
  1. 如何改进政府投资项目代理效率?

    How to enhance the agency efficiency ?

  2. 哪些因素会影响政府投资项目的代理效率,如何影响?

    What kinds of factors will effect the agency efficiency of the government investment project and how ?

  3. 提高风险投资过程中两级委托&代理效率的思考

    Thinking on improving the efficiency of principal & agent relationship at two levels during the course of venture capital

  4. 在代理效率方面,企业中高昂的交易成本是由以下三个方面的原因共同造成的:首先,企业无法低成本地解决组织中的代理问题;

    And as to the agency efficiency , the high level transaction costs in the enterprises result from three causes . First , the enterprises can 't solve the agency problem low costly .

  5. 本文从政府投资项目代建效率的现状入手,探讨政府投资项目代理人对代理效率的影响,试图回答:什么是政府投资项目代理链?

    The thesis emphasizes the present situation of the government investment project with the analysis of the factors affecting the agency efficiency at first . The thesis tries to find out : what are agency chains of the government investment project ?

  6. 导致家族企业内部委托代理机制效率低下的原因是多方面的,除了职业经理人道德水准不高之外,还有其它一系列因素。

    Except for the low morality level of occupational agent , there are a series of other factors resulting in agency principles 's low efficiency in family business .

  7. 在本例中,有必要对初始请求和干涉结果进行分析,以便开发一种方法来自动干涉,提高代理的效率。

    In this case , it might be useful to analyze the original request versus outcomes through intervention in order to develop a means to automate intervention and increase productivity of agents .

  8. 为了测试网络探测代理的运行效率,在作者现有的网络环境中进行了丢包率测试、CPU负载测试。

    For the sake of testing the run efficiency of the network detection agent , do the lose package ratio testing and the CPU load testing in a network .

  9. 银行监管制度中委托&代理问题与效率损失

    On Principal-Agent Problem & Efficiency Loss in Banking Supervision System

  10. 从企业内部约束机制和外部约束机制两方面出发,以降低效率损失为最终目标,构建了委托代理关系下效率损失的双向制衡机制。

    Start from internal tied mechanism and external tied mechanism at the same time , a mutual and balancing mechanism of efficiency losing under agency by agreement relationship is constructed , that regards reducing efficiency losing as a final goal .

  11. 同时,本文运用了委托代理理论、效率理论、内部控制理论,依托财政部企业会计准则,借鉴了国内外学者关于固定资产管理的研究成果,分析了国有商业银行固定资产管理的症结所在。

    At the same time , this paper uses the application of principal-agent theory , efficiency theory , the theory of internal control , relys on enterprise accounting guidelines , and draws lessons from the domestic and international scholars on fixed assets management research results .

  12. 第二部分着重从理论上分析了投资基金制度中的委托&代理关系对制度效率的影响。

    Chapter Two analyses the effect of agency problem in investment fund .

  13. 委托代理关系下的效率损失问题的分析

    Analysis of the efficiency losing under the agency by agreement

  14. 代理成本和融资效率之间呈反向变动,代理成本越大,融资效率越小,反之,融资效率越低。

    Agency cost moves in the opposite direction to that of Financing Efficiency .

  15. 产权、代理成本和代理效率

    Ownership , Agency Cost and Agency Efficiency

  16. 同时为低带宽的节点提供了节点代理,使搜索效率大大提高。

    And at the same time , we provide the node proxy for our narrow bandwidth nodes , which greatly improve our searching efficiency .

  17. 利用建立的数学模型,我们在理论上得到如下结论:现有的产品市场对我国中小民营企业的这类代理问题的治理效率有限;

    In use of the analytical modeling for the second agency problem , we conclude that the available product market mechanism is effective , but the effectiveness is limited ;

  18. 从代理成本和代理效率两方面来看,声誉激励虽然不能显著降低代理成本,但是能够显著地提高代理效率。

    In terms of both agency cost and agency efficiency the two aspects , although reputation incentives can not reduce agency costs significantly , they can improve agent productivity significantly .

  19. 本文认为,解决委托代理关系下的效率损失问题,不仅依赖于企业内部约束机制的健全,还依赖于企业外部约束机制的完善;

    This text shows that solving the problem of efficiency losing under agency by agreement relationship , not only depends on integrity of tied mechanism in enterprises , but also on the perfection of external tied mechanism .

  20. 代理成本过高,代理效率低下;

    The acting cost is so high that the efficiency of acting is low ;

  21. 代理层次过多导致国有商业银行代理效率损耗、内部人控制和成本外溢。

    And excessive levels of entrusted agency will lead to the decrease of agency efficiency , the control by inner people and the spillover of cost .

  22. 上下级之间委托代理链条过长,加剧了信息不对称,导致代理效率损耗、内部人控制和代理成本外溢。

    Secondly in the respect of the entrusted agency relationship between the higher and lower level of bank , the agency chain strengthens info asymmetry , cuts agency efficiency and causes failure in cost control .

  23. 在委托代理的实际运作过程中,会出现诸如委托代理成本、效率及危害出资者利益等问题。

    In the process of trust and agency operation , some problems arise , such as the cost and efficiency of trust and agency and the perniciousness to the investor 's profit .

  24. 产品市场竞争与代理成本的回归结果显示,产品市场竞争的提高能降低代理成本,提高代理效率。(2)产品市场竞争对公司治理的不同维度影响不同。

    The regression results of product market competition and agency costs show that the improvement of product market competition can reduce agency costs and improve agent efficiency . ( 2 ) Product market competition has different effects on different dimensions of corporate governance .

  25. 长期投资率和职工人数与代理成本呈显著正相关关系,而长期投资率、财务杠杆比率、职工人数等与代理效率呈显著负相关关系。

    The ratio of long-term investments to assets and the number of employee are significantly positively related to agency cost , and the ratio of long-term investments to assets , financial leverage and the number of employee are significantly negatively relative with agency efficiency .

  26. 反之代理成本差异越大。(4)随着市场竞争程度的提高,各类产权企业的代理成本都呈现下降趋势,其代理效率呈现提高趋势。

    With the strengthening of competition , the agency costs of various property rights are almost increasingly decreasing , and respectively the agency efficiency are gradually increasing .

  27. 本文认为双重代理目标导致国有商业银行经营行为的异化、绩效评价的虚化和激励约束不足;代理层次过多导致国有商业银行代理效率损耗、内部人控制和成本外溢。

    It puts forward that the dual objectives of agency leads to the operating deviation of state-owned commercial banks , the falsity of performance estimate and the insufficient of incentive restriction .