
  • 网络Complex Sales
  1. 复杂的销售合同会让会计人员更头疼。

    Complex sales contracts make life difficult for accountants .

  2. 不过这需要精密而且复杂的销售和市场策略,有一些公司已经找到了成功的秘诀。

    This requires sophisticated selling and marketing materials , but some companies are finding great success .

  3. 一个招标的一部分,通常是一个复杂的销售过程中,也被称为企业销售。

    An RFP is usually part of a complex sales process , also known as enterprise sales .

  4. 以较复杂的销售商品,提供劳务收到的现金项目金额的确定为例来说明进行间接确定公式推导得一般程序,从而得到全面的公式。

    The deduction of a general program can be obtained by indirect development formulation , thus the all-round formulation followed , as in the example of the determination of item amount of cash received through service in goods sales .

  5. 在广告牌、杂志和互联网上做广告,而这只是庞大而复杂的烟草销售网的一部分。

    Adverts on billboards , in magazines and on the Internet , comprise only one strand of the complex tobacco marketing net .

  6. 布鲁塞尔未来数月内将公布针对在欧洲运营的信用评级机构的目标监管措施。人们对于这些机构在推动复杂结构性投资工具销售方面上所扮演的角色感到愤怒,上述举措是对此的回应。

    Brussels is to unveil targeted regulatory measures for credit rating agencies operating in Europe over the next few months in response to anger over their role in promoting the sale of complex structured investments .