
duì wài mào yì fǎ
  • foreign trade law
  1. WTO规则下我国对外贸易法的重构

    Entry into WTO & Improve of China Foreign Trade Law

  2. 本文就修改《对外贸易法》的基本问题即《对外贸易法》的地位和性质以及与WTO规则的关系进行了探讨。

    This paper explores the basic problems pertaining to the revision of the Foreign Trade Law , viz . , its nature , status and its relation with the rules of WTO .

  3. 关于修改《对外贸易法》的法律思考

    Legal Thoughts of Revising and Amending the Laws of Foreign Trade

  4. 新《对外贸易法》规范进出口经营活动

    Revised Foreign Trade Law to Standardize Import and Export Business

  5. 《对外贸易法》修改与中国外经贸发展

    Revised Foreign Trade Law and the Development of China 's Foreign Trade

  6. 美国对外贸易法的立法及其发展

    Legislation of America 's Foreign Trade Law and Its Development

  7. 英国法院对中国《海商法》和《对外贸易法》的适用和评价

    English courts applying and considering Chinese maritime and trade law

  8. 2004年《对外贸易法》修订特色分析

    The Analysis on the Characteristic of the Foreign Trade Law Published in 2004

  9. 浅析新《对外贸易法》对我国企业的重大意义

    Significance of the New Trade Law to Chinese Enterprises

  10. 德意志联邦共和国对外贸易法

    Foreign Trade Law of the Federal Republic of Germany

  11. 《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》框架下的外贸代理制

    Foreign Trade Agency System in New " Foreign Trade Law of PRC "

  12. 对外贸易法若干问题研究

    Study on Several Issues of Foreign Trade Law of the People 's Republic of China

  13. 美国对外贸易法中贸易促进权模式探析

    Historical Evolution of the " Trade Promotion Authority " in Foreign Trade Law of the United States

  14. 中国出口管制面临最大的问题是《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》第16条与GATT/WTO规则存在冲突,因而需要修改。

    The biggest problem of China is that there are conflicts between foreign trade law of PRC and GATT .

  15. 虽作为对外贸易法体系中的法律规定,337条款却具有知识产权保护救济的功能。

    Although provided in a foreign trade law system , Section 337 has a function of intellectual property right protection .

  16. 而本文试图通过完善《对外贸易法》来解决对外贸易中的专利权滥用问题。

    And this article attempts to improve the " Foreign Trade Law " to resolve the foreign trade of patent abuse .

  17. 从《对外贸易法》和我国零售业立法现状中找到现行零售业开放国内立法存在的问题。

    Find out the problems of the current local retailing services ' opening legislation from Foreign Trade Law and the present legislative condition .

  18. 受国际、国内政治、经济形势变化的影响,美国对外贸易法也在不断发展变化以与之相适应。

    It includes Chapter 1.The U.S. foreign trade laws have adapted themselves to the changes of political and economic trends from time to time .

  19. 第八条有对外贸易法第十七条规定情形之一的货物,禁止进口。

    Article 8 In any of the circumstances as provided in Article 17 of the Foreign Trade Law , the goods concerned shall be prohibited from importation .

  20. 从《对外贸易法》、外商投资企业法的相关规定及规范外商投资零售业的规章三个层次来介绍我国零售业的立法现状;

    It introduces the legislative condition of retailing services by researching Foreign Trade Law , the related regulations on foreign investment law of enterprise and on foreign investment retailing services .

  21. 我国要处理好贸易与环保问题,还需要对目前的宪法、对外贸易法和环境法进行完善。

    In order to deal with the problem of international trade and environmental protection in our country , we also shall improve the current Constitution , foreign trade law and environment law .

  22. 美国对外贸易法的制度与实践直接影响着全球经济及全球贸易制度的内容及其发展,具有重要的法治意义。

    The U.S. foreign trade law system and practice directly affects the content and development of the global economy and trading system . It becomes considerably significant for the rule of law .

  23. 新《对外贸易法》、《货物进出口管理条例》和《行政许可法》等法律的制定使我们初步建立起透明、公平、高效的进口许可制度。

    A transparently fair and efficient ILS has been preliminarily established by implementing laws such as new Foreign Trade Law , Management Regulation on Import and Export of Goods and Administrative Licensing Law .

  24. 五是进一步完善我国涉外投资法律体系,促进外国直接投资的不断发展:六是修改现行的《对外贸易法》,完善外贸管理制度;

    Fifthly , to further improve our legal system of foreign investment and to promote the continuous development of the foreign direct trade . Sixthly , to modify the current ? Foreign Trade Law ?

  25. 2004年7月1日,我国已正式实施新的《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》,该法的实施必然会使外贸代理制度从公法领域回归至私法领域。

    China has already issued renewed foreign trade law which will be put into effect on July 1, 2004.The implementation of this law will promote the return of foreign trade agency system from public law area to private law area .

  26. 我国对外贸易法也作出反应,在2004年新修改的《对外贸易法》中增设对外贸易壁垒调查专章,并据此完善了《对外贸易壁垒调查规则》。

    In 2004 , a new chapter named Foreign Trade Barrier Investigation System is set up in the newly revised foreign trade law of China . And based on the above regulation , the Foreign Trade Barrier Investigation Rule of China is improved .

  27. 我们应坚持科学立法,增强法律的系统性和透明度,制定完善的外资管理法和对外贸易法,改革外贸管理体制,增强法制意识,提高自我保护能力。

    So we should persist in scientific legislation , strengthen the systematicness and transparency of laws , formulate perfect foreign capital management laws and foreign trade laws , reform the system of foreign trade management , reinforce legal consciousness and improve the competency of self-protection .

  28. 泰国因加入WTO比较早,其对外贸易管理法主要根据GATT/WTO协定逐渐制定和修改而形成,故泰国对外贸易管理的法律、法规相当有限,从事该领域的研究者较少。

    Being one of the early WTO members , the country 's foreign trade regulations are largely based on GATT / WTO agreements , however there are some limitations in these regulations . Moreover , there are few researchers in this area .

  29. 第1部分探讨了泰国对外贸易管理法的历史发展,揭示了不同历史阶段的特点,剖析了当代泰国对外贸易法的法律模式。

    The first part focuses on the history and evolution of Thai foreign trade regulation , the characteristics of regulations in different historic periods , and the law system of Thai foreign trade regulations .

  30. 上海对外贸易学院的贸易法专家高永富表示:“我认为,这一争端不太可能局限在仅仅一个行业,它很可能蔓延到其它行业。”

    Gao Yongfu , an expert in trade law at Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade , said : " I think it unlikely that this dispute will be limited to just one industry - it 's likely to spread to others . "