67.39%,其结果可靠程度低于树高与胸径的回归方程。

    Regression equations for different DBH groups are establisheded by studying the relations between tree height and DBH .

  14. 回归的复相关系数和重新计算的误差结果显示拓扑指数与理化性质具有优良的相关性。

    It is found the fifteen physicochemical properties of the unsaturated hydrocarbons have excellent correlativity with the topological indices .

  15. 提出了应用偏相关系数来区分多维粗差和用复相关系数对多维粗差总体显著性进行检验并定位的方法。

    This article introduced the concept and properties of coefficient of correlation , and offered three methods of proving the properties .

  16. 二元回归相关分析进一步表明:复相关系数和偏相关系数均达极显著水平。

    The result of binary regression analysis showed that both multiple regression coefficient and partial regression coefficient attained the levels of highly significance .

  17. 用1951-1995年的45年资料建立的二因子回归预报模型的复相关系数可达到0.66。

    The regression model based on 45 years data ( 1951-1995 ) with the two parameters has a multiple correlation coefficient of 0 . 66 .

  18. 进行复相关系数匹配中提出了自适应切换窗口的匹配策略,既保证了匹配质量,又提高了匹配效率;

    When carrying out coefficient matching , a matching strategy of acclimatizing itself to switching window is put forward to guarantee the quality of matching and enhance its efficiency .

  19. 与煤浆流变性有关的主要煤质因素为煤的灰分质量分数、煤中可溶矿物离子的溶出量、压汞仪所测煤的孔体积以及煤表面的动电位性质,复相关系数为0.917;

    The content of ash , the content of soluble mineral matters in CWS , the pore volume and the Zeta-potential properties of coal surface mainly affect the rheological behaviour of CWS .

  20. 通过设定复相关系数和相关系数同时超过阈值删除指标,避免了单一标准导致指标的误删,保证了删除指标后信息含量损失少。

    We set that the indexes are deleted when the multiple correlation coefficient and the correlation coefficient exceed the threshold at the same time , which avoids deleting indexes mistakenly with single standard and ensures less information loss .

  21. 进一步研究了可靠性指标的应用问题,认为当观测值的复相关系数不同时,应同时考虑内、外可靠性指标;

    Then , the further study on using the problem of reliability indicators is taken , and when one multiple correlation coefficient is different from another for correlated observations . Their internal and external reliability indicators should be simultaneously considered .

  22. 该建模技术引入由信道几何参数得到空间复相关系数的函数关系,利用基于信道几何特征的建模技术生成的信道几何参数来配置信道的空间复相关系数。

    The model introduces the complex spatial correlation coefficients as a function of channel geometrical parameters . With this functional relationship , the complex spatial correlation coefficients are configured by channel geometrical parameters generated by the ' geometrically-based ' method .

  23. 症状自评量表各因子的复相关系数在0.45~0.62之间,决定系数在0.20~0.39之间,表明高中生心理健康状况的变化受方程内因素影响的程度在39%。

    Complex related coefficient of each factor in SCL-90 was between 0.45 and 0.62 , and the determining coefficient was between 0.20 and 0.39 , which showed that the changes of mental health in senior middle school students were affected by internal factors at 39 % .

  24. 最后提出政府绩效评估中,不同信度效度分析方法的适用条件以及构成型指标不适用内容一致性信度分析的结论,并给出利用复相关系数验证构成型指标信度的可操作建议。

    Finally , the Government Performance Evaluation , different reliability and validity analysis of the conditions of application of the method as well as formative indicators do not apply consistency reliability analysis concluded , given the multiple correlation coefficient to verify the reliability actionable recommendations constitute indicators .