
  • 网络the fundamental theorem of algebra
  1. 用R2上连续向量场旋度理论来证明代数基本定理。

    The paper gives a proof for the fundamental theorem of algebra from the theorem of rotation of continuos field in R ~ 2 .

  2. 对代数基本定理的证明,进行了多种方法的分析,运用初等方法、Cauchy积分定理和Brouwer不动点定理,给出另外3种方法进行论证。

    With various methods to prove the fundamental theorem of algebra analyzed , this paper use the elementary method , Cauchy integral theorem and the theorem of Brouwer 's immovable point to prove the fundamental theorem of Algebra .

  3. H-余模余代数基本定理

    The Fundamental Theorem for H-Comodule Coalgebras

  4. 重结点周期单样条的代数基本定理

    The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra for Periodic Monosplines with Multiplicity Knots

  5. 基于拓扑方法的代数基本定理的证明

    A Proof on Fundamental Theorem of Algebra Based on Topological Method

  6. 代数基本定理的八种证明方法

    The Eight Ways of Proving the Basic Theorem of Algebra

  7. 关于可除代数基本定理的一个注记

    A note on the basic theorem of division Algebras

  8. 这就是代数基本定理。

    That is the so-called fundamental theorem of algebra .

  9. 关于代数基本定理的注记

    A Note On The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

  10. 在复变函数论中,用了两种不同的方法证明了代数基本定理。

    In the complex function , we can prove fundamental theorem of algebra in two different ways .

  11. 从数学史的角度给出关于代数基本定理的注记,并介绍了中国数学家如秦九韶、林士锷在求解数字方程的研究。

    Frode Terkelsen gives an elementary and brief prove with the complex certification , Zhou Mali shows fundamental theorem of algebra with the mapping point .

  12. 在此基础上,利用表代数同态基本定理,分别从合成列及表基的p阶、阶表子集的数目角度刻画了初等abelian表代数。

    As a further step , from the view of the number of composition series and table subset of order or elementary abelian table algebra is depicted by making use of fundamental theorem on homomorphism of table algebra .

  13. Fuzzy商代数与同态基本定理

    Fuzzy factor algebras and the fundamental theorem of homomorphisms

  14. 后者以高斯的代数方程的基本定理作为结束。

    The latter is concluded by Gauss 's famous Fundamental Theorem of Algebra .

  15. 在BCK代数的同态同构基本定理基础上,引进了乘积并给出了它的性质,由此又进一步得到了关于模糊带算BCK代数乘积的同构定理,从而使模糊带算BCK代数的讨论更加深入。

    Based on the BCK algebra homomorphism and isomorph , product is introduced and some qualities are given . Some isomorph theorems about Fuzzy BCK algebra with linear operator are obtained .

  16. 引入BZ-代数的理想概念,并证明了BZ-代数的同态基本定理。利用BZ-代数的BZ1-部分,证明了此BZ1-部分是子代数又是理想,且其商代数是群逆BZ-代数。

    The ideal and the anti - grouped ideal of BZ - algebra were introduced and the homomorphism theorem of BZ - algebras was proved .

  17. 利用Hopf代数的基本研究方法,讨论了在Hopf代数同态下有关商Hopf代数的性质并对余代数的基本同态定理进行了推广。

    In this paper we discussed the properties of quotient Hopf algebra under Hopf algebra homomorphism and generalized fundamental homomorphism theorem for coalgebra by basic research method .