
  • 网络straddle;CONTRA;Matched order;improper matched orders
  1. 对敲怂恿一方客户买入,同时怂恿另一方客户卖出相同股票以虚设交易。

    Encouraging one client to buy while encouraging another to sell the same stock in order to create a transaction .

  2. 但不知为何这被当成了对敲西瓜这种行为的攻击,而一些中国评论者认为敲西瓜是中国人独有的习惯。

    But somehow it was taken as an attack on a practice which some Chinese observers regarded as being unique to their national customs .

  3. 拟南芥中,对敲除突变体的基因表达研究和分析有助于了解病害抗性路径的全貌。

    In Arabidopsis , gene expression studies and analysis of knock-out ( KO ) mutants have been instrumental in building an integrated view of disease resistance pathways .