
  • 网络Local content requirement
  1. 当地成分要求直接影响东道国中间产品市场,间接影响外国直接投资(FDI)和贸易自由流动。

    The local content requirements have a direct effect on the host country 's market of middle-stage prod - ucts and an indirect effect on foreign direct investment and mobility of free trade .

  2. 还能够保护外资企业不受当地成分要求和出口配额的影响。

    and protect foreign-invested enterprises from local content requirements and export quotas .

  3. 当地成分要求研究动态与评述:东道国的视角

    The Research of Local Content Requirements-From Host Countries ' Perspective

  4. 世贸组织《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》禁止使用当地成分要求。

    The TRIMs Agreement prohibited local content requirements .

  5. 对东道国而言,适当的当地成分要求是一种有益于经济发展的政策。

    For a host country , the proper lo - cal requirement is a policy beneficial to economic developments .

  6. 当地成分要求是外商直接投资东道国为发展国内产业而普遍采用的一种措施,发展中国家对其应用最为广泛。

    Local content requirements is one of the most general measures which is used by host countries , especially by developing countries .

  7. 当地成分要求直接影响中间产品市场,间接影响外商直接投资和贸易自由流动,国外有许多文献专门研究当地成分要求对东道国经济效应的影响。

    Local content requirements influence the middle product market directly but influence the free flow of FDI and trade indirectly . A lot of documents abroad specialize the economic effect of the local content requirements in host country .

  8. 分析发展中国家和发达国家的产业结构差异与劳动力成本差异的特征,可以得出结论:当地成分要求将促进发展中国家国内产业的发展,但减少消费者剩余,而对其总体福利效应的影响是不确定的;

    Based on the difference of industry structure and labor wage , this paper 's major conclusion is : the local content requirement will strengthen local industry development , and reduce consumers ' remainder , but its influence on local government is still unidentified .

  9. 通过当地成分要求对东道国人均产出增长率影响的模型研究发现,均衡水平的当地成分要求对经济增长能产生正的促进作用。

    Through a study of the model on influ - ences of local content requirements upon the host country 's increasing rate of per capita product , it is found that the local content requirements in an equilibrium level can facilitate economic growth positively .