
duō biān mào yì tán pàn
  • multilateral trade negotiation
  1. 在去年11月结束的多哈会议上,已成功地启动了WTO新一轮多边贸易谈判。

    After the Doha Conference , a new round of WTO 's multilateral trade negotiation has been launched .

  2. 自WTO多哈回合多边贸易谈判2001年11月启动以来,谈判进程举步维艰。

    Since the WTO Doha round multilateral trade negotiation started up in November 2001 , every step of the negotiation process staggered .

  3. 首轮多边贸易谈判在希望与绝望间来回摇摆。

    The first round of multilateral trade talks has lurched between hope and despair .

  4. WTO新一轮多边贸易谈判于2001年底启动后,农业仍是核心问题。

    Since the launching of the new round WTO negotiations at the end of 2001 , Agriculture remains the core issue .

  5. WTO多边贸易谈判的最终目标是推动贸易自由化,农业议题是其中的焦点和难点。

    The ultimate goal of WTO multilateral negotiation is to enhance the trade liberalization , with the agriculture issue being the focus and the difficulty .

  6. 世界贸易组织(WTO)致力于通过多边贸易谈判使各成员方不断降低关税,取消非关税壁垒,实现贸易自由化。

    The World Trade Organization ( the WTO ) is dedicated to reduce tariff , cancel non-tariff barrier and realize trade liberalization by multilateral trade negotiation .

  7. 在WTO多边贸易谈判中,农业谈判一直是各方争论的焦点,属于政治敏感性问题。

    Agricultural negotiation has been the focus of controversy in WTO multilateral trade negotiations . It also belongs to " politically sensitive " topic for discussion .

  8. 过多的区域贸易协定直接威胁着多边贸易谈判的进程和前景,越来越严重地侵蚀着WTO的基石、精神和宗旨。

    The overwhelming development of RTAs threatens the process and future of the Doha Development Agenda directly , increasingly eroding the basis , spirit and purposes of WTO .

  9. WTO框架内的乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判的最后文件以及之后的许多协议,都极大地促进了电子商务规则的发展。

    The final legal texts of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations and the subsequent agreements in the framework of WTO have promoted the development of rules of Electronic Commerce .

  10. 1999年WTO西雅图部长会议启动新一轮多边贸易谈判的失败在一定程度上昭示着多边贸易体制正陷入困境。

    To some extent , the failure of the new round multilateral trade negotiation initiated by WTO Ministerial Meeting in Seattle , mirrored a difficult time for the multilateral trade system .

  11. 我国作为WTO的正式成员,将积极参与和推动新的多边贸易谈判,努力维护我国和整个发展中国家的利益。

    As a member of WTO , China will take an active part in the multilateral negotiations and do our best to defend the interests of China and the developing countries .

  12. 人们会预先估计其运作结果,因而将更强烈地刺激非apec国家重启多边贸易谈判进程。

    Operational results would be foreshadowed and thus generate much stronger inducements for countries outside APEC to restore the multilateral track .

  13. 不违反之诉是GATT/WTO争端解决机制中的重要组成部分,是维护GATT/WTO框架下双边或多边贸易谈判结果的有效机制之一。

    Non-violation complaints was an important part in GATT / WTO dispute settlement system , which effectively protect the results reached in the bilateral or multilateral trade negotiations .

  14. WTO多边贸易谈判的主要任务是制订国际贸易规则,推动贸易自由化进程。

    The main task of WTO multilateral trade negotiations , of which Agriculture is the focus and major difficulty , is to set up rules for international trade and thus push forward the trade liberalization process .

  15. WTO协定是一种调整WTO成员政府间宏观经贸关系的条约,是在GAIT近半个世纪的多轮多边贸易谈判基础上形成的综合性国际条约。

    WTO Agreement is the treaty which regulates macro-economical relationships among the governments of the WTO member nations and the comprehensive international treaty which is formed based on multi-negotiations lasting nearly half a century concerning GATT .

