
dìnɡ yì tiáo kuǎn
  • Defined Terms;definition clause
  1. 因此,法律文本中定义条款的设置,应在总结现有经验的基础上,由立法机关遵照统一的立法技术规范来完成。

    Therefore , the setting up of definition clause in law text should be based on the summary of current experience and led by legislative organs following the uniform legislative technical norms .

  2. 现行法律文本中,定义条款设置中存在的问题多是在立法过程中长期积累形成的,主要表现为定义条款及其规定内容在法律文本中的位置和表述方式的不统一。

    Long term accumulation in legislation caused many problems in setting up of definition clause . the main performance of which is the non-unity between location and way of expression of definitive clause and its contents .

  3. 第一节对公约草案的关键性定义条款做了界定,包括飞行中、第三方以及运营人。

    Section 1 defines some critical terms of the Draft Convention , including " in flight ", " third party " and " operator " .

  4. 定义条款的设置对明确相关术语的含义,正确理解法律,提高法律适用的准确性,保障法律的有效实施都具有重要意义。

    The setting up of definition clause has profound influences on clarifying meaning of relative legalism and correctly understanding the law , so as to upgrading the accuracy of applying and effectively enforcing the law .

  5. 然而在我国现行立法实践中,定义条款的设置却存在着诸多问题,具体表现在法律规范对法律文本中定义条款如何进行设置,缺乏明确而具体的法律依据和相关具体规范。

    However , in the current legislative practice , problems exist in the process of the setting up of definition clause , i.e. there is no clear and specific legal basis and relative regulations on how to set up definition clause in legal text .

  6. 定义条款作为规范法律文本的重要组成部分,出现在法律文本的总则、分则、附则中,是明确特定概念术语的含义和确定法律法规的适用范围的法律条款。

    As the essential part of normative law text , definitive clause , existing in the general , special and supplementary provisions , is the kind of legal terms which clearly defines the connotation of special legalism and scope of application of the laws and regulations .

  7. 法律文本中经常使用一些日常用语、技术用语,而对这些词语的准确理解,直接关系到法律的适用和遵守,因此,立法者在法律文本中都以定义条款的方式来界定特定词语的含义。

    Daily expressions and technical terms are used frequently in legal text . Properly understanding of these words has a clear bearing on the application and conformity of law . Therefore , legislators adopt definition clause to define the meaning of specific words in legal text .

  8. 因此,立法者在运用立法技术设置定义条款的过程中,既要满足立法政策的表达,又要保证法律信息能够被法律接受者准确接收,最终实现定义条款的规范设置。

    Hence , in the process of setting up definition clause by performing legislative technology , legislators have to satisfy both the expression of legislative policy and the needs of accurately taking the legal information by receivers , which will ultimately realize the normative setting up of definition clause .

  9. 本文就其第一条“适用范围”、第二条“责任”、第三条“定义”部分条款作了初步探讨。

    This paper makes an inquiry into Rules No.1-Application , No.2-Responsibility , and No.3-Generai Definitions .

  10. 它也禁止汇率操纵,但这个术语从未得到过一致的定义,相关条款成为一纸空文。

    It also forbade exchange rate manipulation but the term was never coherently defined and the relevant provision became a dead letter .

  11. 由于缺乏明确的定义,征用条款为起诉和法律解释都提供了充分的回旋余地。

    Because of the lack of clear doctrines , the taking clause has provided a fruitful ground for litigation and legal commentary .

  12. 例如,现行的蒙中双边贸易协定没有定义与适用范围条款。

    For example , in the existing agreement has not definition and scope of application provisions .