
A Survey of the Chinese Trade Barrier : Achievement , Insufficiency and Perfection
Preliminary Analysis on the Temporary Rules of International Trade Barrier Investigation of China ;
The Chapter Two is about the comparative analysis of legislation idea of the foreign trade barrier investigation system .
The implementing of The Foreign Trade Barrier Investigation Rules of China on March 1,2005 indicates that our country initially established this mechanism .
A Comparison Between " China 's Investigating Interim Rules on Barriers to Foreign Trade " and " EC Regulation on Barriers to Trade "
Based on the above , explain the existing condition of legislation and defect of our Ministry of Commerce for Investigation of Foreign Trade Barriers Rulers .
The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council shall , on the basis of the findings , submit investigation reports or make determinations and give public notices .
In 2004 , a new chapter named Foreign Trade Barrier Investigation System is set up in the newly revised foreign trade law of China . And based on the above regulation , the Foreign Trade Barrier Investigation Rule of China is improved .