
  • 网络rank correlation coefficient;Spearman;coefficient of rank correlation
  1. 肯德尔等级相关系数

    Kendall rank correlation coefficient

  2. 方法用防御方式问卷和康奈尔医学指数对海军某部177名潜水人员进行团体测验。用等级相关系数分析二者的相关关系。

    Methods 177 divers are tested in group with Defense Style Questionnaire ( DSQ ) and Cornell Medical Index ( CMI ), the relationship are analyzed with rank correlation coefficient .

  3. 肝硬化CT分级与临床肝功能Child-Pugh分级等级相关系数0.8(P<0.0001);

    Liver CT grades were well correlated to Child-Pugh grades with Rs of 0.8 ( P < 0.0001 ) .

  4. 问卷各指标Spearman等级相关系数在0.655~1.000之间,P值均小于0.05。

    The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient of all indicators were ranged from 0.655 to 1.000 , all the P values were less than 0.01 .

  5. 模糊综合决策模型分MA和MB两大类。由列联系数(ci),等级相关系数(di)和最大频数(∫i)构成模糊向量X;

    The authors divided the Fuzzy synthetic determinative model into two large sorts , i. e. M_A and M_B . The Fuzzy vectors X were composed of contingency coefficient ( c_i ) , grade relation coefficient ( d_i ) and the biggest frequency ( f_i ) .

  6. 除此之外,风险差方法与Kendall等级相关系数方法对病人的分类效果要比对正常人的分类效果高。

    In addition , the efficiency of classification for patient groups is better than that for normal groups by methods of risk difference and Kendall rank correlation for feature selection .

  7. 在二类不平衡分类问题中,本文提出使用斯皮尔曼等级相关系数来衡量特征之间的冗余性,并把这个冗余性度量和利用AUC本身作为相关性度量的两项结合起来。

    Specifically , in binary imbalanced learning , we propose to adopt the Spearman correlation coefficient to measure the redundancy between features , and then combine this redundancy term with the AUC term that measures the relevance between a feature and the class label .

  8. 结合多属性决策原理,提出一种基于Spearman等级相关系数的综合赋权优化方法,对养护路段进行合理排序,使有限资金发挥最大效益,具有重要意义。

    Combining the theory of multiple attribute decision making , it is significant to put forward an optimum method of combination weights based on spearman , so as to get reasonable order of mainte-nance sections of highway and make limited funds produce maximum profit .

  9. 浅谈等级相关系数与斯皮尔曼等级相关系数

    The Relationship of Rank Correlation Coefficient and Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient

  10. 等级相关系数与点双列相关系数计算公式的导出

    On Calculation Formula for Rank Correlation Coefficient and Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient

  11. 斯珀曼等级相关系数的检验

    Test of Spearman 's rank-correlation coefficient

  12. 论证了积差相关系数、点二列相关系数和等级相关系数等三种样本相关系数,都是同一概念和公式的不同应用和表现。

    The paper proves that product moment correlation coefficient 、 point biserial correlation are all different use and manifestations of one concept and formula .

  13. 本文提出了通过检验剩余绝对值和自变量的等级相关系数,检验材积方程模型异方差性的方法。

    In this paper , the method of testing model heteroscedasticity for volume equations by testing rank correlation coeffients between absolute residuals and independent variables is presented .

  14. 结果表明,仅胃癌死亡率与铒元素有相关性,等级相关系数为-05069(P<0005)。

    The result shows that the mortality of gastric cancer is obviously correlated to Er in soil and the correlation coefficient gradation is - 0 506 9 ( P < 0 005 ) .

  15. 对量表的重复测试信度作等级间相关系数(ICC)分析。

    Intraclass correlation coefficient ( ICC ) was analyzed .

  16. 结果2组患者2次检测的SEP值等级间相关系数(ICC)值为0.9006~1.0000,上肢组优于上下肢组。

    Results The interclass correlation coefficient ( ICCs ) were between 0.9006 ~ 1.0000 , but method of stimulation in the group B was better than that in group A.

  17. 计算结果表明,这些特征参数与平整度等级的相关系数均超过90%,可进一步用于织物平整度等级的模式识别。

    The calculation results show that the correlation coefficients between these feature parameters and wrinkle grade are all over 90 percent , which means all the parameters can be further used to evaluate the wrinkle grade by pattern recognition .

  18. 另外,还计算了导热系数与体积密度、显气孔率、透气度和原料等级之间的相关系数。

    Correlation coefficients between the thermal conductivity and bulk density , open porosity , permeability and raw material grade was obtained respectively .

  19. 8日龄时bcl2水平与8日龄脑海马及皮质凋亡细胞数呈等级正相关,相关系数分别为0.88及0.71(均为P<0.05);

    It was positive correlation between bcl 2 level and apoptosis cells in hippocampi or cortex tissue when the rats were 8 days old , and the correlation coefficient were 0.88 or 0.71 ( P < 0.05 );

  20. 得到非标准块检测块与标准块抗压强度对于不同强度等级和不同高度相关系数都于1相近,但换算系数的确定还需更多的试验数据为基础。

    Get the standard piece of detection and standard piece of compressive strength for different intensity level and different height correlation coefficient is close to 1 , but the coefficient factor determined to more test data of the foundation .

  21. 利用等级相关理论中Spearman等级相关系数和灰色关联度,提出了评审工作中专家权数的确定方法。

    An approach for determining weight of specialists opinion in rewards judgement is put forward by use of the theory of rank correlation coefficient of spearman and grey system correlation degree .