
dài lǐ xié yì
  • agency agreement
  1. 信三:阐述代理协议书要点

    Letter Three : Stating the Main Points for an Agency Agreement

  2. 如果签订代理协议,您建议的年销售量是多少呢?

    What annual turnover will you suggest for the agency agreement ?

  3. 一种自组织的P2P代理协议和搜索算法

    A P2P Proxy Protocol Based on Self-organizing and Searching Algorithm

  4. 网上银行系统中安全代理协议(SAP)的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Secure Agent Protocol in Network Banking System

  5. Socks协议是一个基于客户机/服务器结构的网络代理协议。

    The Socks protocol is a proxy protocol of network based on C / S.

  6. Socks代理协议分析

    Analysis of Socks Proxy Protocol

  7. 在传输层中,采用IP报文代理协议,克服误码率高、时延大等不利于传输的缺点。

    To overcome the disadvantages such as higher error rates , propagation delay and so on , a HF agent protocol for IP message was used in the transfer layer .

  8. 论述了HTTP代理协议的实现过程,并就HTTP代理的身份认证和缓冲机制作出分析研究和探讨

    This article makes a research about HTTP proxy protocol 's implementation , and it also makes a discussion about proxies ' user authorization and data cache mechanism

  9. 采用了SOCKSv5代理协议,使合法用户能够穿越防火墙来保证文件传输的透明性。

    It also adopts proxy protocol of Socks V5 so as to ensure the validated users to transfer file transparently through AFT.

  10. 基于UDP代理协议过程前3项同TCP,其后为UDP协商和数据收发。

    The previous three steps of UDP-based proxy protocol process are the same as that of TCP-based proxy , the post steps is UDP negotiation and sending or receiving of data .

  11. 基于ECSA模型,提出了三种不同的代理协议。

    Based on ECSA , we bring forward three different delegation protocols .

  12. 该代理协议只适用于指定给你们的地区。

    This agency agreement cover only the territory allocate to you .

  13. 国际石油项目代理协议性质和风险防范刍议

    On Agency Agreement Nature and Risk Prevention of International Oil Project

  14. 他们签署了一个代理协议或代理合同。

    They sign an agency agreement or an agency contract .

  15. 代理协议所包括的市场详列在附件中

    The markets covered by the agency agreement are listed in the appendix

  16. 本代理协议的期限是不限定的吗?

    Is this agency agreement made for an unlimited duration ?

  17. 我们的代理协议要求你方及时递交市场报告一份。

    Our agency agreement calls for a timely market report .

  18. 我是来谈代理协议的。

    I 've come to talk about an agency agreement .

  19. 签定第一个合同,并执行完毕后,代理协议生效。

    Finish the first order , the sales contract come into effect .

  20. 代理协议以你方认可为条件。

    The agency agreement is made subject to your approval .

  21. 我们可以在独家代理协议期满时续订。

    We can renew the agreement of sole agency on its expiry .

  22. SOCKS5是一个标准的网络代理协议。

    SOCKS 5 is a standard Internet proxy protocol .

  23. 关于国际经销和销售代理协议的探讨

    On the International Distribution and Sales Agency Agreements

  24. 我建议订一个专销自行车的为期三年的独家代理协议。

    I propose a sole agency agreement for bicycles for a period of3 years .

  25. 代理协议的取消以书面用挂号方式寄出。

    Cancellation of the agency agreement must be made in write by registered mail .

  26. 我们想把我们之间的独家代理协议延长两年。

    We 'd like to renew our sole agency agreement for another two years .

  27. 本代理协议期限仅为两年。

    The agency agreement have draw up for a duration of two year only .

  28. 该代理协议下个月期满。

    The Agency Agreement will expire next month .

  29. 有关几种网络代理协议的探讨

    Discussion about several kinds of network proxy protocol

  30. 没有代理协议我们也照样扩大业务量,对吗?

    We can still expand business without an agency agreement , can not we ?