  16. 本文介绍了乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判中海运服务谈判的基本情况,指出GATS完全可适用于海运服务,是其达成进一步协议的法律制度平台。

    This article introduces the WTO multilateral negotiation in maritime transport service , and points out GATS is the legal base for maritime transport service .

  17. 尤其是,2003年9月召开的WTO第五次部长级会议即坎昆会议的失败,意味着国际多边贸易谈判受挫,进一步增加了各国采取更加保守贸易政策的可能性。

    In particular , the failure of the 5th WTO Ministerial Conference held in Cancun in September 2003 meant the frustration of international multilateral trade negotiation , which has further increased the possibility of various countries taking more conservative trade policies .

  18. 海运服务贸易自由化是WTO多边贸易谈判的重要议题之一,加入WTO意味着海运服务市场的进一步开放,将给国内海运企业带来巨大挑战。

    The liberalization of maritime transport service is one of the substantial topics in the multilateral trade negotiation of WTO . Entry into WTO means the further opening of maritime service market and will bring great challenges to domestic maritime enterprises .

  19. 在当前全球多边贸易谈判进展缓慢的背景下,区域经济合作&其中绝大多数是以自由贸易区(FTA)的形式,在世界各地蓬勃开展起来。

    Within the context of the recent slow progress in global multilateral trade negotiation , regional economic cooperation , mostly in the form of FTA , is blooming throughout the World .

  20. 在20世纪70年代,特别是在80年代后,在GATT主持的第八轮全球多边贸易谈判的努力下,各国关税大幅度下降,关税壁垒的作用受到了极大的限制。

    In 1970s , especially after 1980s , tariff was reduced to a large extent thanks to the 8th multilateral talk about global trade presided by GATT . The tariff was restricted greatly .

  21. 随着GATT和WTO的建立和发展,在多边贸易谈判的推动下,关税壁垒逐渐降低,其贸易保护的作用逐渐被以技术壁垒为主的非关税壁垒所取代。

    Along with development and the establishment of GATT and WTO in multilateral trading negotiation promote , tariff barriers reduces gradually , the protective role of its trade had been replaced gradually with the non-tariff barrier mainly with technical barriers .

  22. 印度政府威胁要阻挠去年由世界各国贸易部长在巴厘达成的协定的实行,此举可能使重启多边贸易谈判的努力陷入僵局,并进一步损害世界贸易组织(WTO)的名声。

    The Indian government is threatening to block the implementation of a deal struck in Bali last year by trade ministers from around the world , in a move that could halt efforts to revive multilateral trade talks and further damage the reputation of the World Trade Organisation .

  23. 第一章(TRIPS协定的产生)在简略回顾知识产权国际保护的历史以及GATT在加强知识产权保护方面所起的作用后,将重点回顾TRIPS协定是如何出现在乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判之中的。

    Section 1 first looks back at the history of IP international protection and the role of GATT in enhancing its protection . Then will turn to the difficult emergence of TRIPS Agreement during the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations .

  24. 在贸易方面,虽然G20公报很可能照例再次呼吁完成多哈回合多边贸易谈判,但印度和巴西谈判代表已表示,他们不会为了达成共识而对美国作出让步。

    In trade , although the G20 communiqu é is likely to restore the ritual call for a conclusion to the Doha round of multilateral trade talks , Indian and Brazilian negotiators have said they will not give ground to the US to get to a deal .

  25. 论乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判的前途

    On the Prospects for Multilateral Trade Negotiations of the Uruguay Round

  26. 重开多边贸易谈判需要各方都付出重大的努力。

    Breathing lifesintosthe multilateral trade negotiations will require significant efforts from all .

  27. 这也是多边贸易谈判所企盼的前景。

    That is the promise of the multilateral approach .

  28. ·充当多边贸易谈判的论坛;

    Acting as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations ;

  29. 第二就是多哈回合的多边贸易谈判的结果。

    The second is the outcome of the Doha round of multilateral trade talks .

  30. 体现多边贸易谈判乌拉圭回合各项结果的法律文书;

    Legal instruments embodying the results of the Uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations ;