
  • Foreign trade promotion;【法】promotion of foreign trade
  1. 对外贸易促进技术发展和工业生产,反过来新技术的出现确定了专业化格局和贸易格局,为工业化铺平了道路。

    International trade promotes the development of technology and industrial production .

  2. 国际直接投资流入对我国对外贸易促进效应分析

    Analysis of the Promotion of Chinese International Trade by FDI-inflow

  3. 在过去20多年中,我国对外贸易促进经济增长的机制主要表现为:出口贸易利用闲置资源经济增长。

    Utilization of the spare resources-economic growth .

  4. 第六章对外贸易促进

    Chapter VI Promotion of Foreign Trade

  5. 对外贸易促进经济增长的问题,历来是增长经济学的重大课题和研究热点。

    The influence of foreign trade on economic growth has been a key subject to developing economic .

  6. 第一部分着重从理论方面阐述对外贸易促进经济增长的作用机制。

    The first section of the article is the general theory on foreign trade promoting economic growth ;

  7. 最后,从具体对策角度分析了提高我国对外贸易促进经济增长作用的配套措施。

    Finally analyses the necessary steps that improve our country foreign trade promoting the economic growth effect through the concrete countermove angle .

  8. 第四部分进一步探讨我国发展对外贸易促进就业所面临的挑战和机遇。

    The fourth part is the challenges and opportunities under the new situation in front of the development of foreign trade in China to promote employment .

  9. 第三十四条国家采取进出口信贷、口退税及其他对外贸易促进措施,发展对外贸易。

    Article 34 The State may take import and export credit , export tax refund and other foreign trade promotion measures for the purpose of the development of foreign trade .

  10. 再次,在上分析的基础上,从供给的角度,利用适用性改进后的费德模型,重点分析对外贸易促进江苏省经济增长所表现出来的特征和影响程度的大小;

    Thirdly , based on the previous analysis , from the angle of supply , use improved FEDER model to focus on the characteristics and influence extent of foreign trade 's promotion on economic growth ;

  11. 政府鼓励发展外贸的政策将通过采取国际上普遍认可的对外贸易促进措施得以实施。例如建立促进外贸发展的专门金融机构,设立外贸发展基金和风险基金等。

    Government policies for encouraging the development of foreign trade will be carried out by adopting universally accepted promotional measures , such as setting up special financial institutions to enhance the development of foreign trade establishing foreign trade development and risk funds etc.

  12. 第二部分为理论回顾,主要阐述了经济增长的概念,介绍了对外贸易促进经济增长的核心理论以及进出口贸易促进经济增长的作用机制。

    The second part is review of relevant theories . Explained the concept of economic growth , then introduced the core theory about foreign trade to promote economic growth , and described the mechanism of import and export trade to promote economic growth .

  13. 大力发展对外贸易,促进西部开发

    To Develop Foreign Trade More Energetically and to Promote the Development of Western China

  14. 国际经验表明对外贸易能促进制度变迁,从而加速经济增长。

    International experiences show that international trade can promote institutional changes , thus accelerate economic growth .

  15. 发展对外贸易、促进经济的增长成为重庆的当务之急。

    At present , it is urgent to develop foreign trade for the promotion of Chongqing 's economic growth .

  16. 另外,从我们国家进一步发展对外贸易,促进对外贸易平衡的角度讲,各项措施也正在得到落实。

    In addition , a series of measures are being implemented to promote China 's foreign trade and trade balance .

  17. 基于此本文将三者进行整合来研究河北省对外贸易是否促进经济增长以及多大程度促进经济增长。

    So this article will integrate the three to study foreign trade in Hebei province to promote economic growth and how to promote economic growth .

  18. 从经济绩效来看,具备对外贸易通过促进制度变迁而加速经济增长因果关系的省份,经济绩效优于后者。

    As to economic performance , provinces possessing the consequence of foreign trade development promoting institution innovation thus accelerating economic growth do better than the latter .

  19. 此外,我国外贸物流发展尚未成熟,其对经济增长与对外贸易的促进作用也还未完全呈现,因此科学规划外贸物流系统意义重大。

    In addition , foreign trade logistics in China is still not mature . Its role in promoting economic growth and foreign trade is not fully presented .

  20. 近三十年来,加工贸易起到推动经济增长、扩大对外贸易、促进就业、增加财政收入、带动产业结构升级和技术进步等方面的作用,为本省经济的发展做出重大贡献。

    For nearly three decades , processing trade made great efforts in promoting economic growth , expanding international trade , offering lots of job opportunities , increasing financial revenue , upgrading the whole industry and improving local technology .

  21. 各国的绿色壁垒相对于WTO绿色规则来说,两者所允许的绿色环保措施是一致的,目的都是使对外贸易既能促进本国经济的发展,又有利于生态环境的保护。

    Relative to the WTO 's green rules , the green rampart and the environmental protection measures are consistent with the same purpose of promoting the development of home economy , and benefits the protection of ecological environment .

  22. 希望本文能够对优化石家庄对外贸易结构,促进区域经济发展起到一定的作用。

    The thesis aims to help optimize the foreign trade structure in Shijiazhuang and promote regional economic development . The thesis is divided into five part .

  23. 研究在我国现阶段的产业结构和就业状况下的出口商品结构调整对策,对改善我国对外贸易环境、促进对外贸易的可持续增长有着十分积极地现实意义。

    Therefore we should research on the structure adjustment countermeasure of export commodity under the present industry structure and employment situation in China , which has quite actively realizable signification to improve our foreign trade environment and to promote the continuable increase in external trade .

  24. 农产品对外贸易不仅直接促进农业经济增长,而且通过对其他部门产生外部经济效益,间接促进农业经济的增长。和其他部门一样,这些差异使得中国的种植业生产具有不同的地区比较优势。

    Those figures strongly suggest that China 's trade of agricultural products has played an enhancive function to promote growth of its agricultural economy through externality effects on other sectors . Those differences constitute the bases of regional comparative advantages in grain production , as well as in other sectors .

  25. Foreigneconomicandtradedevelopmentwill发展对外经济贸易有利于促进国民经济快速增长。

    the promotion of speedy national economic growth .

  26. 再次,运用数据和图表从广东的贸易商品结构、贸易国别结构、贸易方式结构三个方面论证了FDI对广东对外贸易结构优化的促进效应。

    And then explains with some figures how FDI improved the composition of Foreign trade in the aspects of composition of traded goods , composition of trade partners , and composition of trading methods .

  27. 美国对外贸易法中贸易促进权模式探析

    Historical Evolution of the " Trade Promotion Authority " in Foreign Trade Law of the United States

  28. 在此基础上,从产业集聚和对外贸易两方面提出促进参考政策。

    Base on this , put forward reference policies from aspects of industry agglomeration and foreign trade .

  29. 发展中国家开展对外贸易的目的是促进和推动本国的经济发展。

    The aim for the developing nation to develop foreign trade is to promote and push the economic development of the naion .

  30. 本文的研究目的是从对外贸易的角度寻求促进产业结构升级的方法途径。

    The purpose of this research is to seek the method to promote upgrading of industrial restructure from the perspective of trade .