
  • Drive on behalf of;Generation;Driving
  1. 由于没有法律法规的规定,导致代驾后的道路侵权责任问题的解决也比较困难。

    In the absence of laws and regulations , resulting in tort liability problem of generation of driving road is also more difficult to solve .

  2. 先生,是你打电话要找代驾服务吗?

    Sir , did you call for the driving service ?

  3. 考虑到自动驾驶技术的成本以及责任和维护问题,第一批商用无人驾驶汽车几乎肯定会采用代驾服务。

    The first commercially available driverless cars will almost certainly be fielded by ride-hailing services , considering the cost of self-driving technology as well as liability and maintenance issues .

  4. 例句:请帮我预订一个代驾司机。

    Please reserve a designated driver for me .

  5. 据业内人士估计,北京每天的代驾司机需求量为3000名。

    Beijing has a need for about 3000 designated drivers a day , according to the estimates of business insiders .

  6. 本文通过三部分论述酒后代驾的法律问题。第一章,案例概况和焦点问题提出。

    It discusses legal problems existed in designated driving after driving in three chapters .

  7. 从酒后代驾看餐饮业深度服务趋向

    Looking into the Tendency of Profound Service for Catering Industry at the Angle of the Car Driving for Drunken Customers

  8. 滴滴快的声称,它在中国360个城市拥有2.50亿用户,提供的服务包括出租车、专车、代驾乃至巴士。

    Didi claims 250m users in 360 Chinese cities , with services ranging from taxis and private car hailing to chauffeurs and even buses .

  9. 代驾们在大城市里骑着迷你自行车和电动摩托车,为那些喝了酒,需要他们开车回家的人提供服务。

    Designated drivers for hire ride mini-bikes and electric scooters around big cities to people who drink and need them to drive their car home .

  10. 滴滴目前在中国市场提供包括出租车和私家车打车服务,代驾司机服务以及拼车等一系列运输服务。

    Didi currently offers a variety of transportation services in China , including taxi and private car hailing , designated drivers and peer-to-peer products like ride-sharing .

  11. 而有偿代驾行业在我国东部沿海发达城市,如北京、天津、上海、广州、深圳等城市飞速发展着。

    And paid drive industry in developed eastern coastal city in China , such as Beijing , Tianjin , Shanghai , Guangzhou , Shenzhen city the rapid development .

  12. 有部分网络媒体报道:‘三无’可谓目前代驾行业的真实写照:无主管单位、无准入门槛、无统一标准。

    Earlier media reports said the " three noes " can be described as a true portrayal of the current generation of drive industry : No unit in charge , without access threshold , no uniform standard .

  13. 但是由于其行业内部缺乏统一的行业标准,在民事立法上又缺乏具体的法律指引,这就使得需要代驾的车主以及具备提供代驾的司机望而却步。

    But due to the lack of uniform industry standard of the industry , in the civil legislation and the lack of specific legal guidelines , this makes the need to drive car owners and drivers have to drive and step back .